So here's Part I of my story I hope you like it. Please review and tell me what I need to work.

I do not own Winx Club the creator if Iginio Straffi

The Journey to the Tree of Renewal

Part I

Chapter: 1

It was spring, the season of rebirth and renewal, a time of growth and new learning and this year the Winx Club was no exception. After the battle against the Wizards of the Dark Circle the Winx girls experienced a great loss, deeply wounding the heart, Layla's heart. Now was the time to heal those wounds. There was a great journey ahead of them, one filled with danger and great evil. One would wonder if the Winx girls were really up to the challenge, but they were. They were always ready for whatever was thrown at them.

"As you all know we suffered a great tragedy a few weeks ago." Ms. Faragonda sat behind the desk in her office. She had called the Winx girls and the Specialists into her office for this meeting with her and Ms. Griselda. "Nabu sacrificed himself in order to save the fairies of Earth and now he rests in an eternal slumber." She turned to face Layla. "Layla darling, there is no need to fret he is not dead, but only asleep. Only the most ancient and powerful magic can awake him.

"We'll do whatever it takes to wake Nabu from his sleep." Bloom said bringing her fist down on Ms. Faragonda's desk.

"Yes, no matter how dangerous the quest," Roxy agreed. "I'm so grateful to him. I would have lost my mom again if it hadn't been for his sacrifice."

"Roxy I know you want to help but I can't allow you to go on this mission. You will stay here at Alfea where you will learn to master your powers. Only the Winx girls and the Specialists will go on this journey.

"So where do we have to go Ms. F?" Musa asked.

"To Natura. There you will find the Tree of Renewal. Back when the magical universe was young all healing was done using magical herbs and flowers. This is still done on the planet Natura. There grows the Tree of Renewal. You must collect the sap from the tree. Its sap has healing powers. It can heal any illness and reverse any dark spell. This will heal Nabu and wake him from his sleep. But you must be careful. On Natura nature is as it once was. It runs wild and free and there are species of magical animals that are not known to us.

"Which is all the more reason why you should allow me to go with them Ms Faragonda. I am the fairy of animals. I can communicate with the animals and keep any of them from hurting the others.

"There is no need to worry Roxy. Flora is the fairy of nature. While she can't communicate with animals like you can she can still determine how they are feeling and she should be able to keep them from causing them any harm."

"How are we getting there?" Layla asked.

"Professor Saladin gave the okay for the boys to use one of the Red Fountain Hover crafts. For this mission the Pixies will come with you. You will need all the help you can get.

"And exactly how long will this journey take?" Stella asked. "I have a spa day set for next Tuesday that I just can't reschedule again. My pores look horrible and I'm in desperate need of a mani/pedi."

"Leave it to Stella to think about her appearance at a time like this." Musa mumbled to Tecna.

"You look perfectly fine to me Honey-Bunny." Brandon said running his fingers through Stella's long blonde hair. "Right now getting this sap from the Tree of Renewal is top priority. Layla misses him. We all miss him and I think we all want our friend back."

"Well… I guess waiting another week on that spa day couldn't hurt. Stella said walking over to the mirror on the wall and admiring her reflection. "Alright everybody let's go! Planet Natura here we come!"

Chapter: 2

"I'm sorry Kiko you can't come with us." Bloom bent down to pet the blue bunny on his head. "It's too dangerous and you're way too small. Don't worry Professor Wizgiz and Palladium said that they would take good care of you while we're gone." Kiko jumped up into Bloom's arms and snuggled up against her chest. "Be a good bunny while I'm gone okay."

"I wish I could come with you guys." Roxy said giving Musa a hug.

"By my calculations with just the six of us Winx girls and the five specialists are chances of succeeding are at a 88.8%. It's not as high as I would like but it will have to do.

"You just enjoy your time here at Alfea." Flora said patting Roxy on the back.

"Yes," Tecna agreed. "Study hard and do your best and in time Ms. Fairagonda will be sending you on missions with all the rest of us." Tecna said pulling Roxy into a hug.

"I'm just worried about the dangers you'll face while you're there."

"Believe me Roxy we've faced worse." Stella chimed in. "The terrible Trix, fashion disaster Lord Darkar, and the worst of the worst Baltor. Whatever's waiting for us on Natura hasn't got a chance."

"Just be careful while you're gone."

"Don't worry Roxy. We'll be just fine." Stella said pulling her into a hug. Come on everybody group hug." Stella said cheerfully.

The Specialists watched from inside the ship. "Look at them down there." Riven said to Helia. "They're wasting time. We have a prompt departure which is in exactly two minutes."

"Just give them a few more seconds Riven."

"You know just as well as I that when leaving for missions we should always be prompt. We learned that in Codatorta's class," Riven said climbing down out of the ship. "I hate to break up this love fest ladies, but we kinda need to getting on our way now." Riven said folding his arms across his chest.

"Leave it to Riven to ruin the moment." Stella said flipping her hair.

