Chapter 9
"So, let me get this straight," Tails said, slamming down the motor cover of the Tornado, "You're telling me that Maria Robotnik...the girl from the alive and we've been keeping her in our place to protect her?" Sonic nodded.
"Yep. That sums it up."
"And you decided force of tell me?"
"I'm sorry," Sonic squeaked from guilt, "I just thought..."
"No," Tails snapped, which was a very rare thing for the young fox to do, "You didn't think. You treated me, for once, as a child. You've never done that before Sonic..." He turned to look at Sonic, big sky blue eyes wide and filled with hurt. Sonic sighed.
"I'll never do it again," He said, "Promise." Tails walked over to the blue hedgehog and hugged him tightly.
"Apology accepted," Tails said, letting go of Sonic, "Come on. Let's go save them!"
Sonic smiled and followed him over towards the plane.
Amy sat in the cell that she was currently taking up resistance in. Looking over to her left she could see Maria, still unconscious from whatever happened to her in the city, starting to twitch as if she was dreaming about something. Amy looked away with guilt over the fact the two had gotten caught and now await for rescue from Sonic.
"No, no, no," Maria thought, pounding on the wall that faced her as G.U.N Soldiers closed in on her and Shadow. The dream had returned in full force. She fell to the ground and closed her eyes, knowing what was next.
"I'll protect you," said the hedgehog.
"Wait..." Maria thought, "That's not Shadow!"
The loud bang came and she opened her eyes to see what was supposed to be the black hedgehog she knew and loved, turn cobalt blue and fall to the ground.
"SONIC!" Maria screamed jolting up right. Sweat dripping down her forehead and she gazed about her new surroundings. The area had very little lighting making it dark and dingy and hard to see.
"We're in one of Eggman's bases I think. Not sure which one though."
"Amy," Maria said, sighing in relief that she was not alone in this place.
"Hey," Amy greeted, "Why'd you call Sonic's name out?" Maria shook her head.
"Nightmare. Nothing too serious though," she sighed, wiping the sweat off of her forehead with her left hand with no pain what so ever.
"My wrist..." Maria exclaimed in shock.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing's wrong and that's what's wrong," Maria looked over at Amy, "When robo hedgie blindsided me, I fell on my wrist the wrong way and it snapped. I know it did." She looked at her wrist and rotated it around, "How long was I out?"
"I'm not sure," Amy said, "I'd say an hour maybe." Both girls sighed, sitting on the floors of their cells.
"Well... on the plus side, I got the use of my wrist back," Maria stated causing Amy to finally smile.
"So that's the base?" Sonic asked looking at the giant building all covered with moss, ivy and Eggpawns marching.
"As far as I can tell...this is it," Rouge stated, "Not sure if it's THE one though. The Doctor has so many."
"'s hoping. Alright let's blast through this!" Sonic yelled, running towards the pawns.
"Okay!" Tails chimed in, following his big brother.
"Alright," Knuckles mumbled and followed suit.
Rouge just rolled her eyes .
"It's no use," Maria sighed, giving her cell a look over for a third to make sure she didn't miss anything that would be a flaw and help her escape.
"Did you try the back right corner?" Amy asked.
Of COURSE I've checked there!"
"Um...excuse me."
Maria whirled around to see a round robot looking at her. It cleared it's throat and began to talk again.
"The Doctor would like to see you."
"Well tell him that we don't want to," Amy snapped.
"Why would he want to see us?" Maria asked.
"I don't know, " shrugged the robot, "probably to boast about his big scheme that will be thwarted by Sonic and company rather soon. I have a feeling that they are already trying to break in as we speak."
"...why don't you seem to care?" Maria questioned. The little robot rolled his lens at her.
"Dear, I've seen this happen so many times that I've lost all ability to care anymore. Now, shall we go?"
"I'm not going," Amy pouted, "you can tell him to come down here if he wants to talk." Maria looked at her and sighed.
"You know what, sure. Take me to your Egg...Dude" With her saying that, Maria's cell was opened and she walked to the robot. Amy looked at her wide eyed, tears threatening to fall.
"I'll come back for you. Promise ," She whispered to her.
"This way please," The robot said with a hint of annoyance, "the doctor hates waiting...among other things." Maria followed the robot and the door slammed shut behind them.
A/N: It's been...over four hell of a writer's block am I right?
I think I feel well enough to actually think about writing again and feeling like it's time to pick up this story from where I left it oh so long ago. Do not get me wrong. I want to complete this, and I do think I can...hopefully.
To Fox who commented on the 7th of June: Thank you. I finally over came my writer's block.
Darko Moonlight91 ~Back and Out