Bottles of whiskey, bundles of clothes and cigarette buds scattered the floor. "That was a good fuck. Nice to do business with you again Mr. Spicer." A stranger got up from the bed zipping his pants up. Jack heard the door shut and then he untied to blindfold. The first time was just to feel the guilt lessen by the pain but now, it became a habit. Jack had just killed the last person who claimed to be his best friend but those words doesn't mean a thing to him. Now Jack couldn't feel anything but pain. This strategy of pain wasn't working anymore. He needed something worse. And then at the sight of a beautiful woman pass through the street below from his window sight gave him an idea. He knew this would be the worse her could ever do to himself.

The door to Chase's lair opened. Chase looks down from his stairs to see Jack Spicer accompanied with a beautiful woman wearing nothing but a coat over her body. "What brings you here insect?" Chase asked but the sight of Jack's dulled red eyes and monotone voice peaked Chase's interest.

"I am here to present you this woman for one night." Jack responded. Chase walked down the steps and stood face to face of the woman. She gave him a seductive look but Chase felt no affect with it. He looked down at Jack not understanding his methods.

"What is it in for you?" Chase asked and Jack didn't meet his eyes when he responded, "Only if I could watch the two of you." Chase was shocked by this request but also intrigued.

"Okay then Spicer." Chase answered and Jack met his eyes in shock but it slowly dulled again.

That night Jack was watching two bodies of a mess go at it. Standing like an idiot at the side as Chase pentrated the woman and thrusted to no return. Jack heard the moans and growls from the two. He felt that burst of pain to painful for even tears to be made. He saw his one idol and unrequited true love take a human being so beautiful. Jack finally felt something. Jack knew this would work.

This show of lust shows Jack that Chase could never be his or could Jack ever have anyone. It took so much whiskey and drugs just for the men to succumb to him. Jack is now watching a non-drunken Chase Young taking a person Jack could never be. He wasn't a woman. He wasn't beautiful. The person he used to be has been tainted away. The worst thing Chase had done during the merciless show, was stare at Jack Spicer right in the eyes holding that beautiful woman and grin. Chase came within the woman which was a signal to Jack that it ended. He ran out of the room to reach the outside of Chase's lair to hold himself up by leaning against his jet.

Jack couldn't handle it but puke out water out of his mouth. Jack hadn't eaten less and less since his granny's request. He had to fulfill her wish. She gave him everything. She loved him unlike everyone else. This was his one way to repay her but it hurt so much. The first time Jack had to kill. When he shot his mother and sister and then stabbed his father. The first stab wasn't deep because Jack was weak. But he knew that his father would tell what he was up to. He couldn't let that happen! He stabbed harder and harder trying to tell himself that what he was doing was right.

Jack stayed kneeling on the ground for Chase to bring the woman out. Chase did come out but not the woman. Jack stood up facing Chase but couldn't lift his head. "Where's the woman?" Jack asked with the same monotone voice.

"I killed her." Chase answered simply and Jack looked up at him in shock again. "She was awful. You have to make up for this." Chase ordered.

"No. No I can't!" Jack said balistically and tried to escape into his jet but instead Chase grabbed a hold of his shirt. They teleported into a different room in Chase's lair. Jack was thrown down on the bed. Jack tried to jump out but was held down by Chase too quickly to react. Jack was supporting his lower body up by his knees accidentally rubbing against Chase's groin.

"Let me go!" Jack tried to struggle out of Chase's grip but he was helplessly doomed. "Please let me go!" Jack began to feel tears run down. Chase had both of Jack's arms held down by one hand.

"Listen to me Spicer. It's either you do as I say or I will kill you." Chase took out a knife and put it threateningly near Jack's neck. " Do we have an understanding?" Chase asked and was shocked by the answer.

"No. Kill me. Kill me!" Jack squirmed and he lowered his head having the dull side of the blade meet his chin. Chase took back the knife and switched strategies.

Chase lowered his mouth down to Jack's ear. "It isn't your choice to die. You will satisfy me." Chase had the tip of the blade at the middle of Jack's pants cutting down for an opening.

"No! Don't! Let me go! Please Chase! Let me go..." Jack whimpered as his tears got thicker. He wanted this. He wanted this for so long but the images of those he killed flashed before his head. He felt the guilt of living. He wanted the pain instead! Chase ignored his pleading and put a gag over Jack's mouth. Muffles were screaming behind the gag but none could be made sense of.

Chase looked at the delicious temptation of an entrance. Jack was an annoying twit but Chase knew a satisfying body when he saw one. Chase dove his tongue at the entrance to lick and suck making Jack squirm and cry by the tingling sensation. Chase knew Jack could scream louder through the gag so penetrated the hole with his wet muscle making Jack arch his back wildly. Chase's hands held Jack's hips as he thrusted his tongue in and out of Jack. Chase's hands were unsatisfied with the clothing. He wanted to feel the heated flesh. He disrobed himself and ripped Jack's clothing to shreds.

