chapter 1

Harry set in his room of number 4 private drive thinking that things couldn't get worse. He had just lost his god father the closest person he had to a father and now he was gone. Depression was just starting to sink in when there was a loud bang form down stairs. Not wanting to know what it was he decided to stay up stairs and lets the world close around him.

There was footsteps coming up the stairs now and he curled up on his pitiful bed and laid there hoping it was the death eaters coming to kill him finally. But then there was banging on the door along with yelling and screaming.

"BOY" his uncle Vernon yelled. But there was no answer.

"If you don't get your good for nothing arse out here this instant I will come in there and make your life a living hell do you understand me boy?" His uncle Vernon said.

Harry decided he should problem go see what all the fuss was about before his uncle gave him a beating of a life time. As he opened the door there was his uncle standing there turning a nice shade of purple.

"What is it uncle Vernon?" Harry said. Hoping that it wasn't gonna take long so he could get back to his thoughts of how it was his fault that his god father Sirius was dead.

"Your aunt wants to talk to you. And your aunt Marge is going to be here for the summer so you better be on your best behavior or else. Do you understand me boy? His uncle said with split flying into his face.

"Yes uncle Vernon." Harry said trying to not to be seen whipping the spit off his face. He let his uncle go down the steps first so as not to be pushed from behind.

As he entered the kitchen his aunt was sitting at the table with 2 huge boxes beside her. They looked to be very old and Harry wondered what this had to do with him.

"Aunt Petunia you wanted to see me?" Harry asked.

"Yes sit down boy I want to talk to you about something." Aunt Petunia said.

"If that is all you need Pet I will be heading to work now. You better be good boy or when I get home I will make sure you know where you stand do you hear me?" Uncle Vernon said.

"Yes uncle Vernon" Harry said.

"Yes Snookum's that is all thank you for getting the boy for me." Aunt Petunia gushed.

After the door closed behind Vernon Petunia turned to Harry with a look of sadness in her eyes and said "Harry I am sorry about Sirius. You are most likely wondering why I wanted to see you and what is in these boxes. Well I should start from the beginning.

Do you think you could hold your questions until the end of what I am about to tell you it is very hard for me and well I think you should know it seeing as it has a lot to do with you. Do you think you could do that?" Aunt Petunia asked kindly.

Harry set there for a while in shock. Who was this person and where was his mean horsed face aunt.

"Yes I can." Harry said looking so shocked that he didn't even know what he was saying.

"Well then let me start from the beginning. I guess it all started when your mother got her Hogwarts letter. You see I got one as well, your mother was so happy we were both going to be going to Hogwarts together.

And the teacher that came to explain everything to us was so nice and helpful that my parents just couldn't say no. So off we went to get our school supplies and it was like we were in a fairy tale. It was just amazing to us.

That summer was uneventful besides the facts that we got our letters and our school stuff. I remember sitting in Lilly's bedroom the night before we had to leave for plate form 9 3/4 talking about all the things that could happen that year for us and if we were gonna be in the same houses. We were so excited that we couldn't sleep.

Anyways the next day we were on the train and were looking for a place to sit when we came a crossed a few other kids in a compartment and asked them if we could sit with them they said yes and introduced themselves their names where James Potter, Sirius Black, and Remus Lupin.

We all became fast friends and James and Sirius were so kind to us. Remus kept to himself a lot but after a while he talked to us and he was really nice as well. Me and your mother were so happy to have made friends with in the first hour that we were in a different place.

We got to the castle and it was huge I can't remember seeing something so beautiful in my life as that. As we were waiting to be sorted your mother and I started to get nervous and the boys tried to calm us down but they themselves where nervous about the sorting and didn't know what we would have to do.

The teacher came back and got us for our sorting and we were so glad all we had to do was put a hat on our heads that we never worried about getting into the same house. Your mother got into Hufflpuff and I was put into Slytherin. Now I don't know what they have told you but it's mostly all lies. Your father and his friends where all put into Gryffindor but we all still stayed friends.

I made a lot of friends that year and the next few years that I was there but I guess they didn't like the fact that a muggle born was put in the slytherin house because there was a lot of fights between your dads friends and my house.

