A/N: Here is chapter six, finally! Sorry guys, but I had to take a break from this angsty story and write a humorous one. (The Rumor-Check it out if you haven't yet!) No one should be depressed on his or her B-day, and as mine was last Saturday, I put this story on the back burner. I'm going to try and update again tomorrow, but don't hold me to it.

Thank you for all the wonderful reviews. I live in GA not AZ and the drivers here aren't much better. I did get my car situation squared away, and I guess things worked out better than I expected, but I won't bore you with details.

Anyhow, you guys deserve this chapter for having to put up with this temperamental author! I promise to do better with updates. Enjoy!!!

Chapter 6: Professor Who?

"C'mon, Margo! You're not really going to make me have to sit and listen to Sissy and Megan drool over boys by myself?!" I demanded trying to get the girl out of bed, and down to the Great Hall for dinner.

She sat up and stared at me questioningly for a minute.

"Mya? What's wrong with me?" she finally asked.

"You got you're heart broken. It's only natural for you to be upset..."

"That's not what I meant. Why doesn't Remus like me? I mean things were going so great! And then two days ago we were taking a stroll around the lake, and I thought he was going to kiss me. At the last minute he changed his mind, and moved a way from me. I asked him why he didn't kiss me, and he was quiet for a minute, then said he was sick and didn't want me to get sick too."

"That sounds like a pretty good reason to me." I said, nodding.

"He didn't look or sound sick." she said, petulantly.

"Maybe it's a different kind of sickness." I said, unthinkingly.

She launched herself on me, and we fell to the ground.

"What do you know?!" she demanded.

"I, I don't know anything!" I gasped, trying to push her off of me.

She got up and glared down at me.

"I know, you know something! And I'm not leaving this room 'till you tell me."

Should I tell her? How would she react? Would she find out anyway, even without my help?

I had no idea. All I knew for sure was that in my future, Margo and Megan were not around anymore. I wondered, not for the first time, what had happened to them.

I decided to go ahead and tell her. If I wasn't meant to tell her, then the day would repeat, and I wouldn't let this happen again.

"He's got Lycanthropy."

Her jaw dropped in shock.

"That's the stupidist..." she was cut off by the howl coming from the forest through the open balcony.

"I'm sorry Margo. I'm sure Remus likes you a lot. He just doesn't want you getting hurt."

We sat in silence for several moments. Finally, Margo jumped to her feet, and helped me up as well.

"I'm starved." she said, walking towards the door.

I followed, unsure of what to say.

Margo hesitated with her hand on knob and turned back to face me. Let's not share this with anybody, okay? Especially Megan."

"Share what?"

She hugged me.

"You're a good friend, Mya"

As we walked to dinner my spirits lifted as Margo began to chatter away about some Arithmancy problem she'd found intriguing. It was nice to have her back. Maybe telling her the truth about Remus had been the right thing to do.

"I could show it to you after dinner." she offered as we reached the Great Hall.

"I have a meeting with Professor Snape." I said, shaking my head.


"No, the DADA professor." I told her, taking a seat a little ways down from Megan and Sissy.

They looked at me confused, but I smiled with a wave, and they resumed their conversation.

"You mean Professor Meade. You must have a certain Slytherin on the brain." Margo teased.

"No. There are two different DADA teachers this year. I assumed all Ravenclaws and Gryffindors had him." I said, taking a bite of a buttered roll.

"I haven't heard of any Professor Snape, Mya." she commented thoughtfully while twirling some spaghetti around her fork.

I looked at her, getting a funny feeling in my stomach.

"Ask James and Sirius, they were in class with me." I insisted.

Now she was really looking at me funny.

"But, just this morning they were talking about how much they really liked Professor Meade."

I put down my roll, no longer hungry.

"Sissy?" I called down to her.


"What's the name of our DADA professor?"

"You really have been out of it." she commented, coming down to sit by me.

"Professor Meade." she answered to my exasperated look.

"What about Professor Snape?"


I tried not to let them see how panicked was.

"Right, well I have a meeting with the DADA Professor, so I better get going. See ya later."

I burst through the DADA office door, causing Professor Meade to look up.

"Goodness, Miss Thyme! Whatever is so important?" she asked.

"How do you know my name?" I demanded, not even the slightest bit concerned about being polite.

She gave me a puzzled look.

"You were in my class yesterday, dear. Remember? I gave you points for answering the question about the werewolf?"

I decided to try a different tactic.

"Where is Professor Snape?"

"I don't know any Professor Snape." she sounded annoyed.

"There you are." said a voice from the door.

Severus was standing there, an odd expression on his face.

"Excuse us, Professor, Mya was supposed to be on her way to the infirmary for a stress relief potion." He said, telling me with his eyes to just play along.

I nodded and turned back to Professor Meade.

"I'm sorry Professor. I've had a rough week. I think I might be hallucinating." I said, depressed.

Her eyes turned kind as she said, "It's quite alright dear. Losing a loved one is always difficult."

I nodded, and allowed Severus to guide me through the classroom and out to the hall.

"What's going on?" he demanded, once he was sure no one was around.

"I'm going insane." I giggled.

Maybe they'd lock me up and I wouldn't have to worry about saving the world anymore.

"Mya?" he asked, looking at me uncertainly.

I gritted my teeth to keep from crying. This was all just so unfair! Was I really delusional, or was there something else going on.

I had been so relieved to see Professor Snape here, and now that had been taken away. I was all alone again.

I felt a warm hand on my shoulder, and looked at the teenage boy in front of me.

No, I wasn't alone.

Very slowly, I pressed up against him, wrapping my arms around his waist, and burying my face in his neck.

At first he stiffened, then relaxed and moved his arms so he could hold me close. It felt so good to be held this way. Not even Harry or Ron would hold me this long.

I took a deep breath. He smelled good.

Abruptly, I pushed away from him, and looked into his startled black eyes.

"I can prove it!" I exclaimed, and took off toward the Ravenclaw dorms. I stopped when I realized he wasn't following.

Sighing impatiently, I ran back to him and grabbed his hand pulling him with me.

I ignored the protests and angry shouts as I dragged Severus through the crowded common room and up to my dorm.

Once in my room, I ran to my bed and reached under the pillow pulling out the handkerchief that Professor Snape had given me yesterday.

I held it up triumphantly for Severus to see.

He took it from me, his expression worried.

"He gave it to me yesterday! He was here!" I exclaimed.

Severus fixed me with a piercing gaze.


"Professor Snape."

He was quiet for a moment.

"You mean my cousin that's teaching here?"

"YES!! You remember!" I cried, hugging him again.

"Of course I remember. We were talking about it this morning."

I nodded.

"No else remembers him, Severus! It's like he was never here! But we remember him."

He gave me a sheepish look.

"What?" I asked, warily.

"Well, I never exactly saw him, Mya. I just heard you talking about him, remember?"

I snatched the handkerchief back, and glared at him.

"I'm going to bed, I can't handle this tonight." I said, deflated.

He swept me up in his arms and sat down on my bed, cradling me to his chest.

I sighed, feeling safe and content for the first time in days.

I really liked being close to him. I wanted more moments like this. I would have leaned up and kissed him, but I was afraid that that might make the day repeat.

I heard him murmur that we'd figure out what was going on tomorrow, and that I should just sleep.

As I drifted off, I realized that I didn't care anymore. As long as I could be with him, like this. I didn't care what would happen. Even if I had to relive the day over and over for the rest of my life.
