Alison's POV:
I don't consider it ease dropping. I would call it looking out for a sister, I guess. But I still couldn't believe what I was hearing. My sisters so called boyfriend Ben had just asked her ex-boyfriend Beck what he should say or whatever to get Jade to marry him. I mean come on, that's ridiculous. I didn't like this Ben guy compared to Beck. He just didn't seem right for my sister.
" Wow that's a nice ring." I heard beck say, paying attention again.
" Yeah, I practically spent all my money I earned from the show buying it. So what should I say man. What did you use to think of Jade. When ya'll were dating, what stands out about her to you. I'm just nervous." Ben is a total loser. You don't just ask someone else on how to ask the girl that you love how to marry you.
" I cant help you do that. I'm sorry.''
" what why?"
" BECAUSE IM NOT GIVING YOU ADVICE ON HOW TO MARRY MY GIRLFRIEND" Did beck just say, his girlfriend? They've been broken up for 2 years.
"she's not YOUR girlfriend anymore. You don't even know why you love her, remember. Yeah she told me a lot about you, what guy doesn't even know why he loves a girl."
" I do know why I love Jade. I know her so well that I don't have to ask her ex on how to get her to marry me. Now excuse me." Beck pushed past Ben and went into the reception.
Andre's POV:
I had to tell Cat how I felt. It pained me to watch her kiss Robbie. He's not right for her, he can't take care of her like I could. I loved Tori, but I couldn't control my feelings for Cat. So I decided to talk to her.
"Um Cat can I have this dance?' I asked after she danced her first dance with Robbie. when I asked Robbie looked concerned, but allowed her to dance with me.
"Andre can you believe it I'm finally married!" she screamed as we twirled to the left on the dance floor.
" No Cat I cant believe it. Cat I like you."
" AW! Andre I like you too." We twirled to the right.
" No Cat I like you, Like you." her face went from happy to sad in an instant.
" I thought you loved Tori?" we twirled to the left again.
"I do its just that I like you too. I think we belong together Cat."
" Andre. You just said that you love Tori, but like me. love is better than liking someone. Plus I don't like you, like you. I love Robbie and that's why I married him. So I'm going to go dance with him." As if on que Robbie stepped in to take Cat away from me. she was right I might have liked her, but she wasn't worth losing Tori, a person who really loved me. I really just fucked up big time. So I found Tori to apologize.
" Can I have this dance" I asked as I found her sitting alone at the table messing with her dress.
" you sure you wouldn't want to dance with Cat." she looked pissed.
" no I want to dance with the woman I love."
" really?"
" really. I love you Tori Vega. And nothings going to change that." I took her hand and swept her away to dance floor.
"I love you too"
I finally felt happy for Cat and Robbie. Maybe Tori and I would be the next ones getting married.
Jades pov:
I still wasn't happy with the day. I was happy for Cat and Robbie, I really was. but I just couldn't help but feeling sad for my self. I lost my job and kissed my ex behind my boyfriends back. I still had Ben though as long as he didn't find out I kissed Beck. Speaking of Beck, I hadn't spoken to him since the kiss. He stared at me the whole time during the wedding, like he did back when we were in high school. After it was over I just went out here for to the lobby. I still didn't know where Ben was. I just wanted to get out of here and go back to New York to start packing. There was no way I could stay in my condo with out a job. So Ben and I were going to move back here and try to book jobs. I really was going to miss broad way though. it was like my own personal high.
"Jade we have to talk." It was Allison.
" Not now. Have you see Ben?''
" yeah jade I have, but this is important."
"okay what do you want."
" do you and beck like each other again. Him and Ben just got in this argument and Beck called you his girlfriend or something."
"what why were they talking to each other in the 1st place."
" oh. Ben asked beck for advice on how he could get you to marry him." She collapsed her hands over her mouth. Ben really wanted to marry me now even though we were moving and just lost our jobs.
" hey baby, I've been looking everywhere for you. I want to talk to you alone." Ben said. I looked at Allison and she looked at me then she whispered in my ear.
" choose Beck, I can tell her loves you more." She went back into the banquet hall. Did I even like Beck. I mean I think I still had feelings for him. I guess that would explain the whole me kissing him back thing.
As soon as Ally left Ben had already gotten down on one knee.
" Ben. Stop I know what your going to do and I don't want you to waste your time giving a long speech."
" so is that an automatic yes." He said hopefully.
"it's more like an automatic no. look I'm sorry but I just cant get married right now. I mean we just lost our jobs and where planning on moving so-" he cut me off.
" is this because of that Beck guy, Jade?"
" n-n-no. I just cant get married right now were only 21 Ben."
" you know what Jade forget it. Where done."
" what. Im not breaking up with you I just don't want to get married."
" well I do Jade. I just cant be your boyfriend anymore. So by." He turned and walked away out of the lobby door and out of my life. For some odd reason I didn't cry.
So I just walked back into the reception. I saw Andrea and Tori leading away the dance floor, I also saw Robbie and Cat chatting with their families. I even saw Ally talking to some boy around her age. I really had to thank her for a lot of things. Then I saw Beck.
Becks POV:
So jade did sort of tell Ben everything about us. So now I'm sitting alone at a table in the back of the reception. Jade and Ben are probably off to New York planning their wedding by now. I wanted to leave and go back home and cry. I haven't cried since the week Jade left. I guess I only cry when she leaves.
" Hey would you like to dance. You look lonely" It was Jade. I couldn't resist joining her. It might be my last chance to be with her.
" shouldn't you be off to New York with your fiancé." We swayed back and fourth to Sunday mourning by maroon five.
" I thought I was going too."
"What happened?"
" He wanted a serious commitment and I didn't."
" what about New York?" the song changed to hometown glory by Adele.
" the play got cancelled. I got the call last night."
we swayed back and fourth.
" Im so sorry."
" Im not."
"what why."
" I don't know. It just feels right I guess." We twirled around in the other direction.
" so what your back here now."
"where you going to stay?"
" um well I was kind of hoping our apartment."
" what do mean." Then it hit me she wants to move back in with me. she wants me back, she loves me again.
"Jade look I promise to never hurt you again. I love you and I never stopped, even when you left. So could you give me another chance."
she leaned in and kissed me. It was like the other night. we stayed that way for what seemed like forever and a day. When we finally pulled away. " so is that a yes."
" how stupid can you get."
" same old Jade."
I made her laugh. When I looked around I saw that all my friends from high school were happy. I saw Tori and Andre were smitten in the corner and cat and Robbie were laughing together on the dance floor. Jade and I were hugged close to each other for the rest of the reception. Afterwards I took here home to where she belonged, in my arms.
I hate this chapter. I really didn't know how to end it off well. But I have another story that im working on and I love it. Haha well please REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW! Did yall like the way it ended or could it have been better? LOVE KENDRAINCUPCAKESG:)