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Dream Maker: Well folks, standard yada. I do not own Gundam Wing. *sniffs* I wish I did but I don't. The G-boys and girls belong to their respectable owners. I am just using them for this twisted fic. I promise to return them, only slightly worse for the wear when we're through with them. Um…. Anything else?

Christa: Sheesh, are you forgetting already? You're really pathetic. Any characters you haven't heard of are ours. The plot is ours too. And we're recognizing GW Dark Chyld for one of the ideas in here. (Can't tell you what it is though.) Its not ours, it belongs to that respectable writer. The one I muse for could never come up with such an ingenious idea.

Dream Maker: *ready to strangle her muse* Christa….. I could have come up with that if I had to… *trying to restrain herself still* Don't make me say it again. And I am not pathetic!

Christa: Whatever. But please enjoy the fic and don't mind us bickering…. She can't get rid of me and I'm kinda stuck with the pathetic writer so, it's just normal for us to do that. Okay, on with the fic.

Dream Maker: *in the background* CHRISTA!!!!!!!!!!

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It had been a long day for all the g-boys and they were all relaxing at Quatre's mansion. Quatre and Relena had been invited to a very important meeting having to do with the co-existence of earth and the colonies. Heero, as always, was right next to her as a silent, but very intimidating bodyguard. Wufei had been heading the Preventers security force. Duo had showed up at Quatre's house afterwards to deliver a package and the circus was in town so Trowa had turned up on the doorstep.

"Quatre, do you think these talks are ever going to stop? We have had peace for four years now."

"I'm really not sure Duo. Whenever I think our work is done something else pops up and we're right back where we started again. I'm really at a loss of what to do anymore. I can't help more than I already am."

"That's understandable, and I agree with you," Trowa said.

"That reminds me!" Quatre's eyes lit up with mischief. "How are you and Relena handling the new addition to your family Heero?"

Heero blushed slightly. He and Relena had gotten married when they were eighteen and they had had a child soon after. "Relena's not exactly happy about loosing sleep but I think our little girl really helps her."

"How so?" Trowa questioned. He didn't know much in the way of kids, nor did he want to, but whenever Heero was open enough to talk they all knew to take advantage of it.

"She's not working as much and she seems to be a lot more here since she was born." He meant here as in Relena had been off in her own little world trying to solve everyone else's problems for them most of the time and not paying attention to anything else.

"Well its good to know Relena is doing better," Wufei said. He'd never seen eye to eye with her but he knew how important she was to the Earth Sphere Unified Nation. (ESUN for short)

"I know. I for one am glad she's not up until all hours with that stupid paperwork anymore. By the way, how's Sally doing?"

Wufei's eyes widened a little but he shrugged his shoulders and said, "She's fine. Why do you ask?"

"That's not what I heard from Relena," Heero said slyly.

"What do you mean?" Wufei rarely got nervous but this was one of those times.

"Don't try to hide it Wufei man. You're terrible when it comes to this kinda stuff. What's up over there?" Duo was having fun playing his favorite game. (Wufei/Heero baiting. ^_^)

Trowa decided to join in the game. "Yeah, I heard she hasn't been doing so well. I heard that she keeps getting sick in the mornings."

Wufei was starting to sweat and his feelings were assaulting Quatre to the point of insanity but it was fun to watch Wufei squirm. It was comical to see how long it would take before he would crack. "There wouldn't happen to be something you want to tell us now is there Wufei?"

"Yeah old buddy old pal, speak up!" Duo chimed in.

"I give up! I give up with you lunatics! Sally's pregnant alright?"

"We just wanted to hear you say it," Heero said in his usual monotone voice. His face was stern but his eyes were dancing as Quatre pulled a handkerchief from his pocket and handed it to Wufei.

"You're sweating Wufei." He chuckled. All of a sudden there was shouting outside in the hall and a few seconds later the doors burst open as Rachide flew through them and landed on his back. All the g-boys were on their feet in seconds and ready to take on whoever, or whatever, came through the door.

A kid that looked to be around the age of fourteen stepped through the now open doors and into the parlor that they had been relaxing in. The kid looked to be about 5'4", had emerald green eyes, and looked to have black hair but that was hard to tell because of the baseball cap he wore. He had on jeans and baggy shirt with a high collar. He dropped his bag on the floor after he took a few steps into the room.