"No he's right." Layla said pulling away from the rest of the girls. "We need to be leaving we don't have time to waste."

The Winx girls all gathered onto the Red Fountain craft and set off on their journey.

"So exactly where is Natura?" Musa asked Timmy.

"It's in the same realm where Flora's from only a few light years away. It's not visited often and not many people leave Natura for other realms. It's very primitive there. Technology isn't really used there so once we get there we go on foot."

"Yeah but right now we need to stop and get the pixies or did you forget?" Stella said turning to Riven.

"I haven't forgotten." Riven said through gritted teeth.

"Then why are we going the wrong way. Pixie village is in the other direction." Stella said pulling a nail file out of her purse.

Everyone laughed out loud. "Hurry up now Riven." Stella teased. "We wouldn't want to fall behind schedule. That would go against everything Codatorta taught you in class wouldn't it?"

Riven mumbled under his breath as he turned the ship around. "And Tecna contact Digit to make sure the pixies are ready, we don't have time to be waiting on anyone."

"It's amazing," Brandon turned to Sky. "We've managed to put Riven in a worse mood than usual."

"Mission's like these always put him in a bad mood, but I think he just really misses our friend Nabu. Isn't that right Riven?"

"Why is it I'm always the one you guys target to pick on and make fun of?"

"Relax Riven." Musa said whiling massaging Riven's shoulder's. "It's all done out of love." She bent down to kiss him on the cheek. "Now hurry up and get us to pixie village."

Chapter: 3

"Hey Darcy, Stormy…" Icy called to her two friends. She looked down at the crystal ball. Ever since they had moved into their new home in Dark Alley they had been keeping an eye on the Winx Club waiting for their opportunity to strike. They had heard about Ogron and the other wizards and of Nabu's death. They thought it served that good-for-nothing pixie Layla right. But now they were trying to bring him back and wake him from his slumber.

"Hmm…" Darcy said looking down at the crystal ball. "It looks like we're going on a little trip to this planet Natura."

"This will be cake. Their defenses are down. They won't even expect us. They've all but forgotten us."

"But not anymore," Icy said as she brought her fist down on the table. "We'll go and pay them a visit and remind them just how much of a threat we are."

"I couldn't have said it better myself." Darcy agreed.

"But first we'll go to the Gloomywood Forest and power up. We're going to need all the dark energy we can get. Those fairies have believix powers now."

"Icy's right." Stormy said to Darcy. "If we thought that the enchantix power was something those believix powers are just as bad."

"So let's go we're wasting time." Darcy said leading them out of the door of the apartment.

Chapter: 4

"We should arrive in about fifteen minutes." Timmy said reading the screen.

"What do you think is waiting for us there?" Bloom asked aloud. Every mission they went on there was always something waiting on them, whether it was angry blood thirsty guards or some ancient evil.

"Whatever is there I'm ready for it." Layla said looking out through the ships window.

"I'm with Layla." Digit said in an agreement. "Us pixies have been waiting for this. You all normally leave us at home in pixie village telling us we're too small. We might get hurt. But not this time." Digit zipped around the ships cabin excitedly. "No matter what comes our way we'll fight until the end. Nothing will stop us." Digit landed on Tecna's shoulder.

"Oh Digit," was all Tecna could say. Digit's feisty attitude normally left Tecna without words.

"But most importantly this is for love." Amore chimed in. "To face all kinds of dangers to be reunited with the one you love. Oh that's just so beautiful." Amore sighed to herself.

"I love when the pixies come on missions with us." Sky said to Brandon. "They always manage to liven things up."

"Heck yeah otherwise we'd be stuck listening to Riven brag on himself."

Timmy laughed and agreed. "Either that or he'd complain the whole way to our destination and believe me girls we've had missions when we've had to travel pretty far."

"Imagine sitting in the ship for hours and listening to him complain." Sky said turning to Bloom.

"I can't believe you actually listen to him." Brandon said shaking his hand. "I just put in my mp3 and turn my music all the way up."

"Oh come on." Musa said to the rest of them. "Why do you always have to make my Riven the butt of all the jokes?"

"Riven knows we're just messing with him." Brandon said slapping Riven on the back. "Isn't that right bro?"

Riven grumbled to himself. "Yeah, yeah, yeah…"

"Everyone get in your seats and buckle up." Timmy announced. "We'll be landing on Natura in a few seconds.

Flora noticed Layla had been quiet the duration of the flight. She just sat in her seat and stared out the window at the stars and galaxies. She knew she was worried and maybe even a little apprehensive. They had a lot riding on this mission. "Are you ready for this Layla?" Flora said quietly so that only Layla could hear her. "You've been pretty quiet this whole time. You aren't worried are you?"

"It's just that it's been so many weeks since the battle with the wizards of the dark circle and all of this is kind of surreal. I almost can't believe this is finally happening. I just don't want anything to ruin it."

"Don't worry we'll make sure nothing happens. You'll be seeing Nabu again really soon I promise you."

