Shadow stared up at the stars. There were easily visible from his spot on top of the apartment's roof. This was his place to get away. Many nights he had difficulties' drifting to sleep. He lived closer to the outskirts of the city so there was less light interference. He could here the sounds of cars passing, in a hurry to get to where they were going and get on with their lives. They all had families and friends to get to. They all had people who were expecting them to come home at night. It was two in the morning, and the city was only starting to slow down.

Shadow sighed as he tried to submerge himself into the sounds of everyday life. He didn't want to think about why he couldn't sleep. He didn't want to dwell on the past he couldn't leave behind. He didn't want to feel the hurt that shattered him every time it came. He didn't want to care.

But he did.

Today was May 15th. It was the only day that really ever stuck into Shadow's head, no matter how much he despised the date. He had avoided looking at the calendar for most of the week. He didn't think too hard on the date. Yet, the fact still slammed into him. It haunted him. It was May 15th.

It was the anniversary of Maria's death.

Shadow could still hear Maria. On the very day of her death she had pointed to each of the stars, telling him their names and story about how they got their names and fables made after them.

"This one's Tenshi, the star of the angels. When I was little, Grandfather would tell me a story about how angels with pure hearts are allowed to build their houses there. They can see everything that happens but are only allowed to show themselves once a year, only when the star is visible, just like today."

Shadow's vision blurred. He focused to slow his breathing. Why did it still hurt? Why did he still care? Why couldn't he just get over? Why did he have to go through this? Why didn't things just stay how they were? Why did Maria have to die? Why?

Shadow took a deep breath. Crying over her wouldn't bring her back. It was a useless action. At least, that's what he tried to tell himself. Inside he knew that he could never truly give up Maria. She was a permanent part of him. Shadow's deep breathing had worked. The tears were pushed back. For now. He hadn't cried since the day Maria had left. In the beginning, he had to struggle to keep himself under control. Over time, Shadow could go an entire day without any emotions.

Sonic and his group of followers saw this as a result of his turmoil. They saw it as a negative result. They were always trying to "cheer him up a bit." However, they were really just bothersome. That is why Shadow hadn't put an effort forward to contact any of them lately. It was bordering on four months since the last time he had heard from them. They were all off living there lives.

Shadow did miss the young one, Cream, a bit. Something about her soft voice gave off a sense of pure faith in everyone she met. It made Shadow feel better. He felt happier when Cream looked at him and started off a sentence with Mr. Shadow. So formal for one so little. And then there was the pink hedgehog.

Amy Rose. Something about her had struck him in the chest. She had a kind face, just like Maria. There was so much about her that appeared to him in this fashion. That's Maria, he would often catch himself thinking around her and it hurt Shadow. Amy wasn't Maria, just a reminder of what he had lost.

Shadow sighed. He had to get back to bed so that he could wake up for work in the morning. This thinking was only going to lead him in circles. He needed to move forward.

The dark hedgehog stood. He turned and went over to the door that lead him up here and will lead him back down. The door opened with eased. Shadow noted the light switch but did not touch it. He knew his way around well enough to be able to walk down stairs without a light. Sincerely, he was the ultimate life form, walking wasn't much of a challenge.

Living the everyday life wasn't too exciting, Shadow admitted that without hesitation. The part he'd never say aloud is that he missed when he used to help Dr. Eggman. It gave him something to do, a test. He had been able to use the full extent of his strength and not hold back. Shadow couldn't remember a time since then that he had felt so good, so alive.

Shadow unlocked his front door and walked in. His apartment was the same as always: white walls, tan carpet, and tan tile. The furniture pieces were an unappealing green and the coffee table wasn't stable. The lights glowed weakly. In the two years he lived in this tiny "house", the only thing Shadow had changed was a lightbuld that went out. If need be, he could be out of the place in a day.

Shadow flipped off the light again and went to bed. He lay under the covers and stared at the ceiling until he fell into a restless sleep.

