The Road Behind Me
Chapter the First
"I love how the word Peace Keeper has suddenly become synonymous with mercenary. Humans fucking amaze me."
The girl sat in a tree, her M80 resting on her lap. There was a sudden movement and a gazelle hopped into view.
"That's one large bastard… An' that probably means... Heh heh... I was getting bored."
Without fail a small group of men walked out of the bush. They carried with them weaponry ranging from large knives to fully automatic guns. Not a one of them had a red beret or a walky-talky, so they weren't park rangers. They were all properly dressed, so they couldn't be some tribesman who stumbled onto the grounds accidentally. They didn't even have the decency to try to pretend to be tourists. Easier work for them.
Making sure her head set was on she positioned her gun.
"This is Reaver. I'm on the north end of the rez. I got a group of shit stains making their merry fucking way, 87n by 100e. Guns hot and awaiting clearance.
There was a buzzing, the sign of other headsets leaving radio silence.
"I hear you Reaver, but I've been ghosting some of the same stains in sector 7. They dropped a few animals; now they're stalking a lion. This is Nora I'm in position awaiting go signal. Hurry up; I'm itching for a bite."
"Don't even think about it. Keep to the plan Nora, just drive them out. Leave them to me and Reaver, keep close to them make sure move in the right direction."
Both girls snapped to attention.
"Yes sir, Grimm Sir!"
"I'll make sure they're where you want them. Reaver out."
"Yeah, yeah, I'll herd them real nice-like Baby. Nora out."
Grimm's sigh buzzed over the com-links.
"Just. Do it. Grimm Out."
Reaver shouldered her gun and stood up. She looked around, taking in her surroundings. Even at full height she was hidden. Her hair, long black locks, swayed in the wind and blended in with the foliage around her. In a blur of movement, she propelled herself forwards, hopping from tree to tree. Her tall, wavering frame disappearing like gossamer in the wind.
She followed them a few miles before something flickered past her awareness. Stopping suddenly, she cocked her gun and looked around.
There it was again, a sudden blur. She followed it with her scope and waited for it to stop. When it finally came to a stop, black hair and pouting lips filled her scope. Putting her gun down, her gold tinted brown eyes met green and gold tinted brown eyes. The other female gestured to her, the hand signals easy to follow.
17 tango. Heavily armed. Grimm's in position. Advance to next stage of operation. I'll herd the sheep.
She nodded and checked to make sure all her gear was in place and disappeared into the bush, making her way to the target area.
The other female slowly stalked the poachers, herding them into position. Crouching low, she prowled after them, keeping them on their toes with sudden noises. Her job had been made easier by leaps and bounds because they had lost track of the lion they had been hunting. They moved further and more joined them, the group growing steadily larger.
She marched them forward, their fear making them as dumb as sheep. She could smell their stupidity… taste their want to run… She pulled twin daggers free from their place and followed. The thought of the impending kill bringing a small smile on her face.
Grimm chose this moment to show himself, appearing in front of the poachers as if out of thin air. The men jumped and aimed their guns at him. He just glared at them, his distaste clear from the way he stood. His hair, held back in a ponytail (I'm using the loosest of terms), swayed in the breeze. He slowly removed his vest and threw it down before the men.
Reaver's voice whispered franticly in his ear.
"Grimm! What the fuck are you doing? This isn't a part of the plan."
He ignored her and held out his hands, palm up, in the universal gesture of non-violence, he then opened his mouth and flawless French spilled past his lips.
"You do realize that you shouldn't be here. This land is off limits to poachers."
One of the men laughed.
"Oh. And what are you going to do about it, Cokave'? Glare me to death? You come out here all alone and expect to do what. Fucking American scum."
Grimm just shook his head, a small smirk on his lips and his brown eyes nowhere near peaceful.
"It's not me you should be worried about. I'm just here to do my job, just a messenger."
The leader kissed his teeth and gestured to his men.
"Kill this mother fucker, we have a quota to fill and he's working my nerves."
The men took aim and then there was a growl over the com-link.
"Fuck this."
"Nora no!"
But it was too late, Nora was already snaking her way through the tall grass, slicing at legs, disemboweling anyone not quick enough to run or to shoot her. Their screams of pain filled the area and their leader became enraged.
"What the fuck are you doing? Shoot the bitch."
The men, taken off guard by the sudden attack, regained their senses and opened fire on the merc. She smirked and then was a blur, never in the same place long enough to get hit. Dancing and twirling, her blades all the diplomacy she needed. Over the sound of gun fire there was a loud bang and one of the men fell dead. Another and then another and they were falling like flies.
"Head shot! I'm actually getting good at this shoot to kill crap… Maiming is still better."
Grimm shot two men and round-housed another, stopping long enough to reload.
"Could ya'll at least leave their leader alive, I need to arrest him."
His order fell upon deaf ears.
"Look I'm not going to repeat myself, jus-"
There was the loud cracking sound and he was splattered with blood. For a moment he thought he had been shot but as he turned around he saw the broken form of one of the poacher sprawled out on the ground, his chest blown out.
