Disclaimer: I don't own Soul Eater.

Chapter 13


'What did I do?' I thought to myself. 'He attacked me.'

"So why does it hurt more that he's gone than the fact that he attacked me?" I asked myself aloud.

I got up and ran upstairs. I pulled on some pants since I had been in nothing but my underwear and a T-shirt. I finished dressing and ran down the stairs, out the door, and down the street. I had to find him. I kept running down the street and saw shadows passing overhead. I saw Black Star and Wax. They were chasing somebody. I followed them as best I could on the ground. I hopped a fence and used a generator to jump up onto a ledge. I ran across the ledge and jumped onto a higher ledge. From there I got on the roof and used those to follow the two in front of me. I jumped from rooftop to rooftop and then saw them split up. I decided to follow Wax. I ducked down into an alley and followed underneath him as he took a route across the rooftops that made it seem like he was circling around to meet Black Star. I ran after him and stayed out of sight.

After following him for while he finally arrived at the fight scene. I ducked behind a wall and watched as the guy from before fought Black Star. I was about to jump in when Wax intervened with his arrows. I saw the guy turn and run realizing he was outnumbered and watched as he ran into the alley I was in and run into a corner and dissolve into the shadows. I could hardly believe what I had saw and ducked around the wall to stay hidden when Wax swung around the corner taking aim at nothing. I followed the wall I had ducked behind out to a street. I saw the guy from before appear out of the shadows and start down the street. I followed him, taking care not to be noticed, but didn't have to put much effort into it since the guy seemed like he was too freaked out to really pay attention to who was following him. He ducked into a crowd of people and started walking through it trying to disappear into the crowd. I entered the crowd and followed him as best I could. I barely saw him duck around a corner and when I went around it he was gone again. I looked around and couldn't see him anywhere. I heard a crash up and to the left and a curse. I ran towards it and found him on the ground on his back, with boxes scattered around him and him panting really hard. Part of his shirt had flipped up and I was really trying to resist the urge to look at his stomach and the trail that led down.

"Please…" He said, panting. "If you're going to kill me, do it fast."

"Kill you?" I asked puzzled.

"I attacked you and here I am, just exposed." He replied. "I won't fight back."

"You were freaked out and out of instinct and shock I freaked out too. It was just a misunderstanding." I said to him.

"I'm sorry. I just… out of reflex… with all that's been going on…" He started to say.

"How about you come back to my place and we'll talk about it there?" I interrupted him.

"I couldn't," He said, "Not after what I did."

"I told you, we will talk about it at my place." I replied, holding my hand out to him.

He took it and I helped him up. We walked back to my place, making sure Black Star and Wax didn't see us.

"That's weird, Wax has Soul Perception." I said, "I'm surprised he didn't sense us."

"I hid our souls from him using my wavelength… It's special that way… unless you want him to sense us…" He replied.

"No I would rather not." I said, leading him back to my place.

We got to the apartment and went in. I led him through the living room and up the stairs past my room and to the bathroom.

"Alright, here is the bathroom." I told him. "Take a shower, since you have been through a lot already, and make sure to clean that wound."

"I don't need any help…" He started but I interrupted him again.

"Just take a shower and relax a bit. Plus that needs cleaned and treated." I motioned to his wrist which hadn't quite been pierced completely through but had a deep gash in it from the arrow that he was shot with and had already soaked the ripped part of his shirt he had tied it close with.

"Fine." He agreed reluctantly.

As I waited for him to take a shower, I went into the spare room I had in the apartment. It could have been for a roommate but I really just never felt like I could let anyone take the room for some reason. It had seemed like it belonged to someone once and I had packed everything up with Soul and Maka that was in it. There were a lot of male clothes in the dresser that was in there and I let Soul take what he wanted and packed the rest up. The other stuff I gave away or sold off to people and was glad I hadn't gotten rid of the box of clothes yet. I grabbed a pair of pants and a black shirt with a grim reaper on it and a pair of socks. I went out of the room and over to the bathroom. I knocked on the door.

"Come in." the guy said.

I opened the door to find him just sliding his torn shirt on, finishing getting dressed, catching another glimpse of his stomach and the trail leading down.

"I brought some clothes for you, I had some in the spare room." I told him.

"Boyfriend leave em here or something? I don't think he will be too big on a random guy borrowing his clothes." He replied.

"Actually, I don't have a boyfriend. They were left here by someone who I guess moved out. I don't remember who though." I said, frowning, trying hard to remember.

