Oh I'm so sorry this took long. I honestly forgot how this story was suppose to go until I reread and found the clues I left on the other chapters. Well it's still in the beginning stages, I can warp this to be something else. I change the title from I rather want Death! to Silver Particles. Yes I know I'm still not creative on titles, I was never that creative.

Thanks those who review/alert/or fav. Hell thank you for choosing this to read even though I'm not the writing type t.t

Disclaimer: Tite Kubo owns Bleach, not me sorry.

"How may we be of service to you, my liege." Called a smooth voice.

"I need you to investigate all twins in the same class year as my daughter."

"Any special characteristics?" Inquire a grinning sly silver hair fox.

"Do you remember Rei's children, Gin."

The closed-eyed male chuckle. Of course he remembers, he did visit Hanashi's household when he was nothing but six-years-old. Rangiku practically dragged him to visit, something about relatives? He didn't really pay attention until Rangiku pulled his ear, and then he notice a pair of brunnettes. One mousey the other a little too confident.

"Aizen, we'll surely look into this." Gin smiled broadly.

Aizen return the smile, "I hope you know failure is not an option. One of them is destine to stop us."

There were times Gin over look things, Aizen knew Gin has to be interested to keep on task.

Gin inwardly rolled his eyes, "and one of them is also destine to slowly die." He responded in amusement.

"Yes, indeed." Aizen took a moment to sort out his thoughts. Suddenly, Aizen's personal throne room doors slammed open revealing a brunette strutting across towards him.

The fox click his tongue in annoyance. The old hag of a woman is back, and he hope she doesn't start first or he will pierce her without a second thought. "Gin, you are dismissed," and with that Gin bow to Aizen before his departure. He made sure to give his best smile as he passby Rei, enjoying the way she stand alert.

"Darling!" The brunette woman called from her spot.
Aizen gave a calculating glance at his long time partner, he knew she will make a remark about Gin. They don't get along, probaby his fault to begin with as he first introduce them by having her as a test subject. "Rei what is it?" Aizen look towards her.

Rei knees almost wobble by the amount of reiatsu he's slowly leaking. He hope she took the warning. "Are you sure we can trust him?" Rei snarled.

She always think Gin is creepy beyond belief, and nothing more than a manipulative fox. He was suppose to be some prodigy, she doesn't like to think he's important to Aizen than her. She had seniority compare to the silver hair boy. Rei was with Aizen since highschool and the boy had only been recruited at age thirteen.

Aizen eyed her irritably, "yes. He had never failed me before." Aizen reassured her.

Displaying a peaceful cute expression on her face. "Good! When this is over lets kill him." Rei cheered.

Aizen gave her a dark look before he took her by the neck, squeezing almost all her air out. His head lowered whhispering to her ear. "Unlike him." He let her intake air slowly before clenching again. "You failed me." Chuckling like it some sort of joke, "you can be replaceable."

Aizen waited till the information can sink in to her mind. Applying more pressure to her throat, he knocked her down to the floor, and gives her an eerie chuckle. "If I want your suggestion," he pause staring straight into her eyes. "I will ask you otherwise."

Rei is visibly shaking when Aizen towered over her. Rei can only see Aizen smile as she tries to get her breath back and steady her hazy sight. "I don't take orders. Please remember, and you will find yourself in a similar fate like your ex-husband if you cross me again."

Rei nodded hastily, still frighten, although deep inside her...she is furious.

Aizen kept a steady gaze peering down at her pathetic state. Once in their teens he would never be tired of her stunning beauty, she always had ignore him. Now, he grown use to her and her picky needs. "Rei I believe you have to attend to Amber," he smiled sweetly, "we don't want a problem now do we?"

Picking herself off the floor, obediently answering, "yes honey, I will take care of it."

Her sweet smile switch into a frown as she turn to the door. Rei promise herself that she will get what she wants in the end. She just needs to get rid of Aizen's ability, otherwise she'll never get her free will back.

Scratching his hair roughly out of frustration, Ichigo was very confuse about the two pairs of twins. All four of them can switch their partners with each other, and in some cases they had forgotten which weapons is theirs. Not only that! The brats confuse everyone claiming they're quadruplets, but then again they can easily pull that off. Except Ichigo believe they're taking this twin thing seriously.

The atmosphere surrounding them is off. Ichigo sweat-dropped thinking about the girls.

The Harun twins are mysterious, while the Amano twins gives an air of righteousness. Well Eliza is creepy, she's the epitome of darkness. 'Does she have a fetish with skulls and everything involving death?' Ichigo thought.

One time he caught her maniacly laughing when a classmate (Amber) hurt themselves mysteriuosly. He wasn't sure how two book shelves keep spitting textbooks and Amber is lock on target.

Sometimes Amira and Kazumi proves to be the sweet normal twins compare to Dante and Eliza, who are more like the insane twins.