Jack was looking over his shoulder with a face stained with tears and eyes swollen red pleading Chase to stop but Chase wasn't done. Chase flipped Jack over and positioned himself in a wheelbarrow position to plunge his entire length into Jack. Jack screamed louder and tears were pouring thicker down his face. Chase didn't wait for Jack to get used to his enormous size. He thrusted away in the heated rush. The feel of Jack's heat inside drove Chase crazy but not enough.

Chase took away the gag from Jack's mouth and heard the wonderful screams. But it wasn't enough. There was a restraint in Jack that Chase had to break. Chase took Jack's length making him gasp. He kept thrusting until he finally found the spot to hear the beautiful scream. Jack's mind went blank. Nothing but pure pleasure washed over him. Chase was the biggest Jack ever had in him. Jack thought he finally reached his limit before but now it was a whole new other level. Jack felt nothing but pure pleasure. Never had he felt this with the others. It was like he was a virgin all over again.

Jack heard Chase's growls and heard himself moan. He looked at Chase and felt the urge to hold Chase. He wrapped his arms around Chase and moaned near his ear. Chase went faster for all the more pleasure coursing through him. Jack felt himself cumming but couldn't stop it before he came so hard between their bodies. Chase was giving a few more thrust before he came. It felt like gallons of it was inside Jack. Chase pulled out and redressed himself.

"I am satisfied now. You can leave." Chase told him and Jack felt a painful stab into his heart. The reality he was in coming down at him. Jack knew Chase wasn't satisfied with the woman he chose so needed him who was closest to relieve his stress. Chase could've had anyone but Jack was the nearest reach. I'll never be loved again.

Jack ran towards Chase and took his knife stabbing himself deeply in the chest. I want to be with granny. She will show me love again. Thank you Chase for letting me regain my senses. Jack fell to the floor bleeding to death. Jack wasn't staring at the ceiling but instead his soul was within his grandmother's mansion. He was walking through a hall and windows were side by side showing the souls he killed banging and scratching at the windows to get him but he ignores them. He was staring at the door at the end of the hall. The door to his grandmother's favorite room, a living room that had the view of the garden outside where sunlight shined.

Jack felt his face crack into a smile when he felt his palm wrapped around the knob. He opens the door and sees his granny sitting on a floral decorated chair sewing on a piece of cloth. "Granny!" Jack found himself to be the same seven year old child.

Jack Spicer's granny looked up from her sewing and smiled. "Not yet time little Jackie. But remember this. I love you and thank you for giving me peace."

Jack didn't understand. He had the memories of his childhood instead of what he had become. "What do you mean?" Jack walked forward to his grandmother who cut the thread connected to the needle and gave it to Jack. Jack read what it said. Love isn't something you can see, hear,smell, taste or touch at first. It all begins with a single heartbeat. Love is blind. Love is deaf. Love is numb. Love is tastless without a scent. Not unless a heartbeat happens.

"I don't understand." Jack looked up at his grandmother. Jack's grandmother smiled at him.

"You'll understand but before I let you go-"

"Let me go! What do you mean?" Jack was becoming more bewildered.

"Listen Jackie. I am not saying goodbye but I'll be gone for a while. Before I go, I need to hear you say 'I love you'." Jack's grandmother requested and Jack nodded not wanting his grandma to go but is willing to do anything for her.

"I love you." Jack told her as he laid his head on his grandmother's lap. His grandmother put a warm hand on little Jack's head. "I love you, little Jackie." A single teardrop fell down on little Jackie and everything grew dark.

Jack found himself alive. He opened his eyes slightly to see that he was still in Chase's lair in one of the other rooms. "I see that you're awake insect. And I want you to know that you are never allowed to do that ever again. You are mine now and forever mine. I made you immortal just like me." Chase told Jack those words and for a second and only a second Jack felt a heartbeat beat stronger than an ordinary heartbeat. Jack felt his lips crack into a smile since it's been so long.

He had the closure for all those deaths by seeing his grandmother again. Now he had something else. Jack sat up and grinned at Chase. "I will be yours and only yours unless you give me a kiss." Jack didn't doubt that Chase would kiss him and Chase did. Jack tasted love passionately as Chase began to lower Jack for another round but this time a whole lot more humiliating for punishment. All of Jack's five senses came to life throughout his whole life with Chase.

The End.

A/N: I couldn't stand what I wrote last time so I made this up to. I hate these kind of stories but my cursed fingers controls the stories. I seriously hate broken hearted endings. They make me so sad. Such as one person's unrequited love is never requited because the person they are in love with is in love with another. And then that idiot tries to kill the other but the person they are in love with still chooses the other instead of them. I hate these idiots. It hurts me so badly when I read one that the idiot dies instead and watches with his dead body the person he love have sex with the other. And that idiot is narrating the freaking story! The most painful line the idiot said was 'He chose him.' The person he was in love with never smiled at the idiot but instead smiles at the other. They are all freaking jackasses! T_T I like watching cartoon shows better than reading.