"Oh." He said, as if a bad memory had popped into his head.

"I was going to get rid of em but you can take them." I told him.

"Thanks." He replied and took the clothes.

I left the room and closed the door. I then went downstairs and started to make something for breakfast since it was still morning. I had just finished making it when he came down, dressed in the clothes I gave him, and holding his other pair.

"Just set them on the stairs and I will wash them later." I told him. "So long as you don't mind them being washed with my clothes."

"That's fine." He replied, without much care.

"Well come over here and eat." I told him, motioning for him to sit at the small table I had, with two chairs at it.

"Thanks." He said.

"Welcome." I said, as I set a plate of eggs and bacon in front of him. "Hope you like scrambled."

I sat down in the other chair, looking at him, sitting across from me. He picked at his eggs and ate a bit of bacon. I on the other hand, went ahead and finished mine.

"If it isn't any good ya could have told me ya know." I told him, taking the plates.

"No, it was good." He replied, sounding sad. "I'm just not that hungry."

"Well alright then." I said.

I scarped the food into the trash and then washed the plates and forks. I then walked over and sat in the chair across from him again.

"So, can I ask a few questions?" I asked.

"Sure." He answered.

"Not much of an answer." I complained. "Alright, what's your name?"

"Hawk." He answered.

I suddenly got a headache and held my hand to my head. Thinking it was nothing, I continued.

"How do you know my name?" I asked.

"You said it yesterday." He answered.

"No I didn't" I replied.

"I should really get going." He said, standing up and starting for the door, reaching for his sword that was leaning on the wall next to it.

"Wait!" I got up and hurried after him, grabbing him by the wrist.

"Sorry but I should go." He said again.

"At least let me treat that." I said, pointing to his other wrist. "I'll be right back."

I let go of the uninjured wrist and ran upstairs. I grabbed bandages and ran back down. I sat him down on the couch and sat across from him as he held out his wrist. I wrapped it in the white bandage and made sure it was tight. I then looked up at his eyes. They seemed so empty and sad. Like living was such a depressing thing for him to do.

"Thank you." He said, "But I should get going."

"Wait, don't go." I replied, as he started to stand up.

He paused and sat back down. I looked into his eyes and saw he wanted to stay, then he looked away. I grabbed his hands and held them. I moved a little closer to him and slid my hand up his arms, careful on his injured wrist and then slid them down around his stomach. I pulled him close and hugged him. I held him tight and loved the feeling when his arms wrapped around me to return the hug. I looked up at him and he stared back down into my eyes. I slowly moved my face closer to his. I was only centimeters away now. I could feel his breath on my lips and could have touched noses with him. I could see in his eyes he wanted what I wanted.

Then I kissed him. My lips met his and I could feel his warm breath mix with mine. I pulled back and then kissed him again. I kept kissing him. Over and over. I slid my tongue into his mouth and started to poke and prod around his mouth. I started to fall back onto the couch, pulling him with me by the shirt, kissing him all the way. We lay there, with him on top of me, propped up on his hands, letting me explore his mouth with my tongue and occasionally putting his against mine and pushing it into my mouth. I felt so normal like this; like it was no problem I was just kissing this guy I had just met who had attacked me. I felt I knew his mouth but didn't at the same time. I wanted to keep kissing for longer but finally he broke the kiss and looked away from me.

"Raven…" He whispered.

"It's ok." I replied. "I… I feel like I know you… like I can trust you…"

"You can…" he whispered again.

I started to move my face closer to his again, wanting to continue the kissing, when there was a knock at the door.

"Raven? You awake?" It was Maka's voice.

"I'd better get that." I told Hawk, as he got up off of me and sat down on the couch.

"Yes I'm home." I called to the door. I walked over and opened it, seeing Soul and Maka at the door, wearing their usually attire they wore for a mission.

"We are going on a mission and wanted to know if you wanted to come with." Maka explained.

"Sure." I said, "But um, would it be alright if my friend came along?"

"Don't see why not if he's cool and can handle himself in a fight." Soul said, poking his head into the doorway, looking at Hawk.

"Alright, we'll ready in a minute." I told them, motioning for them to come in.

They came in and waited by the doorway. Hawk had stood up watched them come in. I went and grabbed my shoes and put them on.

"We are going on a mission and you're coming with." I told Hawk.

"Alright." He replied, slipping on his own shoes and strapping his sword to his back.

"Well, shall we?" I asked Soul and Maka, locking the door to my apartment.

"We shall." Maka replied.

With that, the four of us starting walking down the street.