Chapter 14
After a few days had passed, the girls had seen absolutely no sign of the Rowdypunk Boys. They finally cleaned up all the damage the troublemakers had caused, and searched all throughout the city for them.
However, nobody saw a sign of them, which gave the girls much relief.
One afternoon, the girls lounged in their rooms, trying to complete their homework assignments before the next day. Crime was running slow that day, most likely from the boys, who scared the other villains off.
Blossom was writing a report on Patrick Henry for her history class, while Buttercup was busy coloring in animal cells for her science class. Bubbles lied on the floor quietly, trying to finish her art project.
Nobody spoke a word that evening. Everyone was busy with their own affairs, until Blossom finally dared to utter a word.
"You know, I'm kind of glad we had that experience."
"What experience?" Buttercup asked, barely glancing up from her work.
"The experience of defeating the Rowdypunk Boys," Blossom answered. "I think it gave us a good chance to be flexible and open-minded."
"Yeah, and to work together with other people," Buttercup added. "I thought it was going to be a complete disaster working with the Rowdyruff Boys, but actually it wasn't that bad. At least now it'll be easier to beat them."
"How come?" Blossom questioned.
"Because now we know a little more about them. I did enough stuff with Butch to know his style of fighting."
"But wouldn't he know how you fight then?"
"I dunno. I didn't tell him anything. Did you?"
"No, of course not. I didn't tell any of them anything!"
"Ok, good. I think we should lay an attack on them sometime," Buttercup suggested. "It would be a good chance to get them when they least expect it."
Suddenly, Bubbles couldn't take it any longer.
"How could you?" Bubbles yelled, shooting angry glares at her sister.
"How could I what?" Buttercup defended.
"How could you even think about attacking the boys' right after we just worked with them?"
"Because they'd least expect it!"
"Bubbles, what's going on?" Blossom inserted.
"I don't understand," she sobbed. "You guys were just friends a few days ago. Now you can just sit here normally and talk about an attack….and feel nothing? How could you?"
"Bubbles, calm down," Blossom ordered.
"Yeah, Bubbles chill!" Buttercup added.
"Listen," the eldest girl explained. "I know we got along with the boys a little more than expected…."
"A little more than expected? Blossom! Come on, you and Brick were the only ones who would talk to each other. Buttercup and Butch challenged each other all day, and never invited anyone else in. Don't you see? You guys had something!...something special. Something no one else could match. And now you're just gonna blow it all away like heartless…heartless freaks!"
"Bubbles, hush!" Blossom ordered. "You have to understand, sis. The Rowdyruff boys were good allies in our pursuit, but they're not our friends. They were never our friends, and they never will be. Even if we did along a little more than we would have liked, that doesn't change the fact that we are pure enemies. No questions asked. I'm sure if Boomer were here right now, he'd agree heartily with what we're saying, along with all the Rowdy -"
Suddenly, Bubbles burst into the air, and took off through the house, refusing to listen to anymore.
"Bubbles! Come back," Blossom called. It was too late. The youngest Powerpuff Girl zapped out the door, and headed for town.
Without looking at all where she was going, Bubbles let tears stream down her face like a river. She wiped them away gently with her fists, and mumbled to herself.
"It's not fair."
Suddenly, when Bubbles was about to lift her head…
The young hero had rammed into something rough and firm. While rubbing her forehead with her arm, Bubbles looked up and saw Boomer lingering in front of her.
Gasping with pleasure, Bubbles wanted to pour her heart out, until she remembered her sister's earlier talk.
"Oh…hi Boomer!" She greeted.
"Hey, Bubbles."
Standing quietly in front of each other, Bubbles and Boomer starred hopelessly elsewhere trying to figure out their next move…until both of them finally turned to each other.
Bubbles tried to explain herself, but Boomer was muttering at the same time she was, causing a rumble of words to erode without any understanding.
The two children paused, and tried to speak again, only for the previous action to be repeated.
"So," Bubbles finally uttered. "Should we start fighting now?"
"I don't know. I guess." However, both of the children remained where they were, obviously unwilling to make an attack.
"Why are you here anyways?" Boomer finally spoke.
"Why are you here?"
"I'm not gonna tell you," Boomer retorted.
"Well then, I'm not going to tell you either!"
"Humph." Boomer and Bubbles turned around, with their backs facing each other and arms crossed. They stood there for about a second, until they both twisted around with hast.
"Alright, I'll tell you!" They both cried in unison.
Looking at each other strangely, Boomer finally grabbed Bubbles by the hand, and dragged her to the roof where they used to hold their meetings. If Bubbles was half in remembrance of their last encounter, she probably wouldn't have been thinking about Boomer holding her hand.
Instantly, the young girl burst into laughter as they approached the roof.
"What's so funny?" Boomer ordered.
"Oh, I was…I was…just remembering the first time we met each other like this."
"Oh yeah," Boomer reminisced. "We started fighting, and then the Rowdypunk Boys found us."
