Alrighty folks, I want to thank you so very much for the reviews and such for this story, unfortunately this story is coming to a close! I shall warn you, this chapter get's a little ris-kayyy lol I don't think it's too bad, but enough that I think it needs a warning...
well I think that is it, enjoy!
P.S... it's possible people are going OOC.. but I'm not for sure on that...

The day came and went and now I sat in the Council room listening to the rants of the members.

"As of today any sign of bullying will be severely punished! And thanks to the funding of Mimori, another guidance counsellor will be brought into the school to talk with student who need help. Is everyone alright with this?"

I raised an eyebrow at Tsubaki as he seemed so very determined on this subject. I couldn't help but chuckle to myself. I'm sure he thinks I go around harassing student now and wants to make sure I get whats coming to me. I don't blame him.

The meeting was over and I went to my cleaning duties.

"It's nice to have you back Spec-chan. This place kind of got out of control..." Michiri smiled.

I looked around, "Ya no kidding. It seems I spoil you guys. Maybe I'll have to write a rules list."

"Haha! Good luck getting President to read such a thing! Well have a good day Trigger-chan!"

I raised a brow, he never sticks with one name it's always something new. I guess it's not so bad, it makes things interesting that way.

Cleaning took longer than usual so I decided to rest and draw bit before I left. Next thing I knew my eyelids were getting heavy and I fell asleep.

I woke up to someone calling my name.

"Trigger-san... Trigger-san!"

I opened my eyes to see the room had become dark and somebody was standing in front of me. I sat up wiping my eyes.

"Huh? What is it?"

"What are you still doing here? It's almost dinner time."

I looked around and finally took notice to reality.

"But, what are you doing here, Tsubaki-san?"

"I forgot something and heard the sound of your snoring..."

I went completely red as I chuckled at myself.

"Come on, I'll walk you home."

I got up and packed my things, "Nah. I'll be okay."

"It's getting dark a small girl can't just walk home by herself! It's my duty to protect the students!"

"Bet ya 20 bucks I could take ya..."

He narrowed his eyes at my mocking expression.

"I may not look it but I'm skilled in many different arts."

"Really? Like sewing and scrap booking?"

I gasped in a girly fashion. He glared daggers at me.

"Sorry, sorry. I guess I got carried away."

He let out a sigh as we continued walking. The sky was dark and the clouds were rolling in. Tsubaki grabbed my arm, causing me to stop and turn to him. My face went completely red at the touch and I felt goosebumps roll over my skin.

"Trigger-san... I wanted to ask you if it was okay if I called you by your real name?"

I looked away for a moment... Then everyone would question me... I shook my head.

"I'm sorry. I don't want any unnecessary attention at school..."

"Well," He looked down at me with a blush on his cheeks, "How about when we are alone? Toki-chan?"

A shiver ran down my spine as he spoke my name. His hand moved from my arm down to my hand, tangling his fingers into mine. This was one of those moments that any person could only dream about and I felt the heat rush over me. I felt as if I was going to faint once again but a drop of water shocked me awake. I looked up to see the rain begin as it pour down and Tsubaki, like the clever man he is, pulled out an umbrella, shielding us. When we made it to the corner of my street I turned to him with a large smile.

"You should get home. Don't worry about me, it's 2 houses down."


"Go, I prefer the rain, I promise."

He smiled down to me and squeezed my hand before letting go and running off down the road. I stood there like an idiot staring off at him letting the water wash over me. It was if I was becoming someone new, letting the world wash away the old me. I couldn't help but laugh like a maniac as my emotions went all haywire. I was snapped back to reality when a hand grasped my shoulder. I turned to see Sojiro soaked standing there like an idiot.

"What the hell are you doing Sojiro? It's pouring rain."

"You didn't come home so I was coming to find you. Let's go you idiot you're freezing cold!"

I followed him into my place as we stumbled into the warm atmosphere. I threw my bag and made my way to my room to change. I shut the door and only managed to take off my top before the door was pushed open.

"Sojiro! You bastard! Get the hell out!"

He completely ignored me as he moved closer grabbing my arms and pushing me down on the bed.

"I've been here after countless heartbreaks as you tried to fill in that hole of your father... Those guys don't deserve you. You're independent, strong-willed, you have a unique sense of humour and a personality that can suck anyone in. You have seen the world and are real... Yet... Yet you try and hide yourself and cower away from people. What I can't understand is how you can't see that..."

His hand moved my arms until he held both with one and placed the other on the side of my face.

