Switching Genders ch 16

Dangerousgirl: I promised that I would not let this story lapse again so long as I lived….I will try not and let it lapse for so long as I live lol. Anyways since I am on vacation I thought it best to try and type out as much of these chapters as I can before I have to return to the business world

Disclaimer: Don't own don't sue please.

As the Slytherin team trekked their way onto the Quidditch field, they wordlessly stared at their seeker turned girl. Draco would often catch their stares and would stare back at them haughtily as if daring them to ask the unasked question 'Why is Draco a girl for the game?'

They often turned away at her stares and stared ahead or at the ground. Blaise still would not look at her instead opting to walk faster to the field.

She sighed starting to get irritated at her supposed best friend's actions towards her or lack thereof. As she finally walked onto the field she approached Madam Hooch and they waited silently for the opposing team to finishing arriving.

Draco silently took in the skies on the Quidditch field. The teachers had announced a new element to the game of Quidditch. As they often played the game no matter what the weather was like, 95% of the time it was bright and sunny so to mix it up a bit, they introduced a weather roulette to the field, it was very random but a weather was selected for a game and could range from a bright sunny day to a snowstorm or tornados that formed on the field. Draco thought it was a step up from the usual weather they were used to playing in. She smirked lightly at the thought of her private training, it helped that her godfather was a teacher who allowed her to have access to the field and the weather roulette and practice hard in order to have a chance in beating Potter.

Speaking of Potter, where exactly was he? She turned to look around for the raven haired Gryffindor when she spotted him walking towards her. For some reason, her breath caught a bit as Potter was staring at her while he walked closer, his uniform cape billowing out behind him as it got caught in the wind, his messy hair swaying as well. For some reason he looked different, Draco wondered what it was that was different about him when she realized that she was full on staring into Potter's green eyes without being hindered by his hideous glasses. For some reason, without his glasses it just accentuated that Potter had a strong jaw line with a tanned face from his time playing Quidditch with his bright green eyes setting off his face very nicely.

Draco blinked her eyes and shook her head lightly just as Potter and his team came up to them. Potter raised an eyebrow "Problem?" he asked while staring at Draco. She shook her head and said "It's nothing, I …"

"Was quaking in her boots, since she doesn't stand a chance as a girl!" the Weasel had cut Draco off.

She rolled her eyes "Sod off prat! Nobody's talking to you!"

The weasel snickered before mounting his broom and headed toward the goals. Potter just shook his head and turned to Madam Hooch with Draco following suit.

"Alright you two, I want a clean match between you two." She stated holding onto her whistle, "The weather roulette has determined that the weather theme for this game shall be tornados. Good luck!"

Potter paled a bit at the statement, Draco laughed as she mounted on her broom "Scared, Potter?" she taunted as she floated up.

Potter's head snapped up towards her, he mounted on his broom as well and followed after her "You wish!" he called out.

"What's with your lack of glasses?" She asked distractedly as they floated up higher on the field to get out of the other player's path as the game started, her eyes searching out for Blaise as he was a highly skilled Chaser.

"I didn't want to take the chance that we would have a sunny weather option, so I opted to have a temporary fix on my eyes for the game so I wouldn't lose or break my glasses." Potter answered as he also watched Weasley try to defend against Blaise's onslaught.

Draco whooped as Blaise swerved around Weasley and scored a point for Slytherin, she answered Potter "Well, the look suits you."

Potter looked at her in surprise "Really? You mean that?"

Draco rolled her eyes "You know what? If you're gonna keep asking me whether I mean it or not, then I'm just going to stay silent from now on."

Potter shook his head "The way you are, I doubt you'll be able to do that." He smirked as Draco scowled at him. Both of them jerked away from each other when a tornado formed right between them, they gripped their brooms hard trying to keep themselves from being either blown away or sucked into the windy vortex. Their heads jerked toward the ground when they heard the high pitched whistle indicating that the snitch has been released. They looked at each other for a split second before driving their brooms down in an attempt to spot the snitch. Draco scanned the field for the snitch as she dodged Beaters and tornados that started to form more frequently.

