
Reading is one of my favorite things. You'd think I'd be tired of mysteries, but you should see my boyfriend. He (I'm still not sure if he's my boyfriend or not), on the other hand, is devoted to solving mysteries. He lives off of it. The suspense and perplexity is what keeps him going. I will go to certain lengths to do things, but only if I have to.

I hear a crash and a short cry in the kitchen of our apartment and I'm slightly fazed. "L? What happened?" I yell nonchalantly into the other room. He doesn't answer. I sigh deeply and slam my mystery novel shut, pushing myself off the couch and walking into the kitchen.

L is lying on the floor, a pale pink substance splattered on his face and also in a glass bowl with a crack in it, and an egg beater is lying not far from it. I sigh in annoyance. "What are you doing?" "I was trying to make strawberry cake...for you. I know you don't like sweets, Raito, but I thought you could at least give it another try..." He answers, licking icing from his lips.

He's so cute.

"Could you at least do it without killing yourself?" I ask him, keeping a straight face. He, however, cracks a smile. "The recipe said to 'Beat the butter and sugar together and add strawberries' for the icing...I guess I did the beating part wrong."

I laugh at this, finally giving in to the adorableness of the moment. He licks the strawberry icing from his fingers, and I take his other hand and help him up. I bring one arm around his waist, pulling us closer. "You missed a spot." I lick the side of his cheek lightly, tasting the sweet substance on my tongue. I feel him shiver a little. "You like that?" I ask. He laughs softly. "I guess."

We wind up making the icing the right way (which was delicious, along with the rest of the cake).

It's amazing how a combination of something so unimportant, like a piece of cake, and the most important thing in your life, like your boyfriend, can make for the most bliss you've had in a single day.