A/N: An inspired one-shot lemon thing! Funfun! Enjoy! But it's split into chapters cause otherwise it'd be far to long for fan's attention spans.

Also, I named the Queen/Princess 'Lillian' because that's the name Fable 2 gave one of my daughters.

Disclaimer: Fable is owned by Lionhead studios. Not me. Don't sue.

"I can't believe it," Elliot was walking through the castle grounds, grasping onto his wife's hand.

"What? That everyone managed to survive the Crawler? That Aurora is safe? That Logan actually stopped being a dick head?" The Queen, with her duties fulfilled for now, joked.

"Actually, I can believe that since we had you as our leader. But Lily," Lillian blushed at Elliot's childhood name for her as he turned to face her, "what I can't believe is that out of all the men and women who love you, you chose to marry me."

"Well, I really didn't have a choice..." Elliot frowned a bit at this, noticing she added, "I mean you're the only person I've loved since I was a child." Lily cupped her husbands face and smiled. "Plus, if I had chosen someone else they'd get lost in the Castle." Breaking the hand hold, Lily slid her other hand in her husbands hair, as he placed his hand on her hips. Ever since they had met Elliot has always been at least 3 inches taller then her, which made it strange that they were the same height after all the gun play that had been had.

Elliot pulled Lily closer so their groins were touching, she giggled as she felt the bulge in his pants grow slightly. They started swaying from side to side as their lips met, causing a slight shudder down Lily's back, and and a notsoslight rise from Elliot. Oh Avo, I gotta come up with something to make her do me... Elliot thought to himself, believing that Lily needed to be aroused verbally first, when in actuality she just loved to watch him struggle.

Breaking the kiss and getting a slight glare from Lily, Elliot whispered hotly into her ear, "Do you remember when we used to sneak up to your room in the Castle? Fancy reliving those memories?" Elliot nipped at her earlobe as she stood there as the memories came flooding back.

~4 years ago~

It was the day before Lily's sixteenth birthday, and her heart was racing. Elliot had told her that his present was going to be extra special, and she hadn't a clue what it was. This worried her, since she knew what she wanted to get from him, but she didn't know if he felt the same. Being a teenager, Lily began noticing things about her childhood friend: the deepened voice, the light scruff, and due to an accidental glance into a window during one of their walks around Bowerstone, that he was fully functional, below the belt.

What she also didn't know was that Elliot had been reading her diary when she was sleeping and one particular entry had caught his eye into what to give her for her birthday:

Dearest Diary,

Elliot can be so frustrating when he wants to be. He said my present from him would be "extra special" and he also has the nerve to not even drop me hints as to what it is. Sadly, I don't think it's going to be what I want from him...he's probably going to just give me some gem of some sort. Even though I've noticed that he's changing, I don't think he notices that I am too changing... I'm seen him get "aroused" but what he doesn't know is that I, too, get aroused! And it's terrible that just being around can set me off. And what I really what him to give me is himself. Now I don't mean as a slave or anything, but I want him to be my first. I've already made precautions (with a cucumber I got from the kitchen) so I won't bleed or have pain! Sure, it might be considered disgraceful or wrong, but, I don't want him to be scared away if I start crying or bleeding all over the place. Well, four more days until I know I suppose.

Princess Lillian

Originally, Elliot was going to give her a rare jet, but after reading this he almost hopped in bed with her. However, he learned the powers of resistance after he noticed that she was changing: her curvacious waist, the way her hips swayed, and mostly, the large breasts she grew in what seemed like a day.

Day of, Jasper helped the Princess into her extra fancy birthday dress, which was covered in lace beading, and fine silk.

She gasped for air, "Jasper, does it have to be ~gurk~ this tight?" Jasper simply nodded as he tightened the corset. If this doesn't end with me getting torn out of this by my sweet Elliot, I might have to make daddy abolish corsets. Lily giggled at herself, while she tried not to rush to quickly to the Castle garden, so as to not faint. As she struggled down the stair case her face changed from slightly irritated to pure glee as she saw Elliot down by the presents and her family.

Elliot glanced up, heart going a million miles an hour, sweating profusely, and trying to not imagine what would happen in the near future, and his jaw dropped. Lily looked as beautiful as ever except the dress she was wearing accentuated everything about her, but mostly her breasts. They looked as if they were about to pop out, and he had to try even harder to not run up and take her right then and there.

"Oh, my sweet baby girl isn't a baby no more!" the farmgirl that the old Hero married, mother of both his children, ran up and hugged her daughter. She started feeling up and down her daughter's sides, "Hey, Jaspah! You really got her in this thing real tight, huh?" the mother whispered in Lily's ear, "I feel your pain, darling." They both laughed as they joined the others. Logan was leaning against the small fence looking over Bowerstone.

"Logan! Stop plotting your tyrannical rule and get over her to watch me open presents!" she shouted at him, jokingly of course. He put on his best "if-I-was-ruling-you'd-be-shot" glare while his little sister wrapped her arms around him as he got to the table. The Hero gave his daughter a hug and smiled at her tearing up a bit, not being one known for words. "I love you, daddy!" she kissed him on the cheek. Looking around she noticed Elliot shyly poking at the boxes. "Elliot!" he turned his head just in time to receive a hug from the girl, "I'm so glad you came! It just wouldn't be the same without you, you know?" she said while resting her hands on his shoulders.

"Ahem, Princess Lillian, it's now time for you to open up your presents," Jasper motioned to the mountain of gifts from her parents, with one from her brother and friend.

"I've been waiting for this since...four days ago!" she attempted to skip over, the dress disallowing any sort of childish movement. Elliot's eye's widened a bit over theexact date she had given. You can do this Elliot, just a few more moments, and you'll have some private time.

Lemony goodness next!

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