She saw Potter on the other side of the field doing the same thing, she smirked and rose up higher on the field. She rested lightly on her broom at the Slytherin goal as she took a deep breath and scanned the length of the field. While she had practiced in private, she found that she liked the tornado weather the best, and she noticed during her training that while the snitch was small and very fast, it was actually quite powerless against the strong winds the tornados created when formed and had a bad habit of getting sucked in the tornado before being ricocheted very quickly when the tornado disappeared.

She watched carefully as three tornados slowly started to form down the length of the field, when they started to get a bit stronger is when she kicked off her broom and started to zoom down the field as she had spotted the snitch as predicted starting to get sucked in. She startled lightly when Potter had zoomed right besides her having spotted the snitch himself. They locked eyes before turning back toward the snitch's plight against the wind.

Draco smirked to herself as they were head to head going towards the snitch, she took a deep breath and started to inch along her broom, being very careful to keep it leveled and balanced as the front of her broom started to take on her body weight. As a guy, Draco found that he couldn't keep the broom balanced as he weighed more as a guy, but as a girl after he got frustrated with his failures and turned into a girl, she found that her lighter body weight allowed her to get near the end of the broom and not lose her balance. She practiced this trick several times and always managed to successfully catch the snitch. The only trouble was she didn't have Potter to worry about at the time.

As she settled at the end of the broom, the tornados picked up in their strength as she and Potter had to carefully navigate through the wind. As she was ahead of Potter on the broom, she had an advantage in snatching the snitch before Potter when she heard her name being called "Draco!" she turned her head in confusion "Blaise?"

There was Blaise on her left glaring at her, "What are you doing?" he yelled "You need to stop before you get hurt, or sucked into a tornado!"

Draco shook her head "No way! I almost have it! I can do this!"

It was Blaise's turn to shake his head "No you can't! You're heading straight into that tornado, veer off now Draco!"

"Dammit Zabini, will you leave her alone?!" Potter yelled "Mind your own business and get back to your position."

"You mind your own business Potter!" Blaise yelled "And as for you Draco, veer off now! You're never going to make it!"

Draco shook her head ignoring Blaise instead opting to concentrate on capturing the snitch instead and proving Blaise wrong. She stretched her hand out closer toward the snitch getting closer and closer to the tornado Blaise had mentioned.

"Dammit Draco, I'm not going to just sit by and watch you do this!" Blaise yelled, at his words Draco snapped her head at him "Whatever you're planning on doing Blaise, don't do it!" she yelled, slightly panicked at the look on Blaise's face.

With his jaw set, Blaise swerved his broom right into Draco's and knocked her and her broom off course from the tornado in front of them, unfortunately he didn't see that another tornado had formed in the direction he had knocked Draco into. As she was sucked into the tornado she yelled "Blaise!" and as the tornado swirled her around and around in a circular motion, she twisted herself in an attempt to get out of the tornado when it stopped abruptly for some reason and she was thrown clear out of the field. As she was flying through the air she saw the tree coming up to her, 'WHAM!' she groaned a bit as she slammed into the trunk of the tree with her side, she could feel her right shoulder pop out of its socket at the impact. She felt herself start to fall down after the impact with the tree, she clenched her eyes shut as she waited for another impact. When it never came she opened her eyes and saw that Potter had come by to catch her, she looked at him in confusion to which Potter grinned and held up a hand to show a tightly clenched snitch. She groaned as she realized that the game was over and that was why the tornado stopped abruptly, "Savor this Potter, if Blaise hadn't done that I would have won." She said defiantly while still in Potter's arms. Potter shook his head and laughed "Well I guess we'll never know. Hey is your shoulder okay? It looks like it took quite a hit when you hit the tree." He asked as they lightly touched down on the ground and she stood on her own.

Before she could answer the Gryffindor team had run up to them jostling her out of the way as they cheered Potter on for another winning game. She rolled her eyes and stalked back toward her team who stood waiting for her with Blaise. She narrowed her eyes at Blaise and walked up to him "Are you insane?" She asked as she stopped in front of him "I almost had the snitch, why did you have to interfere?"

Blaise snapped back at her "No you didn't! And if I hadn't interfered you could have gotten seriously hurt!"

Draco gaped at him "I still got hurt with your interference! You should have just let me do what I wanted! I trained for it and I was ready!"

Blaise shook his head and said "No matter how much you practice as a guy or as a girl you will never be good enough to beat Potter, the sooner you admit it the sooner you can accept it!"

