Author's note: I was going to wait for this fan fic to come out, but, I was so sure of what I was going to do with it I decided...why not? I hope you think it's as comical as the two other stories I'm working on, maybe even funnier. Enjoy!

Soul's birthday was coming up in two days and Maka was clueless on what she was going to get for him. Blair was more prepaired than she was and she didn't even know him that well. She got him a pumpkin with a white wig, a head band and Soul's face on it. It actually looked like Soul.

Feeling guilty for not having a gift, Maka walked through town. Then she came across a motorcycle sale for $500. The motorcycle was so beautiful and big enough for them both to ride. (I wish you guys could see this awsome image in my head. I'll explain it the best way I can.) It was a white motorcycle with soul shaped headlights and a long windshield. There were two seats that looked very comfortabale. And it had huge engines in the back that were shiny as Kid's guns.

Speaking of Death the Kid...he was just relaxing, enjoying his free day from school, admiring his symmetrical home. "It's so perfect. I'm proud of myself for pulling it off." he thought. "Kid, it's the weekend. Don't you want to do anything other than just...sit here?" asked Liz. "I'm enjoying myself, Liz. Let me do so." Then they heard a knock at the door. "Who is it?" Kid walked to the door. "It's Maka, I need a favor from you." Kid opened the door.

"What do you need?" he asked. "Um...I just need a little money from you, if you don't mind."

"Sure. How much?"

"Uh...$500...?" Kid slammed the door in her face. "Come on, Kid!" He opened the door. "What the hell are you gonna do with $500?"

"It's Soul's birthday in a couple of days and I was going to get him a motorcycle."

"I want to see it. If it's worth $500, then I'll see what I can do."

So Kid and Maka walked to the motorcycle sale and kid immediatly fell in love with the bike. "That is most definatly is worth $500! It's...perfectly symmetrical! I'll try to get past my dad for some money, okay?"

Kid went to the DWMA to see his dad and get a couple of dollars from him. "Dad...can I borrow $500?" he asked. Death turned around and looked at him like he was crazy. "What are you going with $500 dollars?" he asked. "Uh...a motorcycle...?"

"You have a skateboard made especially for you, Kiddo. You have more mobility with it. Besides, I don't even think a motorcycle fits your charater."

"'s not for me."

"Then who is it for?"


"Soul already has that type of vehicle."

"I know"

"Kid, it's very nice of you to get him a motorcycle but he already has one. I'm not giving you the $500."

"Why does it matter? You sit in the acadamy all day!"

Alright, fine! You can have the $500."


Kid got the $500 dollars for Maka, but when he got there, Maka told him that the sale was over and the motorcycle was back to it's regular price which was $900. "There is no way I'm getting $900 from my dad. It's impossible!" snapped Kid. "But your dada sits in the acadamy all day. It won't matter." Maka pointed out. "Ugh! Fine! I'll try!"

So Kid ran back to the acadamy and on his way there, he ran into Black*Star. "Kid, I was just looking for you! I need some money from you! It's Soul's birthday days and I was gonna get him a guitar! Yahoo!" he screamed. "Black*Star, do you have to let the world know that?"

"I need...$100!"

"Black*Star, calm down! I'll...I'll see what I can do..."

So on Kid's way to the acadamy, he ran into Blair. "Hi, Kid! Can I borrow $20 from you?" she asked. "What are you gonna do with it?"

"I need a big flash light for this pumpkin I have for Soul!"

"Can I kill Soul?"

"No! Pleeeeeese?" she begged, shoving her boobs in his face. "Ahhhhh! Okay! Okay! Fine! I'll see what I can do!"

Kid continued his walk to the acadamy, and after earning so many money trips, he decided to start running. But...sadly, he still managed to run into somebody. He ran into Liz. "Kid, I've been looking for you everywhere! I need $80 for a leather jacket I found for Soul, okay? Thanks!" Liz ran off before Kid could say that he couldn't go this far. But it was too late now. Kid had to scoop up $1100 for his friends and Kid didn't even have a gift to give. He finally made it to the acadamy without running into anybody else. "Dad...can I borrow $1100?"

"Now you're getting out hand. What are you going to do with all that money?"

"Um...give it away...?"

"That's outragious!"

"What are you going to do with it? You stay in the acadamy all day!"

"Kid, $1100? Seriously?"

"Look, Maka needs $900 for a motorcycle, Black*Star needs $100 for a guitar, Blair needs $20 for a flashlight, and Liz needs $80 for a jacket!"

"What? These are really weird requests. Why would Maka want a motorcycle? She'll break every bone in her body if she tried to ride some thing like that. Black*Star doesn't know anything about playing a guitar. Blair should have plenty of flashlights since she has all those pumpkins. And Liz...she would buy a jacket I guess. But still..."

"It's all for Soul! It's his birthday ina couple of days! You should know that!"

"Oh yeah! I forgot all about that! But I'm still not giving you the money."

"Why? Why do you care? You stay in the acadamy all day-"

"Okay! Okay! Fine! You can take the darn $1100!"

"Thanks, Dad!"

Kid finally got the money for his friends and on his way there he came across a piano sale. "Hmm. I don't have for Soul. He knows how to play the piano..."

Two days later, Kid was no where to be found. Everyone was ar Soul's birthday party, but no one had a gift for Soul. He was pissed. Blair was the only one who had her gift because she made it herself, but since she didn't have the flashlight, it was hard to see the face and it looked like a big pumpkin with a wig. Suddenly, they heard the sound of a motor. It was Kid! He was riding the motorcycle with the piano atached to it all the way to the front of the house. "Happy Birthday, Soul!" he cheered as he opened up the piano, revealing all the presents that was promised. "All theses things are from you?" asked Soul. "Nope. I just bought them. The piano is from me, the motorcycle is from Maka, the guitar is from Black*Star, and the flashlight is for that blank pumpkin over there."

"Wait, Kid, where's the jacket?" asked Liz. "I thought Soul wouldn't want a jacket so I used the $80 for the piano."

"Aw...Kid, I would love a jacket! I don't want white, because it get dirty easily, I don't know how to play guitar, and the pumpkin might rot!" Soul whined. Kid got so angry he flicked him off. "Fuck you, take the damn presents." Soul just blushed. "'s the thought that counts anyway, right?"

Author's note: So tell me what you think. Request a charater and I'll celibrate their birthday.