When we hit our 5th year that was the year me and Sirius got together. It was the happiest I have ever been since became friends with Sirius and James and Lupin. Lupin was dating one of the Black girls a cousin of Sirius's if I am thinking right.

Narcissa Black was her name her and Sirius got along ok but it wasn't always peaches and cream with those two but it made for a good year. Narcissa was a great person and my best friend. We were in the same house and same year she was the only reason why I never left Hogwarts sooner than I did. I think it was 7th year when things got bad for me.

Your mom and dad decided to get married they were in love and where so happy everyone thought it would be sooner than it was when your dad asked her to marry him I was so happy for them. Narcissa had found out the summer before 7th year that she was to have an arranged marriage to Lucius Malfoy and she was heartbroken.

But there was nothing she could do only way for her to get out of it was if Lucas was to have sex with some other girl before or after their marriage took place. But Lupin was very understanding and told her he would wait for her.

Your mother and I were by her side for a while until her father said it was in her marriage contract that she couldn't be friends with muggle born's. It was heart breaking to know we couldn't be friends any more it was even more so hurting for me seeing as she was my only friend in my house.

But we still talked when no one else was around. Me and Sirius's relationship was hitting the rocks that year and I thought he loved me we were to have a date in hogsmade but as I walked into your father's common room there he was making out with some slip of a girl I didn't know her and ran out of the room crying. I don't think he noticed cause his hand was up her skirt and he looked to be enjoying himself.

I ran up to the highest tower I could find I was gonna throw myself off it but then decided that I would go to the headmaster and tell them I quit. But on my way down I ran into your mother and father and explained to them what happened your father was livid and wanted to beat some sense into Sirius and left me and your mother to go do just that.

Your mom tried to talk me out of leaving but I guess it was just too much to lose my best friend and then to find the one guy I loved to be in the arms and some slut that I just left her there and walked away I told the headmaster that night that I wanted to leave and never come back he said he wouldn't erase my memory because of your mother and father. But needed to snap my wand. I figured it was a good idea seeing as I wanted nothing to do with that life ever again.

It was a few months later that I married your uncle Vernon and I got pregnant right away your mother thought I was just covering my love for Sirius with Vernon and I guess she was right. But when your mother died and you were left on the step I was so far gone that I wanted nothing to do with you but I took you in because of a promise I made to your mother years ago." Petunia stopped there so that he could collect his thoughts.

"Wow that's a lot to take in. but I guess what I don't understand is why you are leaving uncle Vernon now?" Harry said not sure if this was a lie or really the truth.

"Because you see I never loved your Uncle. I thought he was a nice guy we were friends before me and your mother left for Hogwarts. But our friendship didn't last after that.

When he found out I was back around he asked me out I thought it would be great to go for coffee with a friendly face but that night he raped me and told me if I wanted to stay alive that I would marry him.

I was so scared that I went through with it I didn't want to die and after we got married he raped me every night until I got pregnant.

After that he never touched me until now harry he is beating me around and raping me again because he wants another baby and knows that I only have a few years before I can never have kids again and yes I would love another baby but not with him." Aunt Petunia was crying by now and all Harry wanted to do was beat the hell out of Vernon.

"What about Dudley?" Harry asked her.

"He don't belong to Vernon Harry he belongs to Sirius he just has had a really strong glamor put on him so as to hide his looks and his magic." Aunt Petunia said.

Harry was shell shocked he didn't know what to say to that as he looked up he noticed Vernon would be home in a few hours and if they wanted to leave they would have to get all there stuff together right away to make it out before he got home.

"Aunt Petunia if we want to leave before Vernon gets home we should get our stuff together now so we will not be caught here when he gets home." Harry said.

Just as Harry was getting up to go upstairs his aunt grabbed his arm and said that she had a potter key so that they could leave an hour before he got home.

Harry went upstairs and got his things together and went back downstairs just as Dudley came into the house.

"You told him everything right mom" Dudley asked.

"Yes dear I did. Now go get your cloths together you know none of your games will work in our world. And I need to show Harry all the stuff in the boxes so if you want to see it you better get a move on now." Aunt Petunia said.

Dudley went upstairs to get his cloths and looked at Harry and said "I know things sound weird but I don't think you want to be here when Vernon gets home.