At this Draco unwittingly adorned a hurt look at his words, she looked around her as not only did all of the Slytherin team heard Blaise's words but so did all of the Gryffindor team if Weasley's smug look was anything to go by and a good portion of the crowd who came down to the ground. Her face flushing furiously at the public humiliation Blaise had subjected to her, she snapped her head at Blaise whose eyes had widened slightly when he realized what he had done. Quick as lightning she struck Blaise's cheek with her left fist, after striking Blaise she turned on her heel and headed quickly towards the castle. As she entered she opted to head up towards the Astronomy tower instead of changing, she clutched her right shoulder tightly as she remembered that her shoulder was dislocated but she didn't want to have to go back down and go the sick wing in order to get it back into place.

She entered into the room and sat down on one of the benches as she looked around to find anything she could brace herself on to pop her shoulder back into place. She took her wand out and whispered an incantation to have a length of rope appear, she tied the roped to a wooden plank securely after that she wrapped her right hand around the rope and biting her lip she tugged harshly against the rope crying out as her right shoulder popped back into place. Breathing heavily as she favored her right shoulder she walked over to the window that had the view of the Quidditch field.

She folded her arms and rested her chin on them as she viewed the field and flushed angrily at what Blaise had said/done to her. She was SO PISSED! She had never felt so humiliated since the time Potter had publicly humiliated her or him at the time. She clenched her teeth as she seethed silently at Blaise. 'How could he say that to me?' she wondered silently 'He had always encouraged me before, he never said shit like that to me before.'

As she kept seething she didn't notice that someone had entered the room to join her, "Pissed?" Potter asked quietly as he stepped closer to her. "Beyond reason" she hissed back "Careful Potter I might bite your head off."

"Seeing as how I'm not the one you're pissed at, I'll take my chances" Potter countered.

She shrugged "Your choice." She stayed where she was not wanting to look at Potter, her face flushed angrily again as she recanted Blaise's words in her head over and over again "No matter how much you practice as a guy or as a girl you will never be good enough to beat Potter, the sooner you admit it the sooner you can accept it!"

She snapped her head back at the silent spectator who stepped back a little with his hands up a little at her actions. "I would have made it!" She said haughtily "Don't think for a second that I wouldn't have been able to beat you today if Zabini had never interfered despite what he said!"

Potter looked at her a bit in confusion "I know," he answered quietly, "I was actually a little worried because I have never been able to do that on my broom, the brooms just can't handle a guy's weight."

Draco paused "You really think so? Or are you just saying that to make me feel better?"

Potter grinned "I'm not just saying that to make you feel better, my broom can't handle my weight."

Draco rolled her eyes, "I mean about beating you!"

Potter stayed silent for a moment "I don't know" he finally answered, Draco nodded a little refreshed by his honesty.

"I honestly don't want to think about you maybe beating me." Potter continued, at her raised eyebrow he continued on to clarify. "What I mean is, you get so driven when you have your mind set on something, and at Quidditch it's all about beating me. Your whole focus on the game is beating me so you work so hard on Quidditch all for the sake of beating me. I feel that if you were finally able to reach your goal you won't work as hard anymore now that you finally beat me and you'll forget about me as your focus when playing Quidditch."

Draco blinked in surprise at the confession "I hardly doubt that I would be able to forget you Potter, we've been through too many years and situations for me to ever forget you. But you got your wish for now, I still haven't been able to beat you." She turned away to look out the window again.

Potter observed her a bit more before answering "I believe….you would have been able to make it today as you said you could despite there being tornados."

Draco turned back to him in surprise, "What makes you believe that?" she asked incredulously. Potter smiled "Because you're a Malfoy, and whether you're a guy or girl, small or large I bet you can do whatever you want to once you set your mind to it."

Draco stared at Potter, her mouth hanging slightly opened as a few minutes passed Potter tilted his head at her "Something I said?"

Draco shook herself out of her thoughts at his statement "No, it's just that, well it is what you said but I just remembered that the same thing was said to me a long time ago."

Potter frowned "When was that?"

"It's nothing" she answered turning back

"Come on, tell me" he coaxed stepping closer to her, she shook her head "Nope!"

"Draco?" came a voice, both her and Potter turned their heads towards the entrance and saw Blaise standing there, changed into his regular robes.