"Shut the fuck up Grimm and pay attention."
"Did Reaver just tell you to pay attention? You're slacking."
"Hush. The both of you and do as you're told."
He threw himself back into the fight, not truly paying attention to the men; he was looking for the leader.
"What now?"
"600ft on your 7 O'clock, is that the one you're looking for?"
He turned, wiping blood off his face. The leader was behind a large rock taking aim at Nora, without a thought, he fired two shots into the man's legs.
"Kill the rest."
"Yes Sir."
Grimm made his way over to the crippled poacher. When he was close enough, he kicked the man in the ribs, making him roll onto his side. Crouching down, he pulled out his handcuffs.
"You should have done this my way. It would have been much easier."
The last man fell to the ground and a growl reverberated through the clearing.
"Enough Nora, it's over."
Someone crouched down next to him and put a hand on his shoulder. He looked to his left to see Nora. She shook her head and gestured to the undergrowth.
"That isn't me. Look."
He raised his head to see the lion the poacher had been tailing. It was a large beast, fangs glistening in the dim light. He locked eyes with Grimm for a moment and then he let loose a thunderous roar.
The message was clear. Move or die. This one is mine.
Grimm wasn't about to argue with a 800lb predator, slowly he moved backing away from the poacher. He turned and walked away.
"Wait! Where are you going? You can't just leave me here."
"I'll be back for my cuffs later."
They left the clearing just as the man began to scream.
They silently made their way back to camp. When they arrived, they removed their gear checking for damages.
Grimm was the first to finish. Looking up at the other two, he shrugged.
"That went-"
He never finished his sentence. Reaver had hauled back and cuffed him hard across his face.
"You stupid…! 'Stick to the plan' he says… 'just follow orders' he says… you fucking hypocritical son of a…!" she almost hit him again, her English slurring as she started ranting in pure rage. She turned and stomped out of camp.
Nora looked at him, then back at Reaver. She opened her mouth and yawned.
"You had it coming… I'd beat you but I'm too tired."
She said blandly, throwing a stick in his direction.
"There, now go beat your own ass…."
She got up to follow Reaver.
"Grimm, I'm gonna take a bath and see if I can make her calm down."
She stopped, her back to Grimm.
"Oh and dumbass?"
He looked up and was caught off guard by the gentle look on her face. He raised an eyebrow
"Don't ever scare me like that again, Ok Huey?"
With that she disappeared into the forest not waiting for him to answer.
"Ayo, Ed. You got anythin' ta drink up in nis bitch? I'm thirsty as a mother out hurr."
"Check the cooler Nigga."
Riley wiped the sweat from his brow and looked down at the floor plans one more time before he went back inside Ed's house. At 17, Riley still couldn't seem to dress any better, large baggy jeans and a hoody covered up most of his still small frame. His deep brown eyes stuck in the perpetual Freeman glare seemed out of place on his still soft face. He kissed his teeth and picked up the papers, making a B-line for the large red cooler on the kitchen counter.
"So what do you think?"
Riley picked up a root beer and popped the cap, heading into the living room.
Rummy looked up from his laptop, his blue eyes promising mischief. He pointed to the plans in Riley's hands, his face showing his displeasure and his worry.
"Riley you ain't gonna find him like that. There was no one who knows where he went and the warden ain't cooperating. He keeps saying Huey was never sent to his jail. There are no leads, let it go."
Riley shook his head and took a long gulp of his soda. He put it down and sighed staring at the T.V., but not seeing it.
"The absence of evidence isn't the evidence of absence, ain't that what chu stay sayin' Nigga? I ain't neva' in my whole life heard a' no program like dat one. Dat alone makes the shit suspect."
Just then Ed walked in the room, a bottle of beer in his hand and a gun in the other. To his left was a –young woman- with short auburn hair. Her perfume was so thick Rummy and Riley could taste the air around her. They way she clung to Ed and stared up at him made them both hope Ed was using some kind of protection.
Ed looked in their direction and smiled like the dumbass he is.
"Ayo yo Nigga, da fuck you drinkin' soda fo'? We ain't got no alcohol up in nis bitch?"
"I need a clear head Ed, and I'm not in na mood for Grandad right now."
Rummy smirked and snickered.
"He has a point Ed. That old man's been known to wear a Nigga's ass out. Just ask Riley"
"Shut the fuck up Nigga."
Ed sent the girl away and sat down on the couch across from them. Spreading out he adjusted his vest and downed his drink. He picked up his gun and started loading it. He looked at the schematics that Riley had gripped tightly in his hands.
"So what's the plan Nigga?"
Rummy's head shot up.
"Nigga have you lost your mind? You're really going to go through with this? Do you realize how insane this is?"
"He's right you know, it is a bad idea."
All the heads in the room shot up and looked in the direction the voice had come from. Standing in the doorway was a tall man in a black suit, his white hair haloing out around his head and his sunglasses tilted low on his face.
"Who. Da. Fuck is you nigga? And how the fuck did you get into my house!"