Hey guys, I had a review that said that the last chapter would have been better with more drama. No offense but I really didn't know how much more drama I could've added. Well I guess I could make Deuce kiss CeCe, have Gunther break up with her, yadda yadda yadda, but that's not how I really want this to work. You guys could make some suggestions if I ever write another story if you want to. Or I could add on to some of the chapters later. Well I hope you enjoy the chapter!

Once all of them had been dropped off at home they fell asleep, even CeCe.

Later in the evening, CeCe woke up to the smell of… Hot food, and not take out either!

She rubbed her eyes and quickly washed her face before appearing in the kitchen, where, to her surprise, were all of her friends including Gunther and Tinka. That smell was Gunther making chicken, mashed potatoes, corn and gravy.

"Wow!" she said, awed. She still couldn't believe Gunther's amazing cooking skills. There was a chorus of "Hey's" and "Hi's" as she went to sit down at the table, which was pretty small but still managed to fit everyone around it. There were plates around the whole table in various different places and she sat at the one that looked like it was the only one unoccupied, right in between Deuce and Rocky.

"Hey, hey, hey! Your mom invited us down for supper and Gunther actually offered to cook! She was shocked!" Rocky explained with a smile.

"Oh" was all CeCe could get out.

"Yeah, I guess it's kind of also a…. Good luck party, for tomorrow. After supper we planned on dancing so you could practice…. If it's okay I mean" Rocky said sheepishly.

"Yeah! It's great!" CeCe smiled hugely.

"Dinner is served!" Gunther said, placing everything on the table.

"MOM COME AND EAT!" CeCe and Flynn screamed in unison. Everyone closed their ears and CeCe blushed and mumbled "sorry".

"Coming, coming!" Georgia said, bustling around the chairs to her spot. "Gunther, honey, this smells amazing!" Georgia complimented as she sat down.

"Thank you Mrs. Jones!" he smiled at her then looked at CeCe and she couldn't help but smile too. She could swoon every time she saw his smile.

"Grace!" CeCe reminded Ty and Deuce as they began to shovel food into their plates.

"Who is Grace?" Gunther asked, confused.

"Grace is prayers before food Gunther dear" Georgia reminded him.

"Oh!" he said and then they all went silent as they said prayers.

"Amen!" They all chorused and then Deuce and Ty went back to greedily shovelling food into their plates.

"Typical Ty" Rocky mumbled, unimpressed.

"Help yourselves! There is lots" Gunther told them.

"Y'know dude. I thought you were going to make something like lamb, stuffed with goose and pringle-puss pudding or something" Ty said.

"TY! There is no such thing as pringle-puss pudding! And lamb stuffed with goose takes a long time to make!" Gunther said. CeCe was surprised he wasn't freaking out at Ty, which she thought he should do.

"Ty! Be nice!" Rocky disciplined pouring gravy over her chicken and mashed potatoes, which was exactly what CeCe was doing. Great minds think alike! she thought, scooping corn onto her plate.

Deuce was surprisingly not stuffing his face. Everyone seemed calm and like a family.

"This is awesome!" CeCe commented randomly, still with chicken in her mouth.

"Thank you CeCe" Gunther replied with a grin.

They spent supper talking calmly about summer and Shake it Up Chicago and how fun it was being on the show. Flynn stayed rather quiet, which wasn't normally like himself.

CeCe's mom noticed how quiet Flynn was and said to him softly.

"Flynn, honey, why don't you call Henry?"

"Okay!" his interest suddenly perked. Henry was one of those smart kids, a REALLY smart kid that knew way too much in CeCe's opinion. But in a lot of ways, in which CeCe would never admit, he was SO cute! One of the only friends Flynn had that was his age but Flynn didn't seem to mind how different they were from each other.

CeCe could faintly hear Flynn's conversation with Henry and too soon he hung up the phone.

"HENRY'LL BE HERE IN FIVE MINUTES MOM!" he yelled at the top of his little lungs.

"Jeez you guys yell a lot!" Gunther observed, using CeCe's word jeez.

It made him sound so cute, CeCe observed!

As Flynn said, Henry came exactly five minutes after he hung up the phone. Man this kid was good! He was wearing a grey sweater with light blue patches and brown official looking pants. Official looking for a kid! His hair was the usual slicked in the front and his glasses finished off his cute, geeky look. He had been CeCe's tutor once, something she really didn't want to remember.

"CeCe!" someone's voice yelled to her. It sounded impatient and annoyed.

"Y-yes?" she answered automatically. The person speaking was her mother.

"It's time to do the dishes sweet-heart."

