A/N: Originally written for LJ's KH Drabble Community's challenge [270] Obsession. Enjoy. ;)

Vanitas always got what he wanted. Always. It had been like this for as long as he could remember.

Since Vanitas was the epitome of Darkness, he was used to have only dark emotions. Sometimes, they took over his senses completely. His Master had noticed it once, and strangely enough, he had guessed the reason that caused him to act that way.

"Vanitas, focus," he had said. "Forget about her, she's no good."

Yes, the funny thing was that they always led him to one, and only one person: Aqua. A being of pure light. It couldn't get stranger than that… or that was what he used to think, until he was introduced with yet another sinister emotion: lust. Or was it simply an obsession for her?

He didn't know what it was about this young woman that kept attracting him to her, but it soon became a habit of him to watch her, from the shadows.

This lust slowly became a sweet obsession to him, a drug, something he couldn't live without anymore.

He knew that she often felt how someone, a being of pure Darkness, was watching her all the time. Occasionally, she would stop walking and look around her when he was near her. The road she was walking on would always be the same as a few seconds ago: empty, deserted. From the confused expression on her face, he could guess that she would wonder why her senses were tingling like that if nobody was there, followed by another thought, was she slowly losing her mind?

Little did she know that it was the same young man who had been watching her for days now. (He still wasn't entirely sure why, though…)

Vanitas was sure that every night, she would sit upright in her bed, sweat beading on her forehead, because she would have a nightmare about him again. She would sigh, because she couldn't forget the haunting laugh that belonged to the mysterious, masked boy. Even though she could never see if he was ever looking at her (for he wore that helmet as a mask), she could feel his eyes smoldering behind them, dangerous (...calculating). That was probably what would always alert her that he was near her.

It amused him to no end that she could never see him, not even when he was close enough to smell her intoxicatingly delicious smell, - either a whiff of her perfume, or her shampoo (tropical orchid?) – or touch her milky legs, her creamy skin, her soft, silky smooth hair…

Of all the people Vanitas had ever watched, Aqua was the strangest, yet most interesting person. In many situations, she acted exactly the way Vanitas had expected her to act, yet she still seemed to surprise him with her actions. Not many people were able to pull that off.

The most striking thing about her was the way she behaved on the battlefield. Her moves were calculating, but graceful. Aqua didn't fight. No, she danced her way to the victory. The battlefield only functioned as the dance floor. This made it hard for Vanitas to concentrate during his fights with her, fueling his dark desires that shouldn't be spoken out loud.

"Maybe I should make my presence known to her…" he whispered lowly, stepping out of the shadows and approaching her slowly, when another thought crossed his mind. "Nah…"

Perhaps he should enjoy this exciting little game of his a little longer. After all, she would never be able to escape him. He always knew where to look to find the object of his sweet obsession…