Draco narrowed her eyes "Go away Zabini" she growled at him. Blaise flinched at the use of his last name "Can I talk with you?"

"No" came the short reply "You obviously said enough on the field and now I know how you really feel, now go away."

Blaise stared at Potter "Potter, you mind? I want to talk to my friend"

"Oh so NOW I'm your friend?!" Draco shot back "After last night and how you acted towards me this morning and during the game, and what you said to me in front of everybody! NOW YOU DECIDE TO PULL THE FRIENDSHIP CARD?! FUCK YOU! I'M OUT OF HERE!" Draco pushed off away from the window and stomped past Blaise down the stairs.

She could hear Blaise following her as she marched her way towards the Slytherin locker room to change out of her uniform, "QUIT FOLLOWING ME!" She yelled back at Blaise, who continued to follow her "We need to talk" Blaise answered


Blaise paused at the statement before continuing to follow her into the locker room. She finally turned to him with her hands on her hips "GET OUT! I NEED TO CHANGE, AND I'M NOT DOING THAT WITH YOU IN HERE!" Blaise stared a bit at her before slowly turning around with his back facing her, "I said out, not for you to turn around!"

Blaise shook his head, "If I left the room, you'll sneak out some other way and we need to talk despite what you say."

She growled "I'm tempted to hex your ass where you stand!"

"Go ahead, I deserve it" Blaise answered, Draco blinked at his words before narrowing her eyes not fooling herself at all "No matter what you say, don't think I'll be forgiving you any time soon."

"Change first and then we'll talk." Blaise answered.

Draco growled again at the statement before turning towards her locker, she waved a privacy screen behind her not trusting that Blaise would try and get a glimpse of her changing. After settling into her robes, she turned back to Blaise who was still turned towards the wall "You wanted to talk so talk."

Blaise turned around to face her, she held up a hand "Better yet, let me start since I have a shitload to say."

She started to pace "I'm not going to get into how you treated me last night, never mind you ignoring me earlier this morning at breakfast, including your actions towards me on the Quidditch field, but the one thing I can't seem to let go of is why THE FUCK DID YOU HUMILIATE ME IN FRONT OF EVERYBODY?! YOU KNOW HOW I FEEL ABOUT THAT! I MAKE ENEMIES OUT OF EVERYBODY WHO DOES THAT TO ME, ASK POTTER!"

Blaise flinched at her words, he sagged his head not saying anything, she looked at him in despair "I forgive everything when it comes to you, but the past couple of days I just seem to be the only one fighting for this friendship." She laughed bitterly "I'm starting to wonder why I should bother anymore or if there is a friendship to fight for anymore."

Blaise's head snapped up at those words, his face in a panic "You can't mean that" he whispered, his face in pain.

"Don't I?" she challenged "Ever since this whole mess started with me turning into a girl, you've played with my feelings, made me feel like shit, make me feel things that I should only feel when it comes to my enemies and what hurts most of all is that you disregarded my feelings about everything and humiliated me in front of everybody. Everything else I could have gotten over eventually because we've been alone but for you to say that I will never be good enough to beat Potter in front of everyone, especially in front of people I hate who will use what you said to make fun of me and embarrass me."

Blaise shook his head "I didn't do it out of malice, you have to believe me! I was worried because I didn't want you to get hurt! And I was upset because you kept saying that you could do it!"

"IF and that's a big IF I got hurt then that would have been on me!" Draco snapped "It was not up for discussion and if you had even bothered to have been with me while I was privately training then you would have seen that I would have been able to make it!"

Blaise stayed quiet as he bit his lip, Draco continued her pace around the locker room Blaise took in a shaky breath "I'm sorry…I"

Draco cut him off "You keep telling me that you're sorry so many times now that it's starting to lose its meaning to me when it comes from you."

Blaise said again "But I am sorry…"

"Stop telling me you're sorry!" she screamed at him grabbing one of the Slytherin equipment and chucked it at Blaise's head, he ducked making the equipment whiz over his head and when he faced her she had taken a running start toward him and performed a running jump kick, her foot landing squarely on his chest. "Oompf" Blaise grunted as her boot made contact and he was sent flying across the room and slid along the floor.