"Supper's done already?" CeCe asked, clueless.

"Yeah, CeCe it's over" she sighed, as if that should've been obvious.

"I can help CeCe with the dishes!" Deuce offered.

"If you really want to Deuce but you don't have to bother" her mother almost objected.

"Nah, it's okay. I want to help!"

Georgia just smiled and walked away.

Deuce thought this was the perfect time to bring up what he had been hiding for a while.

"Listen CeCe, this is hard even for me…. But I just wanted to tell you, you don't have to go out with Gunther…. I mean you have options, like me…" he told her sincerely. He sounded like he was actually trying to choke it out, like it was hard for him to say it. He handed her a dish to rinse and dry.

Wait, I don't get why we are doing dishes! We have a dishwasher… Right? I don't know anymore! she thought randomly.

"Deuce…." she whispered.

"I mean CeCe, I've liked you for a long time… I-I just can't get over you…"

CeCe could sense longing in his voice, she knew he truly meant it.

"But you said…." She took a deep breath and reminded him of a time that almost hurt her too.

"But you said we were just friends…. That you didn't consider me that way! You called me a amiga and you explicitly said it meant friend. That was all!" CeCe had no idea why she was crying. She didn't like Deuce that way. They were best friends sure, but she was with Gunther and she loved him. Not just liked, loved.

"I'm sorry Deuce but we are just best friends, and I love you that way okay?" she asked through tear stained tears.

"Yeah, I get it… Don't worry" he said and forced a smile. It was a true Deuce smile, CeCe's favorite.

"Now let's get these dishes done so we can dance and so I can practice!" CeCe said, pumping her arm excitedly, splashing dish water everywhere.

"Okay!" Deuce agreed, starting to wash faster now that he was more concentrated on getting it done.

It wasn't as hard and it didn't take as long as CeCe thought it would and in no time they were all dancing to the funky beat of Watch Me and Twist my Hips. Of course Gunther and CeCe weren't practicing yet because they were kind of embarrassed to show what they were like together but they were having a fun time together anyways.

Suddenly Twist my Hips had come on again and CeCe thought it was time.

She looked at Gunther who was dancing crazily (most likely under the influence of Ty and Deuce) and whispered,


"Yup!" he answered with a smile.

"Oh my GOSH! They're gonna show us their dance!" Rocky yelled excitedly.

Everything around the pair went quiet except for the music of course and they started out with a bit of moving around. CeCe was just starting to go into her own little world, the one she got lost in when she heard music. They had no intention at all of doing the dance they had done for this song on Shake it Up! Chicago! And the one they had done for Dina's birthday.

As soon as the chorus started CeCe went crazy with energy and her dance moves were unlike anything Rocky, Deuce and Ty had ever seen! Their mouths were all forming O's as they watched them. Gunther was doing almost the same thing but in his own way. Somehow the three watching felt that CeCe and Gunther were connected by an invisible force as they moved almost in sync.

The red head was in a series of twists, swift arm and leg movements and hip movements, hair flying wildly like a fiery halo and then, they were in sync, answering each other's moves like a well rehearsed play, except that it wasn't. They were almost touching now and CeCe was waiting till the next chorus where Gunther would put his hands on her waist and lead her. They were smiling at each other, eyes sparking.

When the song was done Gunther and CeCe were breathing heavily and looking into each other's eyes.

Everyone was clapping.

"You are gonna KILL IT!" Rocky jumped up and threw her fist into the air.

"Yeah dude's! You are awesome!" Deuce said, clapping Gunther on his back. CeCe swore she saw jealousy fill Deuce's eyes, but brushed it off and beamed.

The rest of the evening was filled with laughter and excitement for the next day, CeCe waiting nervously. She couldn't even get to sleep until three in the morning.

"CeCe? Shouldn't you be asleep?" Gunther asked, sitting up in his bed on the floor.

"Yeah, but I'm SO nervous for tomorrow!" CeCe whispered, and she was actually shaking.

"Shh, it is okay" Gunther hushed pulling the petite red head into his lap. He laid himself down and CeCe dropped her head onto his chest, listening to the pounding of his heart and his even breathing.

"Now go to sleep my cute little ginger!" Gunther chuckled softly. CeCe was too tired to make a smart remark.

So guys how was that? While I was editing this chapter, I was thinking of ways to make this a little more dramatic, and I think I found a way. It might only be a little bit and I hope it's up to your standards for drama. But you'll have to wait till the next chapter to find out. And to get the next chapter YOU MUST REVIEW! The more reviews, the faster I'll update! J