"We ended up saving each other and then we flew to the roof," Bubbles sighed dreamily. "…but you were holding me that time, and not my hand."
Boomer approached the roof, and looked down at his hand in confusion. Once he noticed what he was doing, Boomer shook off Bubbles' hand quickly, and the young hero chuckled sweetly at his action.
"So," Boomer started while flopping down on the edge of the building. "Why are you here exactly?"
"I dunno. You'd probably think I was crazy," Bubbles confessed while placing herself beside him.
"I won't laugh. I promise."
Bubbles knew she could trust him now, at least at this time.
"Well, I guess I got kind of mad at my sisters. They kept talking about attacking you guys, and…oops!" Bubbles placed her hands across her mouth in sudden realization. "I probably shouldn't have told you that.
Boomer smiled secretly, and informed his friend that he wouldn't tell his brothers.
"You promise?" She assured.
"Yep, I do."
"Ok, well I just don't understand it. One minute, we were a team, working together to destroy the Rowdypunk Boys. Now we're enemies again, and I don't want to be."
"Yeah, I know how you feel," Boomer answered. "I came out for that, too."
Bubbles looked at him with shock.
"Really? I thought your brothers were picking on you again."
"Well, they were, but that's not why I'm sad." Boomer looked up at Bubbles, with a sincere face and hurt eyes. "I ran off because…well…I miss talking to you."
A flood of joy busted through Bubbles' heart, and soaked every part of her body. She couldn't help but titter happily after he said the words she wanted to hear so much.
"Hey," Boomer complained while blushing greatly. "I thought you weren't going to laugh?"
"You said you weren't going to laugh," Bubbles reminded. "But I'm sorry. The reason I'm laughing is because I feel the same way."
Boomer's eyes lit up with happiness and excitement once he heard Bubbles speak. He looked as if he had enough energy to fly round the earth six times, and then more.
"Really?" He gasped.
"Yeah, I miss you, but I didn't think you would miss me. So I was scared."
"Me too," Boomer agreed. "I wanted to come see you again, but I remembered we're enemies."
Bubbles looked at the feet in front of her. "So, what should we do know?" She wondered.
"I dunno."
"I guess things just go back to being normal."
Boomer lowered his gaze, and looked down at his feet, disappointed and crushed by Bubbles decision.
"But don't worry! Because even though we might be enemies, at least we know that we still like each other…as friends I mean…." Bubbles comforted.
"Yeah," Boomer concurred. "As friends."
"It'll still be hard fighting you though," Bubbles admitted negatively.
"Don't worry," Boomer proposed. "I'm not gonna change my mind about you, Bubbles."
"I wont' either, Boomer," Bubbles concluded, shying away happily.
There was silence after that, but contentment. Everything seemed perfect. Bubbles couldn't have asked for anything more than for Boomer to say just what he said. Together, the two friends sat quietly, moving closer to each other when they could.
The silence didn't bother them. They seemed perfectly satisfied with each others company. Bubbles wanted to lower her head on Boomer's shoulder, but she restrained herself.
This wasn't the time, but suddenly, Bubbles noticed the sunset lowering slowly into the distance, and she popped up back into reality.
"Uh-oh. I need to go home. My sisters will be looking for me."
"Already? You just got here!" Boomer objected.
"Boomer, I've been here for about an hour, see?"
Bubbles pointed to the sun motioning how late it was getting. Boomer noticed the time as well, and nodded in agreement.
"But I won't forget about this, or the meetings we've been too."
"I won't either."
Immediately, Bubbles leaned in closer to Boomer, until he pulled away, with his hands in front of him.
"Wait, you're not gonna kiss me again, are you?" He inquired.
"No," Bubbles answered, a little taken aback by his sudden act. "But I will do this."
Suddenly, Bubbles stretched out her arms, and wrapped them around Boomer warmly. Boomer was definitely surprised by Bubbles' action, but as a second flew by, Boomer gave up, and hugged her back.
Bubbles wasn't quite sure why, but a hug seemed like so much more, and she felt like she could stay in that position forever. Reluctantly the two separated, and Bubbles lifted herself into the sky, knowing this was probably the last time she would ever speak to him like this again.
After flying off, Bubbles waved goodbye and headed for home, her heart fluttering and spinning about like a delicate butterfly. She was sad about the final departure, but more than happy about her feelings.
I guess I should be thankful for the Rowdypunk boys, Bubbles thought to herself. They caused a lot of trouble, but they did bring us together. Bubbles began to remember how similar the other boys were to her sisters, and what possibilities were open for them. Maybe the Rowdypunk Boys aren't so bad after all.
The End
Wow! Thanks for the 1,000 views guys! I really can't believe it, and I'm very thankful for everyone's support. Special thanks to QuanktumSpirit and Angelvan105 (again) for being so supportive. You guys rock!
And also special thanks to everyone who stayed consistent with this long and wordy story. I know how excruciatingly boring it must have been lol!
And remember everyone: "The fear of man brings a snare, but whoever trusts in the Lord shall be safe." –Proverbs 29:25.