Sitting at the edge of a pool of water in the middle of the Everfree forest was a glowing figure, a semi transparent pony with grey hair, a grey mane, and blood red eyes.
What made this pony different from all others was that he had both a Unicorn's horn, and a pegasi's wings. He looked deep into the pool of water, but he could barely see his own reflection.
"My my my, how the mighty hath fallen," called a snarky voice from behind him.
The grey pony turned and looked at the source, appearing from a cloud of black smoke were three pitch black ponies, with amber eyes looking back at him.
The grey pony smirked. "You act as if you have not lost anything either. Nightmare Essence, the Herald of Chaos Undivided has his consciousness split in three, by six mares barely old enough to be called such. On the very day that he escapes from a thousand year exile on the moon, no less. Tell me, what is more embarrassing? The Paragon of Order's body being destroyed? Or your fate."
"Silence," Nightcaller harked at him.
"Clearly, you did not have the fortune to inherit the wit I'd come to expect from the Herald," The Paragon of Order said just as snarky as Nightcaller's opening volley had been.
The grey Alicorn 'rose' to his 'hooves.' "My lack of body is of no consequence. I can always make another... Can you put yourself back together?"
Nightcaller and his brothers gave no answer.
"I thought not," the Alicorn said. "It matters not; Order and Chaos and Sun and Moon will make do with what we have now. My plans do not require you as you where."
"We shall never willingly participate in your plan, Overdrive, and neither will Sun and Moon."
"Oh, trust me Heralds. I know this all too well; fortunately your cooperation is also not required. Now be gone with you. We have nothing further to discuss."
"We never thought we'd agree," Nightcaller said, he and his brothers disappeared back into shadow, leaving the Grey Alicorn to his planning.
He turned back to the pool of water. Floating face down as the body of a gryphon, holes riddled throughout her body.
"Yes. You shall do nicely. Soldiers must do as they are ordered."