DISCLAIMER: J.K Rowling owns Harry Potter, not me. I was merely having fun creating a plot!

This is my first fan fiction so I'm sorry if it's sucky. Please review, and feel free to leave constructive criticism on how I can improve my story!

Hermione Granger sat cross legged in front of the fireplace in the Gryffindor Common Room, an open book sitting in her lap and gazing at the flickering flames as she listened to the rain hitting the windows. Winter had finally come around at Hogwarts and Hermione loved nothing more than sitting by the fire, listening to the sound of the weather and being curled up with a good book. She glanced around the room; she was the only one still up. She didn't know the time, but was pretty sure she should probably be in bed by now. Hermione took a deep breath and leant her head back on the seat of the couch, enjoying the peace and quiet.

The silence was broken by a boy rushing into the common room, his teeth chattering and panting as he tried to warm himself up. Hermione looked up and recognised him immediately by his tall figure, freckled face and flaming red hair. It was the boy that she had developed feelings for in her fourth year after he had comforted her when Ron ruined the night of the Yule Ball for her. It was the boy who was extremely attractive, with his cute smirk that reeled all the ladies in. It was none other than Fred Weasley.

Fred looked down at Hermione sitting on the ground. "Hey 'Mione." He said, grinning at her. "Hi Fred." Hermione replied, smiling back at him. He rubbed his hands together in an attempt to warm them up. "Chilly, isn't it?" He said as he approached her to join her in front of the fire. Hermione closed her book and placed it next to her. "A bit." Fred plonked himself down on the floor, leaning forward to place his hands near the flames. He sat like this for a few seconds before rubbing his hands together again, then leaning back against the couch behind him.

"What are you doing still up?" He asked as he turned to look at her. "I like reading down here on nights like this," Hermione replied, glancing around the room once again. "It's relaxing." Fred nodded. Hermione was getting butterflies in her stomach. She hadn't had a proper conversation with him since the night she spilled her heart out to him after the Yule Ball, and he had sat there, with his arms wrapped around her, listening to every word she had said and telling her she didn't need Ron, and that there were other genuine guys who she deserved that would love her and think the absolute world of her. Remembering their conversation, Hermione looked at Fred, blushing. "I… I should probably go to bed now, it's getting late." She said as she stood up. She grabbed her book and turned around to walk up the stairs to the dormitory.

"Wait," Fred said as he jumped to his feet. Hermione turned around to see Fred standing there, holding out his hand. "Let me walk you." Hermione hesitated for a moment; her head was being taken over by her curious thoughts. Did he have feelings for her? Surely there was something, otherwise he wouldn't be offering his hand to walk her upstairs, right? She looked up at him. His eyes were welcoming as he smiled at her, and then he took a step closer to her. Hermione blushed and smiled back at him, taking a step towards him and placing her hand in his. Fred gave her hand a gentle squeeze as they walked towards the stairs.

They finally got up the stairs and were standing outside Hermione's dormitory. Hermione released Fred's hand and went to open the door. "Goodnight Fred," she said smiling as she turned around to walk inside. She felt a hand on her shoulder as Fred turned her back around to face him. He wrapped his arms around her waist, drawing him closer to her. Hermione gasped, to which Fred smirked then he leaned in and pressed his lips against hers. Their lips moved in sync and Fred moved his hand from her waist and placed it on her cheek, caressing her. Hermione wrapped her arms around his neck as Fred ran his tongue along her lower lip, asking permission to enter. Hermione opened her mouth slightly and Fred slipped his tongue in, then started gently exploring her mouth and running his hands through her hair. Hermione did the same. He's a great kisser, Hermione thought. After about a minute, Fred broke their kiss and pulled her into a tight hug.

"You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that, Hermione." He said, grinning widely and Hermione blushed and bit her lip. "I've wanted to do that for a really long time too." She whispered back. Fred loosened his grip from her and kissed her on the forehead. "Goodnight, Hermione." He said as he turned to make his way downstairs. "Night Fred." He started walking down the stairs and Hermione was just walking into the dorm when she turned around and rushed back out. "Fred!" she called, and he turned back and ran back up the stairs.

"Yeah?" He said, looking confused. Hermione bowed her head, shuffling her feet, trying to find her words then looked back up at him. "Do you remember what you said to me the night of the Yule Ball?" Fred grinned. "You mean when I said you deserved so much more than ickle Ronniekins and that there was someone great out there who would love you for who you are?" Hermione nodded and took a deep breath. "Do you really believe that?"

Fred took a step closer to her and took her hand in his, caressing it with his thumb. "I know that for a fact, 'Mione," he said softly. "In fact, he may be closer than you think." He winked at her, then leaned forward to give her a quick kiss on her cheek before turning around and heading back down the stairs, gone within two seconds. Hermione stood at the top of the stairs, blushing. He likes me. Hermione said to herself, and a gasp escaped from her lips, then she smiled. He really likes me. And he kissed me! She spun around happily, then turned back to the dorm, quickly slipping into her pyjamas and sliding into bed, smiling as she sunk her head into her pillow and drifted off to sleep.