Here is the next chapter, sorry it took so long, you may need tissues if you cry easily. I hope you like it, will update soon.

Chapter Eight

Ellie did make it to her eighth birthday a few weeks later it was a wonderful day filled with music, fun and smiles, but I knew she was getting weaker and she was in more pain, I didn't know how she managed, but somehow she kept her complaints to a minimum. Some days were better than others, on some she was talkative and happy, but on others all she wanted to do was sleep. I was in glee it was our final performance before regionals which was tomorrow. Even though things had gotten a little better, I knew that no one really cared. Mr Schue was still being an ass, as was Bryan Ryan. It was the Friday before Regionals when everything took a turn for the worse.

I had literally just sat down for my first period, when my phone rang, "Rachel," said the teacher, "Can you please turn it off," I glanced at the number and frowned, it was the number for the care centre, why were they ringing me this early.
"I apologise Miss Adams," I said. "I have to take this,"
"Okay," she said. "But you'll take it in here, I want to know what is so important that it has to interrupt my class,"
"Hello," I said into the phone,
"Rachel," said the voice of Sophia, the head nurse she sounded upset. "You need to get here,"
"Is everything okay," I said, feeling tears in my eyes.
"It's Ellie," she said. "She's dying,"
"No," I sobbed into the phone. "She was supposed to have at least another month,"
"I'm so sorry Rachel," she said. "Can you get here,"
"I'm already on my way," I said.

I grabbed my things, and walked towards the door. "Rachel Berry sit back down," said Miss Adams.
"I'm sorry Miss Adams I have to go," I said. "Give me a detention whatever I don't care," I ran out I didn't want them to see me lose it, I ran to my car not even bothering to sign out, I heard Miss Pillsbury and Mr Figgins shouting my name, but I ignored them. I drove as fast as legally possible to the centre. I ran in and straight to Ellie's room.

"Oh Rachel," said Sophia. She gave me a quick hug. "She's been waiting for you, I'll sign you in okay,"
"Thank you," I choked out. I wiped my eyes and walked into the room, it was no use though, seeing Ellie like this was heartbreaking. She was so very thin, she'd lost weight but it seemed more apparent, she looked so fragile, how she'd kept alive this long, I had no idea. "Rachel," she whispered.
"Yes," I said. "I'm here, I'm not leaving you,"
"Can you come and sit with me," she whispered.
"Of course," I said, I lay on the bed wrapping my arms around her holding her close.
"Don't cry Rach," she said. "I'm okay, I won't be in pain anymore, and I'm going to see dad and daddy, I've missed them so much,"
"I've missed them too," I said.

For a while we just lay there in comfortable silence, "Rachel," she said even more quietly than before, "Can you song to me,"
"What would you like me to sing," I said, I wiped at my eyes again.
"Hero," she said. "You sang it so nicely,"
"Okay," I said. "And Then a Hero Comes Along, With The Strength To Carry On, And You Cast Your Fears Aside, And You Know You Can Survive, So When You Feel Like Hope is Gone, Look Inside You and Be Strong, And You'll Finally See The Truth, That A Hero Lies In You," I noticed it had gone quiet, I looked down and Ellie had closed her eyes, I put my hands by her nose and there was no sign of breathing.
"Ellie," I whispered shaking her, "Come on just a few more minutes please," I said louder. "Ellie,"

I began crying, loudly, "Sophia," I yelled. "Sophia," she came in and took one glance at Ellie and pressed a button on her radio. "Oh Rachel," she said. "Come on let's go and get you some tea,"
"No I can't leave her," I said.
"Rachel," she said. "The nurses need to prepare her,"
I walked over to Ellie and kissed her forehead gently. "You will always be my hero," I whispered. I followed Sophia out of the room and drank the tea that she gave me. I sat in silence.
"Rachel," said Sophia. "Is there anything I can do for you,"
"No Sophia," I said I couldn't speak much louder than a whisper. "I've got to get back to school,"
"Are you going to be okay driving," she said.
"I'll be fine," I said. "Thank you Sophia, for all you've done,"
"I'll be in touch about the funeral arrangements okay," she said. She gave me a tight hug, and followed me out to my car.

I drove to school in a trance, not really aware of anything, I parked my car and slowly walked to the building. "Miss Berry," said Mr Figgins voice. "Would you like to explain why you ran out of school this morning,"
"I apologise sir," I said. "It was my sister sir,"
"Is everything okay Miss Berry," he said. I shook my head, I could feel tears burning in my eyes, "Emma," he said quietly. "Can you talk to Miss Berry,"
"Rachel," said Emma's voice. "What's wrong,"
"Ellie," I said. "I went to the day care centre, it was an emergency, she was meant to have another month,"

"What happened at the day centre," said Emma, I felt her hold my hand.
"She asked me to sit next to her," I said. "I lay with her in my arms, and for a while we just lay there, not really saying anything, and then, she asked me to sing Hero to her," I saw a box of tissues being held in front of me, and I took one and wiped my eyes, I didn't realise the tears had already begun to fall. "And then it was quiet, really quiet, there was no noise, no beeping, I looked down and she just looked like she'd gone to sleep, I began begging her to wake up, but she didn't,"

"Oh Rachel," said Emma. "I'm so sorry," she put an arm round my shoulder. "Do you want me to get the glee club,"
"Just Noah," I said.
"Okay," she said. "Do you want to come with me," I nodded.
"Rachel, I'm so very sorry," said Mr Figgins. "You are more than welcome to take a week off,"
"Thank you sir," I said.

I followed Miss Pillsbury out of the room and down the empty hallways to the choir room, a quick glance at my watch told me that lunchtime glee practice was just halfway through. "Come on," said Emma. We'd arrived at the choir room, "Or do you want to wait outside," I shook my head.
"So nice of you to join us Rachel," said Bryan Ryan's voice. "What's your excuse this time,"
"Leave her alone," said Emma. "She's very upset at the moment,"
"I saw her rush out this morning," said Mr Schue, Miss Adams was furious. I tuned out their conversation, and saw Noah making his way towards me.

"Rach," he said. "What's wrong," I opened my mouth, but no words could come out,
"Ellie," I finally managed to choke out.
"She's gone isn't she," said Noah. I nodded and he pulled me into a hug and the damn broke. I began sobbing in his arms, "I know, I know," he whispered. I felt my knees buckle and he came down with me, his hold just as strong. How long we stayed like that I don't know, I didn't care, I just clung to Noah and cried, until I could cry no more.