Sakura awoke the next morning more comfortable than she had been in a month. Not only had she slept in a proper bed, but she had slept curled up next to a very attractive, very warm Uchiha Itachi. He was awake, and probably knew that she was awake as well, so she didn't worry about bothering him as she stretched.

"Good morning," Itachi greeted her.

She looked at him and smiled. "Hi."

He sat up and looked at her. "Now that wasn't so terrible, was it?" he teased. Sakura pushed him off of the bed.

"You're an ass, you know that?"

Itachi stood, "So I've been told." He walked to the bathroom. "Kisame and I have work to do, so get yourself ready for a long day."

"Great," she answered sarcastically, and as Itachi disappeared into the bathroom, she reluctantly crawled out of bed. She swore, realizing that Itachi had packed for her, but was surprised to see all of her belongings. Including the Manko deck. She frowned, thinking that perhaps she should have left it with Tsuki.

She pulled out a clean set of clothing and changed. She realized that Itachi could have come out at any moment, but instead of making her shy or nervous, it made her insides flutter. She shook her head, focusing on the task that was at hand, and then pulled out a brush and did what she could with her messed up hair. It was longer now, because she hadn't been able to cut it. She didn't mind long hair, but what that sound kunoichi had said to her, years ago, still bothered her. Long hair was a distraction, and so she gave it up.

Itachi came out of the bathroom.

"Can I borrow a kunai?" Sakura asked.

"Why?" he replied.

"Because all of mine were confiscated," she answered.

He rolled his eyes, "I am aware. But why do you need a kunai?"

"Just to trim my hair," she ran her fingers through it, and walked over to the bathroom.

"No," Itachi answered, stopping her in her tracks.

"What?" she was confused. "I'm not going to turn around and attack you."

"I know," he reassured her, "But I like it longer."

Sakura blushed. Itachi seemed to have an obsession with hair. His was long, Tsuki's was long, and now he wanted hers to be long? She smirked.

"Seems to me like someone's got a strange little fetish, huh?" she teased.

He smirked right back at her, "And what would you know about fetishes? Virgin."

That wiped the smirk off of her face. She turned, suddenly angry, and shut the door to the bathroom. "Asshole," she muttered.

"I heard that," Itachi acknowledged.

She rolled her eyes, but didn't respond. She took care of her business, thinking the whole time about his little comment.

It was a little sad that she was almost twenty, and still a virgin. Then she realized. It was white day. Two more weeks, and it would be her birthday. She sighed, washed her hands and face, and exited the bathroom.

Itachi stood at the door, holding a kunai. He handed it to her. She took it, and stared at it. It wasn't really a loving gesture, but she knew he had done it because he had made her angry. She smiled and threw her arms around his neck, being mindful of the kunai. He wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her as close to him as he could.

"I apologize," he said, "I'm not used to... this, either."

She nodded against his neck, but said nothing. She could stay there forever, wrapped in his strong arms.

But the moment was ruined by a harsh pounding at the door. "We're going to be late," Kisame declared from the hallway.

The embrace fell apart, and Sakura handed him back the kunai.

"I guess it can get a little longer," she compromised. It made him smile, and Sakura suddenly decided that she really wanted her long hair back anyway.

Itachi went to the door, and opened it. Kisame nodded in greeting and walked away, towards what Sakura guessed was their mission site. Itachi made to follow, but quickly turned, pulling Sakura towards him and kissed her for a moment. It was quick, but somehow held just as much emotion as their first kiss, and Sakura smiled at him in thanks.

Then they headed off.

Sakura was nervous already. She didn't want to see either of them torture anyone, but if Itachi had to, she knew that she could not stop him. She would just have to tell herself it was all part of his act, which it was. The nerves increased when they got to the manor in which Itachi and Kisame's meeting was. It was filled with thugs. Lots and lots of them. Sakura prayed that Itachi would not be separated from her.

When the three shinobi reached the room of the head of transactions, the man came to greet them outside of the office.

"Welcome! Welcome!" he greeted, "Always nice to see you, Itachi-san, Kisame-san!" He turned to Sakura, "And who is this?"

No one answered.

The man shrugged. "I suppose it's not my place to know, however, she will not be allowed to accompany us into my office."

Itachi nodded, "That's fine, but be aware that she is more than likely going to cause serious damage to your staff, should anyone mess with her."

The man looked at Sakura, and she smiled, sweetly, yet creepily. He shuddered. "That's not a problem."

The man rushed back into the room, jabbering on about how honored he was to see the two Akatsuki. Kisame followed, but Itachi stayed behind for a second. He brushed his hand along Sakura's, and she gave him a small smile. Then he followed his partner into the office.

The man was still chatting on incessantly. He was always like this, always assuming that the two Akatsuki actually care about what small talk he had to offer. Nothing he could possibly have said would interest Itachi. Kisame, however, had something very interesting to say.