As he tried to get up, he felt himself being pushed down as Draco landed on top of him, straddling his waist, she had her wand out and pointed toward his throat "Don't move" she warned him quietly, Blaise settled back down on the floor as he eyed her wand and flicking back toward her face. He opened his mouth "Say sorry again" she taunted "I dare you." He immediately shut his mouth. They quietly sat there in silence for a few minutes as Draco debated whether or not to hex Blaise or worse….break off their lifelong friendship. Blaise could see her internal battle and licking his lips, to which Draco watched without realizing she was staring he opened his mouth hesitatingly "Tell me how to make it better between us Dray, I'll do anything."

Soft feelings flitted through Draco as she heard Blaise's nickname for her pass from his lips, she closed her eyes to it and opened them to look glumly at Blaise "I don't know, I want us to go back to the way we were. I want us to be best friends again but I'm having a hard time getting past this."

Blaise nodded silently "Tell me what to do, and I'll do it I swear…I…I don't want to lose you." His eyes watered slightly as his voice broke a bit.

She lowered her chin to her chest and shook her head lightly "I don't know what can make it better, I don't think there is anything you can do to fix this." Her eyes watered slightly at the realization that there probably was nothing that could be done to fix it.

As Blaise took in her words he realized what she was saying so he took her hand holding her wand toward his throat and shifted it away from him as he sat up with her still straddling him. He raised his right hand gently lifting her head up to him "Don't say that, please" he begged, as he wiped the tears that were now flowing down her face, "You want me to lie?" she asked "Say that everything will be fine and be the way it was before?"

"I DON'T WANT TO LOSE YOU!" Blaise yelled, his eyes starting to tear up even more "I know I've been shitty lately and that you never deserved any of it and that you have every right to kick me to the curb and be done with me but I'm begging you! PLEASE! Don't leave me, I won't make it if I don't have you by my side." His tears were now flowing freely down his cheeks, Draco stared at him in awe before dropping her wand on the floor and encircled her arms around Blaise, hissing a little when her right shoulder ached a bit, she brought Blaise into a tight hug "Don't cry" she whispered "I can't stand it when you cry."

"If you leave me, then I won't be able to stop crying" came Blaise's muffled reply against Draco, "Then don't make me leave you, don't push me away." She retorted

They stayed in that position for a few minutes when Blaise pushed his head back to look at Draco's face, he brought his hand up to her and cupped her cheek his eyes searching her face before landing down to look at her lips. Draco's heart skipped a beat at his staring "Blay?" she whispered, Blaise's eyes flickered up to meet hers before he tilted his head closer to hers, she couldn't help but close her eyes as she could feel Blaise's breath on her lips and moaned a little as Blaise's lips closed on her lips.

This kiss was different than the first time, the first time was hurried and frantic while this one was slow and sweet, Blaise's lips were warm and soft as he brought his hands up to gently cup her face his right hand going around her head and buried his fingers in her hair. Draco brought her hands to the back of Blaise's head and gripped his hair tightly trying to bring him closer to her; Blaise traced his tongue on the bottom of Draco's lips asking for entrance to which Draco shyly granted opening her mouth. Blaise grunted at her warm entrance and pushed his tongue in to coax her tongue to play with his, as they started to battle for dominance Blaise grabbed Draco fully and switched their positions to where Draco's back was on the floor and he was settled in between her legs. She looked up at him with her face flushed and her lips swollen before Blaise crushed their lips together again, she groaned as Blaise thrusted his tongue in again allowing him to win their battle for dominance.

'CRASH' they both jerked up at the sound and saw that the storage door that held the Slytherin brooms in had opened and all the brooms had spilled out. Draco disentangled herself from Blaise and slid away from him, her face flaming she straightened her robes and hair that became messed up during their…escapades. Blaise just sat there his chest heaving as he stared at Draco fuss with her clothes and hair.

She cleared her throat "Help me put the brooms back in." Blaise got up wordlessly and silently helped her put all the brooms back in. After they put the brooms back in and secured the door, they sat down on one of the benches. "So what happens now?" Blaise asked, staring at Draco.

Draco shrugged "I don't know, go to lunch together?" "I mean us" Blaise corrected, again she shrugged "Again I don't know, I mean we're still friends but it seems to be a mistake to try and be anything more."

