A/N Well here it is, the final chapter. Thank you so much for all the positive reviews and for making my first fan fic so well received. Enjoy!

Chapter 10- Epilogue

Several years later….

All was quiet in the Bledsoe household for once. Bay and Emmett had finally managed to wrestle their two children into bed…Wyatt, who at six was the spitting image of his father and just as mischievous, and little Emma, who at two, was in the "no tired" stage. Emma looked just like Bay, but she had Emmett's clear Blue eyes. Collapsing very tiredly onto the couch, Bay and Emmett looked at each other.

"For two children who can't hear, they sure make A LOT of noise," commented Bay.

Emmett just smiled at this. "What can I say, they take after me," signed Emmett.

"I know…." sighed Bay.

"You love all of us and you know it. You're not happy unless it is total pandemonium."

Bay and Emmett had been married for 7 years. 6 months after the wedding, she got pregnant with Wyatt. Emmett and Bay were overjoyed. When he was born, his hearing was tested and it was determined that he could not hear. Bay and Emmett had been anticipating this so were not surprised. When Emma came along, they found out she had partial hearing loss. She could only hear about 50% of what went on around her. Both children learned to sign before they could speak.

Daphne and Wilkie had added another child to their family, another girl, Lizzie, who was born 3 years ago. She, like her elder sister had no hearing problems.

Toby had gotten married 2 years ago. He and his wife were expecting their first child in a couple of months.

"So," started Bay, "What would make you extremely happy right now?"

"Spending time with my lovely wife," answered Emmett.

"Anything else?" asked Bay.

Emmett now eyeballed her suspiciously. He looked her up and down. "Are you…?"

Bay broke out into a huge smile. "We're having another baby!"

Emmett jumped up and grabbed Bay, spinning her around joyfully.

"I love you, Bay Bledsoe. Falling in love with you was the best thing that ever happened to me!"