Sighing, Ichigo somehow gotten all four to be in his division. Toshiro was relieve, but Ichigo can clearly see him glaring straight at him. Although Matsumoto took it as a sign of betrayal, bawling her eyes out.

His lietenent of the fifth squad, Blaze, was very please with the new additions. Now that gave large warning signs to Ichigo.

"Excuse me."

Ichigo pause before responding stupidly, "You're excuse."

Giggling, Amira smiled delicately letting her warm aura wrap around them.
"My sisters and I would like to-" shyly looking down then force herself to look back up, "no we're a bit curious about Shiro-chan."

'Shiro-chan?' With a decieving thoughtful expression. Ichigo did a name count in his head.
Ichigo caught Amira and Dante gaze drifting towards a certain white midget who passed by their training grounds. Looks like he could tease Icicle-boy later.

"I don't know, and I can't answer anything personal." All four freak Ichigo out when he saw their downcast face. Ichigo panic waving his arms back and forth, "but I will answer anything about him to the best of my ability."

That seems to pick them up for a moment. A dark background surrounded Eliza, Dante was all fiery, Kazumi had a blank face, while Amira is really cheery.

Dante hand shot up first almost slapping Ichigo's head up by a few centimeters.
Ichigo back up away from Dante, giving her a wry smile to go on.

Dante rush past the other girls, making them drop down on the floor as she race up face-to-face with Ichigo.
"How tough is he?!"

Everyone except Dante fell anime style, Eliza and Kazumi face-palmed.

"Captain level," Ichigo deadpanned.

Dante was about to say something until she gotten a kick to her side, sending her sprawled to the closest air matts laying in their training room. Ichigo blinked when Kazumi face appear the next second.

"What's his ability?" Where on earth did the glasses came from?

He decide to not dwell on the mystery of glasses materialising out of nowhere. "He's an elemental type, mainly ice."
Kazumi was going to grill him for more information when both Harun twins, or more specifically Eliza shove her aside.

He suddenly feel like he swallowed a huge lump. Eliza had a murderous vibe and Amira was simply smiling curiously.

Amira started the chain. "Does."
"He." Eliza continued.
"Girlfriend," both of them spoke out at the same time.

Just like that Ichigo's patience snapped, 'unbelievable,' he thought as he bonk all four girls head with a wooden boken. "NO! HE'S NOT, AND THIS DIVISION DOESN'T NEED FANGIRLS! GET YOUR ASSES TO TRAINING ALREADY!"

Eliza pouted, trying to soothe her ears. "Hai Captain."

Ichigo pinch the bridge of his nose than stared at the four monkeys before him. "Is there anyway you can tell which spiritual partners is yours?"

Dante look at him as if he's a moron, "Dematerialize them at the same time and materialize them again separately."
Twitching at their surprisingly easy answer, a tic mark shown up on Ichigo's forehead. "Then why none of ya'll had done that already?"

Amira sheepishly laugh next, "because we haven't thought of that yet..." Amira eeped as Ichigo head enlarge with flame in the background. The other girls tense as Ichigo gives them a look clearly stating get-to-it-before-I-use-bankai!

They quickly rush dematerializing the four zanpaktous, Kazumi went first materializing a large white mole the size of a dog. Eliza went second releasing her green reiatsu showing her partner is...a green apple tree? Eliza slapped her forehead, "come on, stop being shy Nami no Ringo!"

The tree transform into a little green-haired boy holding an apple blossom design chime, Kazumi shook her head as the boy shyly wave towards them. She knows how Eliza feels, sometimes there's hesitation in their teamwork.

Amira let her red reiatsu seeped through her as she materialize two entity, one is a humanoid well groomed cat wearing a butler outfit holding a cane and the other is a girl wearing a pink sash containing humongous size bells at each end. Dante finally went last releasing her silver reiatsu as her partner appear as a translucent cape wearing figure floating in the air.

Happy that they are getting somewhere, Ichigo check off that part of their information sheet. Going more in depth about their abilities, Ichigo questioned. "Combat skill types? I have to write best recommendations base on your ability with your partners. Lets start with you." Ichigo lazily pointed at Eliza.

"Main skill involves barricading, minor skill in Healing Kido." Ichigo wrote her ability in the support box.

Turning to a scowling Dante, she growled. "Main, phantom-like attacks, minor skill is turning invisible." Ichigo put her down in espionage and assassination.

He pointed towards Amira next, but her jingling partner butted in. "My main skill involves Kido flames, we don't know all my ability." The pink girl face twisted, "the only reason I'm with her is because she's more heavily influence, but she's an incomplete soul."

Ichigo scowled at the manifested girl, "It's not nice to point her out being different. My father is a shinigami and my mother is a quincy. There's even Vizards and Arrancars here."

The bell girl ignored him, "whatever, she's not going to use me." When she finished voicing her displeasure, she vanish in a pink reiatsu light.
"Nya...she's always difficult." The cat butler twirled his staff, smiling with closed lid eyes. His whiskers fabulously shining in the light. "I'm an attacking kido type."