"Why?" Blaise asked, Draco rolled her eyes "Because as you yourself put it last night, I'm a guy and girl until Snape puts me back to normal and you didn't want me to confess any feelings I have for you, which fuck you very much for that. So while there are feelings between us, it's only because I'm a girl and I want more than that I want it when I'm a guy too and you can't give me that." She paused "You also treat me as a girl, if I had been a guy you would have never tried to pull that shit on me on the field."

Blaise looked a little frustrated "I won't lie and say that I don't want you as a girl, but I can't do it when you're a guy, I'm…not allowed…not gay!" he corrected himself hastily at her confused look at his wording "And you're right….I would have never done that if you had been a guy but I honestly didn't think you could make it."

Draco shook her head at him "Remember when I mentioned last night about when we first met and what you said to me?"

At Blaise's nod she continued "I remember it like it was yesterday or more like 20 minutes ago up in the Astronomy tower with Potter. When we met at the birthday party for one of the pureblood family's child and I was sitting out from playing with them because I was too little and I couldn't win, you came up to me and introduced yourself and you made the mistake of thinking that I was a girl which was a bit embarrassing, after we got properly introduced and you found that I was a Malfoy you remembered that they had a son and not a daughter. You sat with me to keep me company as an apology and then you asked me how come I wasn't playing and I said I was too little and I couldn't win you said and I quote 'but I heard of your family from my parents you're a Malfoy, and whether you're a guy or girl, small or large I bet you can do whatever you want to once you set your mind to it.' Draco paused before continuing "It was at that point when I realized that we will become the best of friends that I have never had before."

Blaise blushed a bit dropping his head a little at the compliment "I can't believe I forgot about that."

Draco smirked "Your memory will be the death of you."

Blaise groaned at that, he straightened up "Wait, how come you mentioned Potter? What does he have to do with it?"

Draco hesitated before answering him "He said the exact same thing to me up in the Astronomy tower before you came in."

Blaise paused at that letting her words sink in "So…?" he started slowly "You can't possibly think you guys can become friends right? You two have been fighting for years! And don't forget he humiliated you…!" at those words Draco snapped her eyes at him making Blaise snap his mouth shut quickly. "I haven't forgotten Blaise, just like I won't forget you humiliating me either!" Blaise hanged his head, "So? What makes you think Potter will even want to be friends?"

Draco answered, "I know Potter wants to be friends."

"When?" Blaise asked in surprise, Draco shrugged "Just whenever we talk."

"Which was when?" Blaise asked trying to get Draco to answer his question, she eyed him carefully trying to decide how to answer him when she realized that she didn't want to…for some reason she didn't want to reveal to him her talks with Potter or what was said between the two, she wanted to keep that to herself. She was saved from having to answer when Pansy came into the room "Excuse me." She said in a quiet voice "Professor Flitwick is looking for you Blaise, he wants to talk to you about the latest Charms assignment you turned in."

Blaise looked at Pansy in annoyance at her interruption; he muttered to Draco "We'll talk later." Draco nodded silently as he got up and walked out of the room with Pansy in tow.

She sat there for a few minutes longer contemplating what has happened today before getting up and stretching a bit before walking out of the locker room. As she walked down the hall, she caught a whiff of a familiar cologne before stopping and sighing exasperatedly and turning back to where she caught the smell. As she stood in front of what looked like an empty wall she now knew better and reached her hand out to capture the invisibility cloak in her hand and gave it a sharp yank to reveal Potter with yet another guilty expression on his face. She shook her head "Honestly Potter, I can't possibly the only one whose conversations you eavesdrop on?"

"Well no, but wait you're not mad?" Potter asked, Draco sighed "I should be but I've come to realize that eavesdropping is what you do and trying to get that to change would be as hard as trying to straighten out Granger's bushy hair."

Potter glared at her for her words, she shrugged "What? I can pick something better like it would be as hard as trying to get Weasley to not suck so much at Quidditch."

"Okay, it's fine you can stop." Potter said quickly, he stared at Draco before flushing and looking down at his shuffling feet.

Draco sighed again "How long have you been listening? I know not the entire time because you didn't have the invisibility cloak with you in the tower."

Potter flushed again "Er, when you and um Zabini were er um kissing." He practically whispered the last word. Draco flushed at the thought of Potter watching them, she eyed him suspiciously "Did you make the brooms fall?"

