Emma: Okay so after spending what seems like FOREVER jumping up and down and screaming over the Seddie kiss, which was PERFECT :'), I decided to make a little iDate Sam and Freddie Speculation(: Don't worry, I will update iSay Goodbye very soon (for those who read it) :D Anyway enjoy and as always I do not own iCarly, it's owned by Dan Schneider, the GENUIS who invented Seddie :')

Normal POV (The day after iLMM)

Carly sat at the computer as she read just some of thousands of the comments they had gotten from the 'Seddie' iCarly webcast.

She smiled as she looked through all the excited comments thinking 'They really do belong together.'

There was a knock at the door as two, very happy teens walked in.

"Hey Carls" Sam smiled as she walked over with Freddie still by her side.

"Hey" She smiled at them both. It made her happy to see them enter together, like a couple.

"What'cha reading?" Freddie asked as he looked at the screen.

"Comments on iCarly about our last webcast" she explained, knowing this would get them interested.

"Really?" Sam looked nervously at the boy next to her but when he sent her the cutest smirk in history, she smiled with awe.

"Yeah check them out" she pointed out some of the good ones as Sam and Freddie grew nervous. The fans seemed to get crazier and crazier the more Carly scrolled down.

Sam's eyes caught Freddie glancing at her and a small, cute blush appeared on her face.

"So..." Carly started spinning round in her chair to face them, "When's the first date?"

Sam and Freddie instantly looked at each other.

"Date?" Sam asked.

"Yeah, you know, when you go out and have fun together. You are a couple now, right?" Carly smiled.

"Well yeah, but-" Sam started.

"We haven't really discussed anything yet" Freddie finished.

Carly's smiled streched as she spoke in awe, "I can't believe I didn't see it before."

"What?" They both chorused together.

"That you two are perfect for each other" she smiled.

This time, Freddie was the one blushing. Sam had other thoughts on her mind. She turned to Freddie as she sighed.

"Look, you have to know. I'm never going to be a mushy girlfriend." she explained, thinking that's what Freddie wanted.

"I wouldn't want that. I fell in love with a girl that's abbrasive and tough, and I don't want her to ever change" he said, then smirked as he saw a slight blush on her face.

Freddie then grabbed Sam's waist and pulled her in until there was no space seperating their lips. Carly smiled at them as they did so.

"How cute" Carly thought.

Emma: Sorry for the shortness but I'm going to write about one scene in each chapter. So you can imagine the opening credits will play after this scene(: What did you think? I will update soon(: Review(: