Outtake of Edward Cullen: Charity Case

A/N not much to say here, a little bad language never hurt anyone. Rated M for language and a little well-deserved violence

Stephanie Meyer owns twilight.

Emmett on the East Coast – part 1

Emmett Cullen stood outside JFK International Airport and propped his hands on his hips. He inhaled deeply, because that's what all the heroic characters do in movies when they enter a new city. Emmett was pretty sure heroes must have a better sense of smell than him (or perhaps an acute nasal blockage) because he immediately regretted taking the breath. The air was full of industrial and traffic smells along with the heavy stench of cigar and cigarette smoke. Emmett had to restrain a cough and he scowled, the moment of heroic awesome broken. He never understood why people smoked. The one time he'd tried it, he'd nearly coughed up a lung, and his breath had been foul until he'd brushed his teeth. He resigned himself to being less heroic in appearance than his nature deserved and picked up his luggage. Emmett was sure he was the most fuck-awesome brother that had ever walked the planet, and he intended to prove it before he left.

The wind whipped around the corner of the street as Emmett stepped to the curb and flagged down a taxi. He directed the driver to the apartment complex where the family's New York penthouse was located. He had managed to track down one of the people he was visiting, but the other was shrouded in mystery. Good thing he'd called Ali.

Emmett entered the penthouse half an hour later and smelled Alice before he saw her. She always smelled lovely, and since the apartment had been vacant for almost a year, he assumed the faint hint of floral scent must be her. Sure enough, his little sister bounced into the room a moment later. Alice looked like a city gal through and through. She had spent the last several years touring various locations outside the United States, contributing to the architectural schema that Cullen Enterprises offered to its clients. Alice was one of the most brilliant artists Emmett had ever seen, and though she had virtually no traditional classroom training, she had met with many world renowned architects in her travels (she claimed they were about fashion, but Emmett noticed that almost half the items on the itineraries he occasionally got from Esme were meetings with various members of the construction world.)

Ali also had a degree in Architecture from some online program arranged by a set of Ivy League universities. They didn't release information about these programs to many people, because they preferred to have their students live on campus, but Alice was resourceful and once she found out about the program that would give her the freedom to travel as she pleased she convinced their father to enroll her and arranged for a satellite uplinked laptop that she could turn assignments in from if she happened to be somewhere that was internet-unfriendly. So far, she'd only had to use the uplink once that Emmett heard of, but he wasn't surprised. Alice rarely went anywhere that didn't have at least one architectural marvel, and practically the entire planet had internet. Alice was a bit overly dramatic.

Alice launched herself at Emmett as soon as she saw her massive brother in the doorway. They hadn't spent more than a few days together in six months, and he stood in the number two spot on her list of reasons she might give up traveling one day. Edward was number one.

Emmett had called Alice three days before, right after he had gotten off the phone from his conversation with Angela Webber.

3 days before

"Emmy! How's my second-favorite brother?" Alice was clearly in a good mood.

"You mean your least-favorite brother?"

Alice laughed out loud, "You've never been a pessimist, Emmy, don't start now. To what do I owe this pleasure, brother number one? I trust everything is alright at home?" Emmett was silent for a minute and the next time Alice spoke, the smile in her voice was gone, "Emmy? Everything is alright, isn't it? Did something happen to Mom or Dad? Emmy?"

"Th-they're fine, Alice," Emmett choked a little when it came to the moment of truth. Alice could be dangerous, and this was a phone call that nobody should have to receive. "I'm calling about Edward."

"Uh-oh," Alice had expected this call. She knew by Emmett's tone that he had figured out or been told that Edward was gay, "What about Edward?"

"How much do you know about Edward's personal life?" Emmett asked, and Alice sensed he was fishing, though for what she couldn't guess.

"I probably don't know more than you, after all he lives in the same city as you, I'm normally halfway around the world." She prevaricated. If Emmett didn't mention Edward's orientation, she sure as hell wouldn't.

"I found out Edward is gay, and I know you know about that, Ali. I'm not mad about that anymore, though. I want to know how much you know about the relationships Edward had when he was in college." Alice frowned. Edward hadn't ever mentioned dating anyone. She knew his orientation because he wanted his family to understand his aversion to women, not because he had any boyfriend in the wings.

"I don't know anything about his previous boyfriend or boyfriends, Emmy, why?" Alice heard a sigh of what sounded like relief and she quickly grew concerned, "What the fuck is going on, Emmett?"

"Alice, Edward slept with Jasper, and they're trying to work out their feelings for each other, but Edward completely freaked after it happened. He blew up at Jasper and when I tried to talk to him he flipped out at me." Emmett could almost hear Alice thinking, he knew that she would reach the same conclusion about this news. Edward had never been a volatile person, he rarely even got mad. As soon as it had happened, Emmett had pieced together a reasonable form of the truth, and Alice knew Edward better than anyone, despite their geographic distance from each other.

"Who the fuck hurt him, Emmett? And why did he tell you and not me?"

"He didn't tell me, Ali, I had to get it out of one of his old college friends, Angela. There are two guys who he went to school with. One of them fucked him as some sort of sick experiment, to be able to say he'd done it. He claimed it was a bucket list thing, the asshole. The other guy found out about Edward's family money and manipulated him. He was a compulsive gambler and tried to use Edward to pay off his debts. As far as I've been able to find out, Edward hasn't had any other relationships… ever…"

Alice could hardly believe what she was hearing. She knew Edward was a gentle man, and she'd assumed he never had relationships by some random chance. She'd considered setting him up, but didn't think he'd appreciate her telling anyone he was gay. She had never even considered that Edward kept himself locked away because of some previous experience. Edward never seemed to be hurt or overly emotional.

"Emmett, please tell me you're planning on doing something about this." Alice's voice was cold.

"I'm going to New York in three days. One of the men lives there. I haven't tracked down the other, but I thought you might enjoy getting a few shots in. Edward certainly deserves to have someone kick these guys' asses."

Alice smiled grimly, "I'll see you at the penthouse when you get there."

Present day

After Alice had greeted Emmett, they'd gotten right down to the plotting stage. Emmett was mildly horrified at some of the suggestions Alice made.

"I'm all for public humiliation, Ali, but that would get us arrested. Plus, I'm not sure that tasering a defenseless man in the ass would be a fitting punishment. It would be entirely too temporary." Alice pouted petulantly. Emmett relented, "We'll call that one of our backup plans."

"So, who is this guy who lives in Manhattan, Emmy?" Alice asked. She had only gotten the brief version of each story and didn't know either man's name.

"This one is named James Cameron, and before you say it, yeah, like the director. As near as I can find out, he's a teaching assistant, same as when Edward knew him. This guy is a complete nothing, he's completely unskilled and can't get a real teaching job because of his lack of credentials. The ironic part is, he still fucks guys. He's married to some woman who comes from a wealthy family, but he has boys on the side. The Investigator I talked to didn't elaborate on the situations of these men, only that they exist."

"I know," Alice exclaimed, "We'll find out where he's going to meet one of his boys, we'll bring his wife, and have her catch him with the guy. It will be perfect!" Emmett shook his head and Alice's face fell, "Well, fine, I don't hear you offering any suggestions, Emmy." Alice muttered a few unkind words about tasers.

"I'm thinking more public than that. We'll find one of the boys he's used, find out what his story is, and when we've found one he treated like Edward, we'll bring the guy to the campus where he works and stage a confrontation. We'll spell out the entire thing for the entire building to hear, adding Edward's account on top of whatever we find from his subsequent conquests. Once we get it all out there, we'll pretend that we're filing a grievance with the school Then when we're done, we can print up some fliers anonymously and post them all around college campuses across the city, since that's the age of guy he likes. He might very well get fired, his wife will find out –if she doesn't already know –, and he won't be able to find a nice college boy until next year. Even then, word might spread."

Alice stared at her brother in utter shock. His plan was brilliant. She'd never realized Emmett could be so devious.

"How do we find a guy he's used, though Emmy?" Emmett chuckled.

"I retained the PI that found him and he's been following James for the past 3 days. According to this guy, James picked up a college guy yesterday and spent the night with him. They're on their way to lunch now. Angela said it was the next day at lunch that James dumped Edward, so if he's using the same MO, it should be easy to tell. If that's the case, we can use this guy. If not, the PI has a few other leads." Alice hopped up off the couch as Emmett knew she would and pulled him toward the door. Emmett followed along, thinking dark thoughts and wishing he had a taser, just so he could get in a shot or two of his own. Maybe he could provoke this asshole to hit him, then he'd just be defending himself…

Ten minutes later, Alice had a pair of binoculars smashed against her face as she and Emmett watched the creepy-looking blond dump what looked to be a college freshman. James looked like someone who desperately wanted to look ten years younger than he was. He dressed in ultra preppy clothes and his hair was long and pulled back into a thin ponytail. For all that, his face was craggy, and he looked older than the 31 years the PI had found listed in his records.

Emmett was thrilled when they realized that James was following the same pattern as he had when he'd screwed Edward over. This was going to be easier than he thought. Emmett considered rounding up a couple more of the boy toys James had dumped, just to make it more dramatic. He remembered that on the Jerry Springer show, the larger the group of screwed over people, the more frenzied the audience got when it came to the smack-down part. The young guy got up from the table and made to run out of the restaurant, he looked completely humiliated and ducked his head as he exited the building. Alice hopped out of the car and ran across the street, cutting the boy off. Emmett continued to watch James as the older man self-consciously fixed his smarmy polo shirt and made sure his collar was popped up all the way around. What a douche.

Emmett felt his phone buzz in his pocket and pulled it out to read the text from the PI. It listed the names and addresses of three other guys who were purported to have been given the same treatment by James. It was a fascinatingly twisted way of fucking young guys and shaming them into keeping quiet, Emmett handed that to James. The most amusing part was, to all appearances, Victoria had no idea what her beloved Jamie-poo was doing behind her back, or rather… who he was doing.

Alice returned to the car with the young copper-skinned boy in tow, "Emmy, this is Brady. James did exactly what we expected him to. Brady, this is my brother Emmett. Our brother, Edward, was fucked over by James about ten years ago, and he never realized what James was doing. We're going to make sure James doesn't get away with being a gigantic sleaze ball anymore." Brady nodded, face scrunched up and tears drying on his cheeks.

Alice hopped into the back seat and towed Brady along with her, "Forward ho, yon chauffer."

"Watch who you call a ho, Ali. I'm not the one prancing around Europe with male models. Is it true they wax everywhere?" Alice turned pink around the ears and neck.

"Is it true that the four seasons installed a revolving door in your own personal suite, Emmy?" She retorted, sugary sweet. Emmett muttered darkly but pulled out into traffic.

"Ali, I have the addresses of three other dudes who might have gotten the same royal dump from James, should we make this party a little bigger?" Alice grinned evilly.

"I think the bigger the better, don't you?" Emmett laughed and punched in the first address to his GPS as he waited for the longest red light ever.

An hour and three painfully similar conversations later, Alice was on her phone talking animatedly while sitting on the lap of one of the gay men. Two of the others were making ridiculous goo-goo eyes at each other, and Emmett was pretty sure as soon as their date with James was over, the two were going to become decidedly 'R' rated.

"We're on our way now, Danny, you know I would never give you anything less than prize winning drama… I promise it will be worth it. Office meltdown, possible sexual predator, or serial cretin at the very least… It will be good enough for a blip on the news anyway, much better than those lame 'cat-in-a-tree' stories I've been seeing as filler… See you there, babe." She flipped her phone shut. Emmett threw her a questioning glance in the mirror, "Yes, Emmy, I, Alice Cullen, have successfully turned this into a newsworthy production, complete with camera crews coming to campus to capture the entire scene as it unfolds. Names will be changed to protect the innocent. Images will be plastered on the evening news to warn of the ultra-creepy guy who stalks young men on the college campus so he can have a bucket-list one night stand at least three or four times in a semester. I even got my guy to send a crew to his wife's house to play the video for her after we get it all. They're going to have her interview on the news. I'm epic."

They arrived on campus a few minutes later, knowing that James would still be in the class where he'd met Brady initially. The plan was to catch him in the middle of the business department. Emmett had wanted to script some naughty business-related jokes into the confrontation, but they were strapped for time, and the whole idea of scripting was shot down point blank by the boys. They wanted revenge, but they weren't going to memorize lines.

The six watched from a third floor landing as James exited the class, talking animatedly with yet another young boy. Emmett was close to gagging and the four men with him were close to going down to punch his face in. Luckily, Alice's cooler head prevailed, and she distracted the young men by pointing out the camera crew that had stationed themselves at both entrances to the building. James didn't notice anything, and as the young man walked out, he changed direction and headed for the offices of the department. Everyone got in position as the cameramen came in.

The plan went brilliantly, and Emmett and Alice were hard-pressed to stifle their laughter as Brady stalked up to James and began yelling out his story. James seemed self-assured as he laughed in Brady's face, then Patrick joined them, and James' ironic smile froze on his face. The professors of the department had wandered out of their respective offices to see what all the commotion was, just in time to see Andrew join the fray. By this time, James was visibly shaken, unable to defend himself against the accusations lodged by each of the three men. Luckily all the victims had been told to let each other speak in turns so that everything would be clear to any onlookers. Their stories came out in segments, all sickeningly the same. Each had been seduced by James in one of their freshman classes, each had been wined and dined until they finally allowed him to sleep with them. Each of them had been dumped the next day. The final nail was when Tobe, who had come to college early, and had only been 16 when he'd slept with James, joined the fray. He threatened legal action, since James had technically raped him. The stories all finally out and on film, Danny came up to James and asked for his comment. James punched the reporter in the nose, and blood trickled down the man's face.

Alice felt a little bad about the last bit, but Emmett was bouncing up and down softly chanting, "Jerry, Jerry, Jerry…" as a couple of burly seniors grabbed James by both arms and restrained him. A tiny, ancient woman stalked up to James, the chair of the department, unless Emmett missed his guess.

"James," she said in a thready voice, "If half of what these boys are saying is true, the university will be pressing charges in the morning. You're fired." She motioned for the four accusers to follow her, then spun on her heel, and returned to her office, no doubt to call some campus authorities to have James removed.

James was still struggling with the two seniors when Danny filmed an out from the story and had the cameramen cut, "Guys, stick around. I want to get an interview with each of those boys as well as the chair of the department." Alice and Emmett walked right up to James. Alice poked him hard in the chest with one finger.

"James, you fucked with the wrong family." She spat on his shoe and turned away to go talk to Danny and apologize for the bloody nose. Emmett was more effusive in his dislike for the slimy asshole that had hurt his brother. He checked to make sure that the cameras were off, then let fly a right hook that reverberated through James' face and would no doubt leave at least one of his eyes blackened.

"If I ever hear of you hurting another innocent man in your life, I will hunt your worthless hide down and I will bury you where no one will ever find the body, you fucking piece of shit. You're fucking lucky that there are witnesses and cameras here, or I would smash your fucking smarmy ass into dust." James cowered visibly. Emmett growled and lunged at the scrawny man and James squealed. Emmett laughed out loud and clapped the two seniors on the shoulders, "Thanks for being sports," he said jovially, they laughed and hauled James over to the office area to wait for campus police.

Danny was ecstatic that he'd gotten the story, even though he had to bloody his nose to get it. He was very grateful to Alice and told her if she had any other stories up her sleeve to call his personal number. He tucked a card into her blouse and patted it, she slapped his hand playfully as he copped a subtle feel.

Emmett and Alice had one more thing to do before they left. They called out loudly to the entire lobby of the building, offering stacks of brightly colored flyers with James' face, name, and attributes clearly stated. They requested that students who wanted to help stop people like James should post them anywhere in the city where college age men would be likely to congregate. By the time an hour had passed, James was famous.

Emmett and Alice watched the rest of their drama unfold on the evening news which featured James as one of their top five stories. They made sure to tape the entire saga as first the scene in the lobby of the business building, then the confrontation with his wife, then his arrest were shown in rapid succession. All in all, the story took ten minutes to unfold on evening news, and the flyer Alice and Emmett had put together was shown as one of the main graphics. It was truly a sight to behold. Danny thanked his "special friend Alice" for her tip on the story, and the anchors bantered back and forth, deprecating the character of the infamous James. He was facing criminal charges from at least one student, as well as sexual misconduct charges in multiple counts due to his employment at the university.

"Well, Ali, I guess that's one down, and one to go." Emmett grinned at his sister. Justice was fuck-awesome.

A/N Well? Is revenge a dish best served publicly? What did you all think of Alice? James was way hotter before he was a skanky douche. Poor Edward...