"You know leader won't approve of that," he warned. Itachi tensed, but didn't respond. "You don't have to hide it from me, but I suggest you don't do to many little things like that back at the base."

Itachi looked at the older man, almost glaring. "When did you find out?"

Kisame shrugged, "I knew you were into her for a while, but I didn't think you'd act on it. But then I see you makin' eyes at her, and what not, and I figured I should give my elderly advice." Itachi rolled his eyes, and Kisame smiled his toothy grin at him. "So again, make sure Leader doesn't find out," he advised, serious again.

Itachi nodded. Then, they began their meeting.

Sakura looked around. She allowed herself to laugh quietly. Seven years ago, she would have been scared out of her mind. But today, she thought she just might have some fun. Itachi had practically asked her to embarrass the pathetic looking minions.

"What's so funny?" one of the thugs asked.

Sakura shrugged. "I'm just wondering if anyone here would have the balls to attempt to beat me at an arm wrestling match."

The man looked at her, skeptically, and she smiled sweetly at him. He laughed. "Some attitude you got there, let's have a go, shall we?" he asked. He grabbed a table that was obviously for decoration, and not meant to be wrestled on, but Sakura didn't really care. She wouldn't not be to blame. The thug put his elbow down on the Table, and Sakura followed suit, taking the man's hand. "I'll try to go easy on you," he promised.

Sakura smirked, "Same here."

He glared at her. "Three, Two, One!" She smashed his hand into the table, cracking the top a bit. "What the hell?"

Other thugs laughed, and Sakura brushed her hands off on her medic skirt. "Anyone else?" she offered the room.

Itachi and Kisame were growing more and more frustrated. Four hours had passed, and so far they had only learned that the corporation was not doing well. The man had not told them everything they wanted to know, either. He was especially reluctant to give out information regarding money.

"I don't have an exact number," he told them for the sixth time, "But I promise you we are not taking advantage of the help of your members. We are turning a profit, we just need a few more weeks before that profit will be acceptable, for us, to tell you."

Kisame sighed. He was getting to old for this. "Look, I don't want to cause a scene, but if I have to kill some people for you to start being more productive, I will."

The little man laughed, a result of nerves, "No, no! There will be no need for casualties!"

Itachi stood, "You have one week to give us an acceptable number. Or you will no longer be on the protection of Akatsuki."

"In fact," Kisame added, standing as well, "You might just end up on our own personal hit list."

The man gulped, "Understood."

The two Akatsuki left the office. And entered what looked like the most badass example of an arm wrestling tournament. There was a huge pile of money in a bag next to the table, which Itachi guessed was the bet money.

Itachi glared at the pink haired kunoichi, who was more than likely the cause of the battle, but he had to admit that he was impressed. He imagined that if he allowed it, she would stay there all day, showing off to the thugs.

Sakura won another match against a man who had to be at least twice her size, and the crowd around them cheered. Sakura cheered as well, turning to high five her new friends, and saw Itachi, glaring at her. She frowned slightly. The fun was over.

"Well boys," she began, "As much fun as this has been, it's time for me to leave-"

To her surprise, Kisame stopped her, "Not so fast," he walked over to the other side of the (now ruined) table and placed his elbow down. "Chakra, or no?"

Sakura smirked at him. "No chakra," she responded, taking her battle stance.

One of the minions, who had apparently been elected referee, counted down, and the battle began. Both shinobi's arms tensed, but didn't seem to move. On Sakura's side there were cheers, rooting for her, and on Kisame's side there was complete and utter silence, caused either by awe, or by fear. Itachi shook his head at the childishness, and headed for the door. They would just have to catch up.

Sakura bit her lip in concentration. Finally! she thought, A real opponent!

Kisame seemed to be focusing just as much, but Sakura noticed that she was beginning to get the upper hand. The Shark-nin's arm was leaning ever so slightly to her victory.

Then, suddenly, her hand hit the table, and with a crack, the table was destroyed. The kunoichi glared at the Akatsuki. He had broken the 'no chakra' rule. "Cheater!" she yelled, turning and following Itachi. Kisame bowed to his new fans, and left after the girl, grabbing the winnings bag as he left.

Sakura caught up to Itachi. He looked at her, and she knew that she had, well, fucked-up. "I'm sorry, okay?" she apologized.

He sighed. "You realize I'm trying to conduct business with these people, right?" he asked, an obvious edge to his voice.

She nodded. "I'm sorry," she repeated.

Kisame caught up with them, and Sakura glared at him again. Kisame shrugged, "I couldn't get beaten by a girl in front of people I'm supposed to be intimidating the shit out of," he rationalized. She rolled her eyes. He handed her the bag of winnings, and walked ahead of them. She stared after him, and wondered why Itachi didn't pick up the pace to walk with his partner.

She handed the money to Itachi. "I don't need it," she answered his unasked question, "And I'm a hostage, so you'd probably have taken it anyway."

