I've had a good day today and the sun's coming out so I thought I'd celebrate with this. Is it porn? Is it a story? Is it a porn story? Or story porn? I don't know. The most important thing is there's porn in it. Enjoy!


Dean walked the row of shelves at the library looking for his book. He couldn't find it and he was getting annoyed. He didn't have all day for this. He decided to go and ask for help at the desk. When he got to the help desk, the librarian was crouched over his work, filling in some sort of form. Dean cleared his throat and the librarian looked up with a smile and said "Can I help you?"

Dean was silent for a moment. The librarian looked like a typical plain librarian He was wearing a plain white shirt and brown-rimmed glasses but what made him different were his very blue eyes.

Dean snapped out of it and told him he couldn't find the book he was looking for, the one about Dragonology. He was a little embarrased to admit what he was looking for but the librarian didn't react to it in any way. Instead he said: "Let's go have a look, shall we?".

Dean found that a bit stupid. He had just looked for it and he knew it was a big book so it couldn't have escaped him.

"Hmm..No, it doesn't seem to be here", the librarian said. "Well, duh", Dean thought.

"Have you looked behind the other books?", the librarian asked.

"No, did I need to?", Dean asked with surprise.

"Well, sometimes the students hide the books when they have reached their limit and can't take anymore books out. Then they hide some of the other books they need so other student's won't take them out."

"Seriously?". Dean couldn't believe it.

"Unfortunately", the librarian said.

"Then what do I do? I really need that book."

"Well I can keep an eye out for it in case it turns up, other than that maybe you could try another library or maybe one of your friends has it?"

"I doubt it", Dean thought.

"Well, thanks anyway", he said

"No problem.", the librarian said.

Dean went back home. He rented a room with a little old lady who used to live next to his aunt and uncle. She had been happy to rent out a room to Dean, whom she saw as a well-behaved young man. And it was reassuring for her not to live alone. You heard about burglaries all the time.

Dean made some coffee and found a book about ghosts and haunted places. He was taking a course in Mythology, purely for his own interest. He didn't need the extra credit. He was studying English litterature and also took a class in teaching. He was hoping to become a teacher when he was done next year. He really loved it here at Greychurch University and any additional courses was no problem for him. He had a good study schedule worked out and he always took Friday nights off so he could go out with his friends. In his first year of study he had made a nice circle of friends. They were wacky kids, and they had done their best to coax him out every other night, but Dean had maintained that Friday night and occasionally Saturday night was for having fun. It was important to him to do well in his classes. He had dreamed of becoming a university lecturer for three years and nothing or nobody would be allowed to interfere with his plan. His friends had accepted that he was only awailabe Friday night, they thought he was a nice guy and he always helped them when they needed something. And it wasn't like he kept away from them the rest of the week. He enjoyed popping in at their flats for a chat and a coffee when he was on campus.

The next day, Dean went to the library again. He knew there probably wouldn't be much chance but he just had to look for that book again. He went upstairs to the second floor and started walking towards the row of shelves when he noticed the librarian waiving him over.

"I found your book", he said, handing Dean a copy of Dragonology.

"Sweet", Dean said." Where did you find it?"

"Oh, I had a look behind some of the other books on the shelves further down and there it was."

Dean thanked him. He must have gone to a lot of trouble looking for it.

"It's all part of the job", the librarian said, giving Dean a dazzling smile and looking deeply into his eyes.

When Dean turned to leave he couldn't shake the feeling he had just had eye sex with the librarian. Or maybe the librarian had had his jollies looking into Dean's eyes. He felt strange the rest of the day, but he was happy about the book. Now he could get on with his paper.

Friday night, his friends dragged him off to the usual bar. It was full of students and his friends were eyeing up all the girls. They got some beers and sat down at a table. A while later they started playing pool and his friends were getting tipsy enough that they were starting to scout for a man for Dean. One of the first things he had told them was that he was gay. He didn't want to spend time making friends only later to find out that they had something against gay people and they had all been cool with it. They found it amusing when the girsl tried to chat him up. He always turned them down by telling them he was gay and they were disappointed but had understood. Apparently it was easier getting turned down by a guy because he was gay than because he wasn't interested in her. Soon, the word started to spread about Dean being gay but he never had any problems.

As the evening went on, Dean started to get a little drunk. Suddenly he noticed the librarian sitting at the end of the bar alone, with what looked like a Scotch in his hand. Dean wondered why he was sitting alone and when he wasn't joined by anybody he decided to go over and have a chat. After all, the librarian had been very nice to him, looking for his book.

"Hi!", he said, the librarian looking up at him.

"Hello", he said and smiled.

"Are you here alone?", Dean asked.



"Because I only came for a nightcap. I'm going home when I've finished." He smiled at Dean.

"Where do you live?". Dean would not normally be so inquisitive but the alcohol made him relaxed.

"I live in a flat on campus", the librarian said.

"Oh. Is it nice? I mean, the student flats are not the best accomodation."

