A/N: I do not own the characters, they belong to Glee and to CP Coulter. The song is "Grenade" by Bruno Mars.
Also, thank you to Margo (glitterandfall), Ben (stepouttatheordinary), Teresa (taweesha), and Davis (sirjacksalot) for helping me write Logan's rage.
It was just a bit after 7am and the entire apartment was silent. All three boys were dead asleep, unaware of the impending storm that was about to blow through their lives. Kurt lay on his side, with Julian's body spooning around him, his arm wrapped firmly around Kurt's waist, keeping him pressed up against Julian's body. Somewhere outside someone's car alarm went off, pulling Kurt out of his deep sleep. Kurt wiggled, trying to shift out of Julian's embrace, but that only made a very sleepy Julian only tighten his hold.
"Jules. Dear. You gotta let me move."
"No." Julian mumbled. "We're comfortable."
Kurt laughed. "You're comfortable. My hair is awkwardly flattening on one side, which is hard to fix."
Julian slowly blinked his eyes open, giving Kurt a once-over. "You're such a diva."
"You're one to talk princess." Kurt laughed again and snuggled back into Julian's embrace. They lay there in the silence for a moment, just soaking up the morning, and still too hung over to move, before they heard Kurt's apartment door slam. Kurt shifted, trying to sit up. "Who is that?"
"Probably Reed going outside to get something, just come back into bed." Julian pulled Kurt back into his body, and then all hell broke loose.
A split second later, Kurt's bedroom door was kicked open, and a very angry Logan stood in the doorway, staring at Kurt and Julian.
"WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?" he yelled at both of them. Kurt tried to sit up so he could explain to Logan, but Julian (still drunk and still very angry at Logan) held him in place and let Logan keep ranting. "WHAT PORTION OF HELL FROZE OVER? YOU'RE FUCKING Kurt NOW? WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE?" Logan stopped yelling for a moment before crossing the room and grabbing Julian by the arm and yanking him out of the bed. "GET UP. Get up and explain this shit."
Kurt scrambled out of the bed while Julian picked himself up off the floor, brushing himself off angrily.
"It's not what it looks like – " Kurt started before Logan turned to him.
"Did I ask you Hummel? NO." then he turned back to face Julian who was standing, with his arms crossed over his chest, and staring at Logan with a stony expression. "Is this some kind of sick joke? Are you trying to torture me?"
"How would me fucking Hummel torture you? Wouldn't that be fun for you to watch?" Julian bit out. Logan lunged at Julian, but was stopped by Kurt who grabbed his arm. "NOT IN HERE LOGAN. Take your fight out of my bedroom." Logan pulled his arm out of Kurt's grasp and turned to stalk out of the room while muttering, "this WOULD happen to me."
Kurt went over and closed his bedroom door behind Logan before turning to look at Julian. "Well?" he gestured towards his kitchen.
"What?" Julian ran his fingers through his hair.
"Are you going to set him straight?"
"He's not that mad. He's been gay for too long. He's not going to turn to women over this."
"Funny. That's not what I meant. Go fix this."
"Why?" Julian looked irritated. "Why should I have to fix this? He doesn't trust me and jumps to conclusions and apparently after all this time can't get his head out of his ass to realize that I love him with every fiber of my being and would never cheat on him."
Kurt didn't respond, just looked expectantly at Julian.
"What?" Julian bit out.
"You just said you love him with every fiber of your being. Isn't that reason enough?"
"FINE." Julian made his way around the bed and threw open the door and made his way towards the kitchen.
Kurt sighed as soon as Julian stalked off to find Logan. Kurt really wanted to go back to sleep, but he figured he should go mediate to make sure Julian and Logan didn't destroy his house. Also, he should probably figure out where Reed is and how he's surviving this morning.