Itachi looked at her for a moment, his previous anger all but forgotten. He put the money in a pocket in his robe, and took the girls hand.

Sakura looked at their hands, then at him. "Uh, I thought we had agreed-"

"Kisame already knows," he interrupted, "And everyone else in the village suspects that we are together anyway."

Sakura didn't say anything for a moment, but eventually closed her hand around his. "Still, we had an agreement," she argued, jokingly.

He looked at her, his tiny smile present, "I don't see you objecting."

She smiled back at him. "I'm not," she responded. They walked in silence for a while. Kisame was out of sight now, and Sakura guessed that he had gone to the hotel. Then she realized that they had already passed it. "Where are we going?" she asked.

Itachi shrugged. "It's white day, I figured you'd like to go to a restaurant, instead of take out."

Sakura smiled. "You don't have to do this kind of stuff," she told him. He looked at her. "Boyfriend stuff, I mean."

Itachi stopped walking, and she halted as well. "Are you so against this that you wouldn't like being seen in public?" he asked.

"No," she answered, "I just don't want you doing anything that makes you uncomfortable."

He stared into her eyes. "And...?" he knew she wasn't telling the whole truth.

She turned away. "And... There are certain people that I would really not like to know about us."


She paused a moment. "Madara," she answered. He knew she told the truth.

He sighed. "I won't let him find out," he squeezed her hand, "I promise."

Sakura smiled at him, "So, where are you taking me?"

He shrugged. She sighed, looking around. She pointed out a Ramen stand, and though Itachi was a little disapproving at first, that was where they ate.

Sakura ordered for them, telling Itachi that she was an expert at ramen, and they ate quietly. It was strange for Sakura. She was used to Naruto, who ate the same way he did everything; loud and obnoxiously.

When they were both done, the headed back to the hotel. Itachi didn't take hold of her hand this time, but they walked close. The hostess greeted them, entirely too happily, and the two headed to their room.

Sakura went to go to the bathroom, but Itachi caught her arm and pulled her in for a kiss. She didn't resist, but neither did she respond, and Itachi broke away to stare at her.

She sighed. "I'm sorry," she said.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

Another sigh, and a pause before she answered, "I miss Konoha."

He understood. He put his arms around her waist and rested his head in the crook of her neck. "I know," he responded, whispering into her skin.

The soft words made Sakura shiver. She wrapped her hands around his neck, spreading her fingers through his soft hair. "I just want to be home," she continued, "Naruto probably knows I've been captured by now. He's probably insane with worry, which means that Hinata's also insane with worry. Tsunade's probably having to deal with everything I left behind at the hospital. Ino's going to be crushed when I miss my birthday."

He pulled back so that he could see her face, but kept her in his embrace. He lifted a hand to her cheek, wiping away a stray tear. "I'll get you home," he promised. Sakura looked into his eyes, a soft charcoal instead of that bright crimson. She smiled and lifted her face to his, initiating a kiss for the first time.

He reciprocated immediately, and Sakura could feel something was different. This kiss was more passionate than the last ones, and Sakura quickly became absorbed in it. His hand moved to the small of her back, pulling her in, while his other hand traveled to her neck. She thought for a moment that she should be afraid that a serial murderer had his hand on her throat, but all realized quickly that she didn't care.

She was so focused on the kiss that she didn't even realize that Itachi was moving her until her knees hit the edge of the mattress. She nearly fell on the bed, Itachi tumbling after her. They only broke the embrace for a moment.

When their lips met again, Sakura was delightfully surprised to feel Itachi's tongue slide across her lower lip. She met it with her own, and they fought for dominance before Sakura gave up all control.

His kiss made her insides melt, and she wondered if she was having the same effect on him. She his left hand travel from her waist up her side, leaving gooseflesh where he touched.

Suddenly, Sakura panicked. She had never been in a situation like this before, on a bed, under a man with his hand nearing private sections of her body. And while she enjoyed it, she wasn't quite sure if she could let him get to second base so easily.

"Itachi," she objected, but he pressed his lips more forcefully against hers. His hand was under her arm now, an inch away from a spot where Sakura had never been touched. "Itachi," she tried again, giving a tiny push on his chest.

He sighed, parting from her, and looked in her eyes. She noticed the lust clouding his eyes, but didn't look away. "We're moving too fast," she confessed.

He stared into her innocent face. She was so young, so pure. He sighed again, and rolled off of her, sitting up on the bed. She sat up as well and, feeling bad about breaking up their little make up session, took his hand in hers. He looked at their hands.

"You're right," he agreed. She smiled at him, and he met her gaze. He studied her face for a moment. He realized that she had a rather large forehead, and kissed it impulsively. Sakura laughed, but didn't object. He pulled back again, staring at their still interlocked hands.

Sakura locked her fingers between his. "Can we keep making out?" she asked. He smirked at her, but complied almost instantly.