"It's alright. I'm allowed to make some changes to it."

"Can I see it?". Dean didn't know where that question came from and he was a little surprised by the answer.


They left soon after, walking slowly towards some of the newer flats. The librarian introduced himself as 'Castiel', weird name, Dean thought, and Dean gave his own name but he could tell Castiel already knew it.

Castiel lived on the ground floor. He was in charge of keeping an eye on the students in this building and if there were any problems they could come to Castiel.

The flat was nice and Castiel had some new carpeting and his own furniture, which was a lot better than the furniture in the students' flats.

"This is nice", Dean said.

"Mhmm..", Castiel said. "The bedrom's through here", he said and started walking to a room in the back to the right. Dean, who was a little too tipsy to think straight, followed him without really registrering what it was he had said.

As soon as he came in the room, Castiel closed the door behind him and started kissing him slowly. His tongue snaked its way into his mouth, and it felt so good Dean didn't stop him. Castiel slid Dean's jacket over his shoulders and ran his hands down his chest. Dean moaned against his mouth. When Castiel left his lips to kiss him on the neck Dean said: "I'm a little drunk".

"Yes", Castiel said. "Do you want me to stop?"

Dean thought for a moment, feeling Castiel's tongue licking his neck.

"No", he said.

"Good", Castiel said and manouvered Dean onto the bed.

Castiel kneeled down between his legs and started kissing him slowly. His tongue was exploring every single part of Dean's mouth and lips. He took Dean out of his jeans and started to stroke him slowly. He wasn't hard yet but with Castiel's slow attention it wasn't long before Dean felt the blood go right to his groin.

"I study English litterature", he said in a low voice.

"Do you?", Castiel asked in a whisper, kissing Dean's right cheek, then his left, still moving slowly.

"Mhmm..", Dean said.

Castiel bowed his head down and took Dean in his mouth, sucking slowly. Everything about him was slow, Dean thought. His breath became slow and deep, Castiel still sucking him. He licked up the shaft a few times and then took him in again. Dean started to moan softly, his hand stroking Castiel's hair.

"That's nice", he whispered. "That's very nice."

Castiel stopped what he was doing and began to take Dean's clothes off. Then he removed his own and they lay on the bed and kissed for a while. Castiel was still stoking Dean and he was starting to get hard himself. He found a condom and some lube and put them on. He made Dean pull his legs up and positioned himself between them. He started to push in slowly. Dean was relaxed enough by the alcohol that it didn't hurt and Castiel pushed all the way in without problems and then started to move slowly. Dean could feel his breath on his face. It was very intimate and he liked it. Castiel kept up the same slow pace for a long time and Dean, who hadn't had sex in a while was starting to get a little sore. He was moaning by now and Castiel saw that as a sign to go a little faster.

"Is it ok?", Castiel asked.

"Yeah", Dean said. Castiel thrust a little faster and harder making Dean moan loudly.

"Oh, that's good", he whispered. Cas picked up the pace and because he'd been going for so long Dean was ready and came between them with a loud groan, gasping his orgasm out. Castiel followed a few seconds later, spilling himself into Dean with a moan. He rested on Dean and their breaths steadied. Castiel pulled out of Dean, who winced a little at the pain. He would be able to feel this tomorrow, he thought. Castiel cleaned them up and they fell asleep soon.

The next morning, Dean woke up to the smell of coffee. He looked around confused because he didn't recognize where he was. Then he remembered the night before. He got out of bed and opened the door to see Castiel in a pair of grey sweatpants, pouring cereal into a bowl.

"Umm..", Dean said, making Castiel turn around. His eyes travelled down, Dean's body, then back up, making Dean blush a little. He was suddenly aware he was completely naked.

"Goodmorning", Castiel said. "Breakfast?"

"Umm..", Dean said again. "Sure." He went to put his jeans on, then sat down by the table. Castiel gave him a bowl and a cup of coffee and sat down himself.

Dean looked at him while he was taking a sip of his coffee.

"Did we, um..", he asked rather unnecessarily.

Castiel looked at him. "Yes", he said.

When Dean just nodded he asked: "You don't mind, do you?". I asked if you wanted me to stop."

Dean could hear he was getting worried. Maybe being accused of rape wouldn't be so good for his future career at the university.

"No, it's fine", Dean said. "I just...um, how did you know I was gay?"

"Well, I hear the students talk at the library, so..."

"Ah, I see", Dean said.

"I haven't seen you at the Stag before", Dean said.

"No, I don't go there often but I felt like trying something new."


After they'd eaten Dean got dressed, declining the offer of a shower. Before he left, Castiel said: "Dean, I'm really sorry if you feel like you were pushed into it. I did ask you if you wanted to. I guess I should have known you were a little too drunk to make that kind of decision."

"Don't worry about it. It was fine. It was nice", Dean said and smiled a little. He didn't want Castiel to worry, but he also wasn't sure how he felt about it. Even though, from what he was beginning to rember of it, it had been some of the best sex he'd ever had.