Exasperated by the spirit girl's behavior, he went ahead and put Amira down in the combat box and noted her to specialize in Kido. All those present look at each other, before shrugging off and paying attention to the unaware captain. Kazumi being the last one, "Main skill in detecting, minor on defense." Ichigo filled her out to be a reconaissance type.

"I have to ask how all four of you can switch your partners-" he was cut off by Eliza's partner Ringo this time. "They're all incomplete, to keep us sane we voluntarily partner up with the soul who have the characteristic we need the most."

Again with the word 'incomplete' Ichigo thought annoyed, but he dismiss it as the four spirits probably telling all of them are crazy to stay with for too long. Glancing more on his documents. "It said here that Harun twins mother's ability is a donor healing type, difference compare to Rangiku's paperwork. You two have no listed father or anything about him. While the Amano twins are the first generation in their family."

Recieving nods from his new recruits, he finally gotten them to do drills before having Blaze to evaluate them. He left the group to finish up on his paperworks. Two hours later when Ichigo open one of his large drawer from his desk, he wasn't expecting a grinning Kisuke Urahara popping out of nowhere.

"Hello my faithful student!"

Gripping his zanpaktou beside him, ready to cleave the man in half. "What is it this time?"

Beaming a smile, waving Ichigo questions off. "Oh nothing, just dropped by just to say hi." He had to dodge when Ichigo aim his swing straight to his head.

Ichigo already annoyed dealing with four new teenage girls does not need Kisuke's crap right now. "Lies!" He shouted, pointing his finger close to Urahara's laughing face. No one can ever get use to a Shiba's eccentric personality. They are fun to annoy most of the time!

Ichigo stopped swinging Zangetsu around when Kisuke became serious, "you got me. I have an important information from let say an alumni." Kisuke snapped his fan closed.

Bewildered, Ichigo didn't notice the matriarch of the Hitsugaya family leaning against the corner of the wall. "We recieve permission from Isshin to use your help, if you're in that is?"

The turquoise eye woman narrowed her eyes on Ichigo, this time directing her question to the other man in the room. "Are you sure your godson is up to this? I don't know why we couldn't use my son, he wanted an opportunity to find two girls who disappear twelve years ago."

Astonish, Ichigo blinked. "Toshiro wants to find two girls..." Blinking dots floated on top of his head, no connection yet, it's still hard to believe.

Ichigo was interrupted when Urahara slapped his fan on top of Ichigo's head. "Now May, this boy can do the impossible."

The female Hitsugaya gave Kisuke a skeptical look. Kisuke cough into his fist, "and he's a trouble magnet."

Ichigo shouted back, "What is that suppose to mean!"

Urahara laugh patting Ichigo's hair down. "I mean you can sniff them out, especially since none of the Hitsugaya or any affiliation to the Hinamori family was able to find them in twelve years." Urahara didn't care if he jabbed May's pride. "There's even a time limit, next June the heir has to be found."

Running his hands through his hair, "I guess I can help out." Ichigo groaned.

Kisuke in his business-like persona, "don't mention this to anyone. We don't need more people to know and accidentally slip. If you do find them, you are to guard them." Lowering his hat more as the late afternoon sunlight shine through the window, Kisuke motion towards May again. The woman twitch as she produce a few reiatsu coated creations that were obviously made by kids younger than three.

"Those will help you to track them Kurosaki-kun." Kisuke explained, then gave Ichigo a warning. "I suggest you keep the window open."

Kisuke disappear from Ichigo's view, Toshiro's mother didn't bother staying long as she have more important things to attend to.

Ichigo ruffle his hair a bit, what did Kisuke meant about keeping the window open. The orange teen scowled, 'who cares' he thought and decided to close it instead. Ichigo caught something sparkling in the distance, heading in high velocity towards him. He ducked, but caught a glimpse of Urahara face.

Ichigo gave an impassive stare, he was not amuse. "Oh come on, again?! Damnit Hat-n-clogs!"

"That better not leave a stain!" Ichigo ranted.

'Ichigo Kurosaki, if you are reading this then your first bet in this easter scavenger hunt is to look for chocolates.'

'Why? Did he send me the wrong message?! He actually made a mistake?!' Was the world ending? Ichigo doesn't really know.

'P.S. If you think I have lost my mind or made an error. Hate to disappoint you, but check again.'

'P.S.S. I becareful with a lightning princess. She's rather nasty and mean like my crimson princess.'

Ichigo banged his head against the wall, he was going to hurt Kisuke later. He review everything they were talking about again, obviously he have to find the Hinamori family before June. Wait! Hinamori! He slapped himself brutally, they're large suppliers of chocolate. Oh crap! He's going to have to hunt down one of the Hinamori's Elders that went into hiding along with the rest.

Hehe please review if you like. Sorry this took long to update -_-'

Well till next time, I hope I have time. School is about to start again.