"You go blushing and stumbling over Tsubaki... hiding who you are from him... And yet I don't get it... I've been here the entire time. I was here when those men broke in and killed your dad and took your things... I was there when that group beat you up and broke your favourite bracelet... I was here when you almost killed yourself because you thought you were hurting your mother..."

His face lowered until our lips were just barely brushing. I couldn't move I was frozen. His body though soaked was so warm. His eyes were so sincere and his breath crawled over my skin.

"I've always accepted you or who you were in everything and yet the only words I hear are "I hate you..." I've stood back hoping one day you will see that I've been longing for you. I've been to scared to approach you, I didn't want to scare you away, because I'd rather be on the side-lines then be kicked out of the stadium."

Tears poured out of my eyes as he spoke. Everything he said tore a little at my heart until just a sliver was left. He had every sliver he tore from me now as reality was forced into my head. But that small sliver that survived... It was there for those little words I heard today... "Toki-chan..." It was the piece of my heart from a different person, one I could change and grow up to be. Someone who isn't scared of the world anymore.


I could see the tears in his eyes as he read my mind. He always knew the most of me... He pushed his lips against mine and traced his hand down my side.

"Can I at least be your first? Your first kiss..."

He bent down kissing me again, with a little more force as he slipped his tongue inside. I was reluctant and wanted to push him away but the fight turned into a moan.

"Your first man?"

His hand drifted down my stomach, breaking beneath the top of my skirt. I gasped at the foreign touch.

"Your first love?"

Was this right? Would this not hurt him more? Can I do this to him then just leave him on the side-lines like that?

"It's what I want Trigger... I know it's selfish but if I can't take your heart for myself I will make the first of you mine. I will treasure it and never forget it. You can entrust it to me and I will protect it with my life. Men will come and go, but your first will always be there. I promise you... Toki."

I let out a moan as he caused a sensation inside of me that couldn't be explained. I pulled my arms out of his grasp and wrapped them around his neck pulling him closer to me.

"I love you Sojiro."

-grown up scene-
-the next morning-
I woke up with the blankets wrapped around me and Sojiro laying next to me. His arm draped over me as he slept with only his boxers on. Memories of the night before caused a red hot blush over my face as I noticed the lack of material I wore. It felt completely wrong to do this to Sojiro, he has been such a good guy through all of this... But what he said, I couldn't deny him it.

"It's what I want..."

I let out a sigh as I crawled out of bed and wandered to the shower. When I got out I noticed he was still slumbering. I don't blame him, after all that I'm amazed I was able to wake up. I tossed a book at him.

"Oi, wake up. You're going to be late for school."

I saw him slowly peek out an eye as he shuffled around to move the book off the bed. He gestured for me to come closer and I did. He grasped my hand and yanked me back onto the bed.

"Thank you."

I blushed from the contact as he kissed me on the cheek.

"Stop it you idiot. If you're going to be all gushy I'm gonna drop-kick you."

He laughed as he let me go, pushing himself up.

"I'll be back in 20 minutes, you better be ready for school. Don't think I'm gonna let you seduce me to get you out of school." He winked.

"You are the devil himself! Get out of my house pervert!"

I threw a barrage of books at him until he was out of the house. I sat there with my face bright red. Sadist bastard.

We wandered to school like normal, we got through school like normal and the Council meeting ended like normal. He did keep his promise and we were completely normal. Well, Sojiro was, I was on edge and jumped at every little thing. I was happy when the day was over and I got to sit and clean the room.


I went red at the name as I turned to see Tsubaki standing there.

"Hey. Don't you have a life outside of this educational jail cell?"

He glared at the floor as his cheeks went pink.

"That's what I'm here for... Do you want to go see a movie with me later?"

"Can we watch the gushy new romance one that just came out?"

I teased. He glared. He was getting good at that. That was when a figure caught my eye. I looked over to see Sojiro glancing past the door frame. Guilt twisted my stomach but he just smiled at me and nodded. Somehow my doubts were washed away and I smiled.

"I'm kidding... I would love to go with you."

We both kinda stood there blushing, acting like a couple of dorks. Things would be okay now. Maybe there were people out there you could trust. People who are actually willing to stand up for you even if it meant to hurt themselves. I can only hope I will grow up to be good person and have a child who will be strong and whole hearted like him.

-sniffles-wipes away tear- i just love this ending... truly the best ending i have written... (in my opinion).. well I truly hope you all enjoyed this as much as I and I would love to hear your comments on it! Thanks you and good night!