Potter shook his head vehemently "No!" a little too quickly which made Draco think that he did. She decided to let Potter off the hook "Whatever you say Potter, I'm going to have to invest in something that will detect your sneaky ass whenever you wear the invisibility cloak, I would like a private conversation in the future without having to worry about you listening in."

Potter grinned "Good luck with that! Unless you have my map or Mad Eye Moody's glass eye you're kind of shit out of luck."

Draco shuddered at the thought of the former professor's eye, she answered instead "So I won't be able to know if you're in the same room or not? Well that blows."

Potter laughed at her expression a bit before becoming serious and stared at her face seriously "So I had said the same thing as Zabini did when you were children?"

Draco froze at his words, she had completely forgotten the conversation she and Blaise had about Potter "Er, yeah" she confessed, her face flushing lightly.

Potter continued "And when he said those words, you knew without a shadow of a doubt that the two of you would become the best of friends?"

"You were listening Potter," Draco bit back "You already know what I said."

Potter nodded miserably "And you weren't thinking that about me when I said it did you? You were thinking about when Blaise had first said it to you?"

Draco opted to nod silently to which Potter continued "Why can't we be friends?"

Draco sighed and looked him in the eye "I wanted to ask you this before the game started, why do you want to be friends with me so badly? Don't you think it's a little too late to try and be friends when we have so much bad blood between us?"

Potter shook his head "I learned that there is so much about you that I never realized was there until recently, I always thought that you were a massive asshole whose sole purpose was to make my life miserable. I never thought that there was a single good quality about you…" "Gee thanks" Draco interrupted sarcastically to which Potter continued as if she never interrupted "And I came to realize that you do everything for your friends like I do and that you're actually not a bad person, you're only like that with people you hate. You don't even antagonize all the Gryffindors, Hufflepuffs, or Ravenclaws, you actually ignore almost all of them except for the ones you hate, you even treat the Slytherins the same way. You're so different with Zabini as he's your only friend and you believe so much in him that you always give him the benefit of a doubt whenever anything happens that involves him. I don't have that with my friends, they tend to believe the worst of me first like the time Ron believed that I had really put my name in the Triwizard tournament." Draco snorted "I didn't believe you did when that happened you're not that good."

Potter smiled at that "You see? Ron didn't believe me, it took him to see me fighting the damn dragon to believe that I didn't put my name in there."

There was a silence when Potter finally finished his tirade, Draco eyed him silently she shook her head in wonder "Geez Potter, all the things you've just said to me makes me wonder exactly how long have you been watching me?"

At her words Potter flushed staying silent, she crossed her arms and asked "Do you really think we can be friends despite everything in the past?"

Potter pursed his lips and nodded silently his face set in determination with his green eyes flashing, she realized that he was starting to squint his eyes a little. She stepped forward toward him and raising her hand she reached inside Potter's robes, she watched Potter closely as she did this waiting to see what Potter would do. Said guy was watching her in surprise and standing absolutely still as she groped inside his robes, his eyes locking onto hers as he stared at her curiously not bothering trying to defend himself against her as if he knew she wasn't trying to hex him.

She smirked softly and withdrew her hand taking out his glasses she knew had been inside his robes somewhere, she unfolded the glasses and gently deposited them onto Potter's face. "Thanks" Potter responded settling his glasses.

"You're welcome" she answered, she blew out a breath and said "Alright Potter…" at those words Potter's expression perked up a bit as if in anticipation to her next words "I'll give this friendship between us a try."

"Really?" Potter asked his eyes shining in happiness, Draco nodded "I will give this my all, I expect you to do the same." To which Potter or should she say Harry nodded enthusiastically "I will!"

"But" she warned him, to which he settled down a little "I'm giving it my all to be friends with YOU, not your friends." Potter dimmed a little before grudgingly agreeing and saying "Same goes for me."

"I don't expect you to," she answered "This friendship is between us just as me and Blaise's is between us."

Potter nodded his happy mood fast returning, "I can ask for nothing more."

"Good," Draco answered, turning away she said "Feel like getting lunch….Harry?"

Flushing happily at the use of his first name Harry nodded again as he walked beside her and the two walked together toward the Great Hall.

Dangerousgirl: Annnnnd scene! I'll leave it here for now, but YAY Harry! He finally got Draco to agree to be his friend!...I wonder how Blaise will take it now that Draco has another friend? Or Ron and Hermione?