"Who are you and what business do you have in my house?" Quatre said angrily. The kid looked him over without showing any sign of having any thoughts or feelings whatsoever. Quatre felt a cold shiver go down his spine as his eyes locked with the boy's for a split second and he saw nothing but emptiness where something was missing. Both Heero and Trowa had had the same look when he met them but their eyes had something. Whether it had been fire or determination or something else he didn't know and never would but there had been something there.

Rachide was up by the time that had happened and was charging the kid. The kid didn't even flinch as the 6'2" (I'm guessing) man came hurtling at him. He just sidestepped at the last moment and Rachide went right on by. As he did the kid raised his hand and hit him on the back of the neck, knocking him out instantly.

"Quatre get out of here. He's probably here to kill you!" Heero said as he chanced a glance over at his comrade. Quatre was shaking and frozen in place. "Trowa, get him out of here!" He called as he walked toward the boy like a cat hunting a mouse. The boy watched him as calmly as if they were just having a polite chat as they circled one another. Both were tense but one who knew nothing of fighting wouldn't have been able to detect that.

The air filled with tension and apprehension as the others looked on. Trowa hadn't been able to coax Quatre away from the scene and he wasn't about to pick him up and carry him away so he stayed by his side, ready to interfere with anything at a moments notice.

"You'd better just give up now kid. There's no way you're going to get away with this."

"What makes you think I'm trying to kill Quatre?" The child asked innocently. His voice was as empty as his face and eyes.

"Why else would you be here?" Heero questioned. As the kid thought of an answer and was partially distracted Heero launched himself at the kid. Quicker than anyone could have expected the kid reached out, grabbed Heero's wrist, and threw him to the ground. Then he was on top of him in a flash. Heero had landed with one arm twisted under him. The boy held Heero's other arm pinned to the ground and in his free hand he held a knife next to Heero's face. His knee was pressed up against Heero's throat making it nearly impossible for him to move at all.

"Heero!" Duo cried when he saw the situation his friend had gotten himself into.

"Now," the child said again, "Why do you think I'm here to kill Quatre."

"Enough!" Quatre said, coming to his senses enough to realize blood would be shed if he didn't do something and quick. "Let Heero up. Please, don't hurt him."

"I have no reason to hurt any of you." The child said as he stood, allowing Heero to stand up.

"Then why are you here?"

"I…." The boy trailed off as he searched for a suitable answer. All the while Heero's eyes never left him. No one had beaten him that easily before. Not only had his ego been deflated to the size of a dime but also his arm was throbbing with pain from where he'd landed on it. It wasn't broken but he'd at least pulled a few major muscles.

As the boy's eyes wondered over the faces of the older men Quatre detected a hint of nervousness and said, "Where are my manners. Let's sit down. Um….." He looked over toward the spot Rachide had fallen. Watching where his eyes traveled, the boy saw what he was looking at and without a word walked over and closed the doors. Then he picked up Rachide, with a lot of help from Heero, and deposited him one of the couches before he sat down on the floor.

"My name is—" Quatre started to say but the boy cut him off.

"Quatre Raberba Winner."

"Right, and these are my friends—" again he was cut off.

"Trowa, Heero, Wufei, and Duo."

"Okay wise guy. Since you know all of our names then what's yours and who are you working for?" Duo said. He didn't like the kid one bit.

"I'm working for no one but myself. My name…." He trailed off again mentally cursing himself. He knew he couldn't tell them his real name.

"Do you have one?" Trowa asked.

"Yes, its Alex." He blurted out.

"Alex? You don't look like an Alex." Duo said skeptically.

'That's because I'm not,' the kid thought as he continued to stay silent.


Dream Maker: So what do you think of it, for a first chapter?

Christa: Ended rather abruptly didn't it?"

Dream Maker: I had to go to bed and you know it! Besides, it keeps people guessing…. ^_^

Christa: Okay genius, what's the next part?

Dream Maker: Now that would just give everything away…. But I will say that if no one reviews there's not gunna be anymore to this story! I want reviews! It lets me know my writing is loved! I want at least three reviews!

Christa: I've created a monster!

Dream Maker: And could someone tell me how to actually spell Quatre's middle name? I think that's right but my sister, Angel Yuy, says its not….