Shadow was greeted in the morning by nothing but his alarm clock. He turned it off in one swift movement and sat up. Looking at the ceiling he sighed. It was Monday, he got no sleep worth getting, and he had work. This was going to be an even worse day then usual. He got up and walked into the bathroom.

Fifteen minuets later he was ready and out the door. He turned around, locked the door, and left. He walked to work everyday. The bookstore he worked at wasn't to far away from his place and there was a good cafe on the way. From the time he left his house to the time he got to the cafe, Shadow was convinced that today was going to be dreadful.

He had bumped into a kid on roller skates, whom started crying profoundly, was called an emo freak, and caused one particular lady trouble for trying to help her pick up some money she had dropped. Nothing went right. Shadow walked in the cafe glaring.

"Hiya, Shadow," said the girl behind the counter. She worked there everyday. One day she had started a conversation with him and now they were "friends."

"Dani," Shadow said with a nod of his head to acknowledge her.

"The usual? I have it ready." Dani pulled over a cup of coffee from a little further down the counter and handed it to him. "Have a good day at work!"

"Thanks." With that, Shadow left. He wasn't much in the mood for conversation today.

He walked a few more blocks down to where he worked. Nothing bad had happened to him on the way there. He walked into the store. It was dark and had a musty smell to it. The building, which was fairly big, had all of the walls covered with bookshelves from top to bottom. Those bookshelves were overflowing with books of all kinds. The only windows were on the ceiling. The place gave off a sophisticated aura.

Shadow sighed as he thought of the dead boring day to come.

The bell above the door rang signaling someone had entered the store. It was three-o-clock and the busiest time of day. In the background, Shadow could here a couple of girls giggling from the magazine section of the store. He was currently stacking books is the fantasy section. A junior high girl had come through here early, say a new book that she was excited for, and nearly knocked over every book in that same section trying to get it. Shadow shook his head.

"Oh!" someone gasped from behind Shadow. He turned around to see the person who had happened upon him and this mess.

With the pink hair and emerald green eyes, it was hard not to recognize her, Amy Rose. Some things had changed though. She was wearing a white dress with a red bow at the bottom and a white ribbon in her hair in replace of the attire Shadow was accustomed to seeing her in.

"Shadow? Wow, I haven't seen you in so long. How have you been? I had no idea you worked here. In fact, I wasn't even sure you were still in town." Shadow took a moment to make sure she wasn't going to say anything else before he began.

"Hello Amy. It's been a while." Shadow looked over her. Amy was still basically the same. However, she was taller and had less baby fat. She still wore boots with a dress, but somehow it looked more elegant with the color change.

"I know! What have you been up to?"

"There isn't much to say. Ever since I got this job, it's pretty much been my whole life."

"How long have you worked here?"

"A few months."

"Wow, that's exciting! So where do you live? I bet it's a nice place." Amy looked at Shadow in such a nice way. It was like she couldn't even remember that they were once enemies. Well, maybe they hadn't been.

"Not really. Just an apartment a couple of blocks away. Nothing much."

"I would like to see it!"

"Well I get off of work in a few hours so-"

"'Kay, I'll hang around here until then," Amy interrupted. Shadow was going to suggest that she come back later, however he didn't want to appear rude.

There was an awkward silence between the two of them for a moment. They weren't really friends. It was just a label that Amy had put on him to make it seem less awkward. Or maybe it was for Shadow's benefit. Either way, it didn't change the fact that neither of them had put a foot forward to make contact over the past four months and friends would have by now.

Shadow watched as Amy glanced around shelves. She picked up a book of the shelf and looked at the cover. She flipped it over an examined the back. After a moment Amy looked back up.

"Shadow, have you read this?" Shadow sighed as he knew; this work shift was going to require a lot more talking then usual.

Hey, thank you for taking the time to read this, my story. I am no professional writer or heck, I've never even really put to much effort towards writing a novel, but I do have a love for Shadamy and this is my way of how it should all go down. I hope that it wasn't too boring but I promise I will try to get better at this.

-Macy :P