Kurt made his way down the hallway, and walked into the living room to find Reed curled on the couch, his phone open next to him. Picking up his phone to make sure Reed didn't text anything dumb last night (and ok, fine, it was out there in the open and Kurt has never denied at snooping through people's stuff if it's just out there), and saw that he had been texting Shane at one point. Trusting that Reed didn't say anything stupid or that he and Shane had worked things out, Kurt closed the phone and placed it next to Reed. Kurt started picking up the discarded bottles and glasses around the living room when suddenly there was yelling in the kitchen. Quickly placing the bottles and glasses on the chair, Kurt moved towards the kitchen, preparing to have to pull the two men apart if they started fighting. Kurt walked into the kitchen in time to see Julian and Logan standing on opposite sides of the kitchen table, staring each other down. Then Logan slammed his fists down on the table, and his eyes never left Julian as he started singing.
Easy come, easy go
That's just how you live, oh
Take, take, take it all
But you never give
Should've known you was trouble
From the first kiss
Had your eyes wide open
Why were they open?
Julian started to walk out of the kitchen and was stopped when Logan grabbed onto his arm and turned him around.
Gave you all I had
And you tossed it in the trash
You tossed it in the trash, you did
To give me all your love
Is all I ever asked
Cause what you don't understand
Julian's eyes lit up in anger and he cut Logan off before he could get to the chorus, fisting his hands into Logan's shirt and pulling him in so that their noses were almost touching.
I'd catch a grenade for you (yeah, yeah, yeah)
Throw my hand on a blade for you (yeah, yeah, yeah)
I'd jump in front of a train for you (yeah, yeah, yeah)
You know I'd do anything for you (yeah, yeah, yeah)
I would go through all this pain
Take a bullet straight through my brain
Yes, I would die for you, baby But you won't do the same
Julian let go of Logan's shirt and shoved him backwards.
"All I do is take from you? You are the only person I have ever loved. The only reason my eyes were open when we first kissed was I couldn't believe that the man I loved was actually kissing me – "
"– Jules it's a song – "
" – NO. You got your rant; it's time for mine. From the very first moment I ever laid eyes on you, I was in love. I would have given you everything and the only reason I didn't is because I wanted you to have everything. So I let you have everyone even though it wasn't me so don't you dare tell me that I tossed you in the trash. Cameron is nothing to me. Not in the way that you are my everything. And Hummel?" Julian looked over at Kurt. "I mean, no offense dude, but seriously. He's not my type. At all." Kurt just shrugged and turned away from the door to go back to cleaning the living room.
"But how can I trust you?" Logan whispered. "I come to tell you that I overreacted with Cameron and I find you spooning in bed with another man. Everyone I've ever loved has left me. How am I supposed to know that you're different?"
Julian could see the tears forming in Logan's eyes. Julian's anger subsided a little bit. He walked towards Logan and took Logan's hands in his.
"Because no one else is me. I've been in love with you for most of my life. If I wanted to leave you, I would have left a long time ago. I would have left when you were dating every other boy but me."
"But you did leave."
"But I always came back, didn't I? Look. I meant what I sang to you. I would die for you."
Julian leaned in a softly kissed Logan on the mouth. Julian pulled back and brushed away the tears that were falling from Logan's eyes.
"Hey. I love you, you giant squid of ignorance."
"I'm sorry I ever doubted you." Logan walked forward and pushed Julian backwards into the countertop and kissed Julian thoroughly, only stopping when he heard a single slow clap coming from the kitchen doorway. He pulled his face away and saw Kurt.
"Oh good. I'm glad you guys have made up. Now Logan, if you can take a moment out of swallowing Julian's tongue, can you please text my boyfriend back and tell him you overreacted? I've been getting too many and somewhat uncomfortable 'is Logan suggesting a threesome or a foursome?' texts mixed with about ten 'what exactly is going on over there?' texts and it's driving me nuts."
Logan blushed. "Oh right. Sorry." Logan made a move to go get his phone, and was pulled back in for another kiss momentarily by Julian, before he playfully shoved Logan away from him.
As soon as Logan left the kitchen Kurt turned to Julian and smiled.
"So. I told you singing can solve problems."
"Shut it Hummel."