Tell mom I will be down in a few minutes ok? Oh and I am sorry for the way I have been treating you all these years harry if I would have knew I wouldn't have done any of that."

"I know and I forgive you I will tell her that you will be down shortly." Harry said thinking that it was all a really weird dream.

"Aunt Petunia Dudley said he will be down in a few minutes. I was wondering if you could tell me where I fit into all of this I mean I know that your schooling didn't get finished and that you came back here to get away but you haven't told me yet what I got to do with this." Harry said.

His aunt looked at him with such sadness that he knew that there was more to it than just what she had told him.

"Well you see Harry your mother was friends with a kid in my year his name was Severus Snape. Your mother told me in our 5th year that she was madly in love with him and was going to tell him now this was way before your mother and James got together.

Your mom told me the night I started dating Sirius that she was gonna tell Snape that she loved him. So I covered for her with the guys. I guess they must have known that something was going to happen.

It was around midnight when your mom came back looking really upset I asked her what had happened and she said that it was nothing and she didn't want to talk about it. Within a week her and James where dating and seemed so in love that no one questioned it."

Harry was so shocked that he forgot how to breathe. After a few minutes of him not breathing Petunia slapped him on the back lightly to get him to realize that he wasn't breathing.

"So your telling me that my mother was in love with Snape!" Harry asked in shock.

"Yes that is what I am saying. Now I don't know what happened that night but before I left she would tell me that it was one of the best and worst nights in her life.

After she died a letter was sent to me I guess explaining everything that happened. I never read it but I did keep it. Yesterday was when I finally got up the courage to read it.

And I got to say that it does explain a lot but I didn't want to be the one to tell you but I guess I have no other option." Petunia looked so sad that Harry didn't want to know what the letter said but knew that for some reason that he was not James son.

"Aunt Petunia are you trying to tell me that the letter explained what happened that night that mom got with dad?" Harry asked trying to take some of the presser off his aunt.

"Yes Harry I am you see that night your mother told Snape that she loved him and wanted to be with him. But where he was a pure blood and she was a muggleborn that they couldn't be seen together so she said that she would make it look like she was dating James and she would meet him every night in the highest tower of the castle.

I am guessing James either didn't know about it or if he did he went along with it. I was always wondering why your mother jumped at the chance of being with James right after seemingly having her heart broken." Petunia looked thoughtful for a few minutes.

"So did my mom actually marry James or did she marry Snape?" Harry asked.

"Well in your mom's letter it said that she was able to marry Snape may 5th and then June 25th she married James. Now there is no legal documents proving that her and Snape married because the wedding was all hushed up well that is what I thought until I looked into the envelope and saw the marriage license and legal documents saying that she married Snape." Petunia said looking scared to see Harry's reaction.

Dudley walked in at that time and looked from his mom to Harry and figured that she told him.

"if you told him what I think you just did then I don't know about you but I think we should leave very soon." Dudley said looking scared as well.

Harry looked at his aunt and cousin thinking how funny it would be if things were different.

"You don't need to look so scared it's not like I am going to burn the house down or something. I kind of thought that it would be something like that I kind of always knew I wasn't James son due to the fact that I look just like him just with moms eyes.

But what I don't understand is why Snape or even anyone else wouldn't tell me. Ok well I can kind of understand Snape not saying anything but why not anyone else didn't anyone else know about it?" Harry asked.

"No, your mother never told anyone else due to the fact she didn't want you to get hurt and if Voldemort knew then he would have wanted you for himself." Dudley said.

"Ok but I still don't understand why Snape! I mean she could have picked anyone.'' Harry grumbled, Dudley and petunia laughed.

"I know how you feel Harry man I really do but I think we need to get out of here I don't want us to get caught by Vernon. Seeing as, as soon as he gets home he's gonna know something happened and we are all gonna be in a world of hurt if we don't leave now cause I think I see his car coming up the drive!" Dudley panicked.

Harry just had enough time to grab his stuff before the door opened and Vernon walked in. Dudley grabbed his cloths and his mother's while Petunia grabbed the boxes and touched each one of the boys before they disappeared in front out an out raged Vernon.

Authors Note:

This is my first fic. hope you all like it. Please leave a Review.

Thank you,