"Thanks Flora." Layla said taking her hand. "You really are a good friend.

Chapter: 5

"It's so beautiful here." Flora said after getting off the ship.

Stella looked around. The land was lush and green. The grass was so tall it came up to her waist. The valley they landed in was filled with many different species of wild flowers. The trees were tall, taller than she knew trees could grow. "They could use the Solaria royal gardener here. I can leave his number for him. The grass is way too tall."

"Stella here on Natura nature runs free. Here nature isn't tamed but allowed to grow wild like how it was meant to be." Flora explained.

"Its better this way," Helia agreed. "There are so many sights. Perhaps I should come here sometime and do some sketching. What do you think?" He said cupping Flora's face in his hands.

"I think we need to get to finding that tree." Layla said pushing her way past them. "It's sort of like Riven said earlier. We have to be prompt." She didn't stop but she just kept walking.

"She's been anxious this whole trip." Bloom said to the others. "She just wants to be reunited with Nabu."

"Alright then well lets hop to it." Musa said motioning for the others to follow behind her. "Come on Lockette. Show us the way to the tree."

Because of Natura's rugged terrain the Winx, pixies, and the Specialists had to do the journey on foot. They made their way through the grassy savannah until they reached the jungle. They continued on for as long as they could but once the sun began to set they had to make camp.

"Riven, Sky, and Brandon will go and get fire wood." The rest of us will stay here and set up camp." Timmy said giving out directions. "Come on let's get started putting these tents together."

By the time the sun had set the camp had been set up and they had a nice fire going. Flora and Helia were putting together soup using herbs found it the jungle.

"For something you guys threw together in an hour's time its pretty good." Musa said after taking a taste.

"Yes its nothing like the fine cuisine prepared on Solaria but it'll do." Stella said pouring herself another bowl.

"Stella a simple thank you would have sufficed." Tune said scolding Stella.

"It's alright Tune," Flora said to the pixie of manners. "That was just Stella's way of saying thank you." Flora chuckled to herself.

While the others were all gathered around the fire, Layla sat alone on the other end of the camp staring up at the night sky.

"She's been quiet all day." Tecna said to the others. "I'm worried."

"I can feel how her heart hurts." Amore said sadly.

"Doo doo da da" Piff said to Amore.

Amore shook her head. "I agree Piff it's hard seeing her like that."

"I'll bring her something to eat." Musa said ladling some soup into a bowl.

"You really should eat something." Musa said offering Layla the bowl. "I haven't seen you eat a thing since breakfast this morning."

"Thanks," Layla said taking the bowl. "I rarely have an appetite these days."

"I know what you mean." Musa said taking a seat next to her. "When Riven and I were broken up I never felt like eating. You guys used to force me."

"It's not quite the same Musa."

"Look when my mom died I was young, too young to have a lot of memories of her. This may sound stupid to you, but you were at an age where you could really remember him and you guys had plenty of memories. Right now for the rest of the journey to the tree I'm just asking you to remember all those good times, but once we've got the sap from the tree and he's back you can just relish in the good times again."

"You know what Musa that sounds like a good idea. Thanks, you're such a good friend." Layla said putting her arm around Musa's shoulders.

"What do say we catch some Z's, Riven says we're to be up at the crack of dawn." Musa wrinkled her brow and cleared her throat. "We're on an important and we won't waste daylight trying to get beauty sleep." Musa said trying to imitate her boyfriend.

They laughed out loud together. It was good to hear Layla laugh. She hadn't done much of that the past couple of weeks, but that was going to change. Everything was going to get better, they were gonna get the Tree of Renewal's sap and wake Nabu from his slumber.

Everyone said their goodnights and went to their respective tents except Sky. He agreed to take first watch, Helia would be second, then Riven, Brandon, and then Timmy agreed to take last watch. A true hero never let their guard down.

It was just Sky and Bloom left outside. "Get some sleep," Sky said running his knuckle along her jaw. "You look worn out."

"I didn't want to worry the others." Bloom was careful to keep her voice down. "I keep getting this bad feeling we're being watched."

"How long have you been having this feeling?" Sky was concerned. This was a big mission. Nabu's life depended on it.

"Ever since we made camp," Bloom answered. "I can't explain this feeling. I just feel all of this negative energy around us, like someone's out to get us."

Sky pulled Bloom close allowing her to lay her head on his chest. "Don't worry." Bloom kissed the top of her head. "We won't let anything happen." He looked down into her big blue eyes. "Now get some sleep." He said letting his arms fall to his side. "We have an early start in the morning." Sky watched her until she disappeared inside the tent.

Then he scanned the area around him. He would tell Helia what Bloom told him when they switched shifts and make sure all the Specialists were on high alert. They wouldn't let anything happen to their girls and they would make sure Nabu and Layla were reunited. They'd been on many missions before, but none carried as much weight as this one. They could not fail. No matter what happened and what obstacles were thrown their way they would not, no they refused to accept failure. It simply was not an option.