And here is chapter 11. Not nearly as long between updates as last time, but I apologise for not getting it out as quickly as I said I would. You see, I have been having trouble writing TSOG for the past few chapters, and I think I've finally figured out where I went wrong... I don't like the base I created for this story with Pen Pals. So, I think I'm going to rewrite Pen Pals. Not so much that the overall plot is different, but enough that Draco will be more in character and that there will be noticeable changes in each chapter. Until I finish with that (and perhaps even rewriting some of TSOG) there will be no more updates for TSOG.

I know some of you will be upset about this, but I feel it is something I have to do to be able to continue this story. Hopefully it will only take me a couple months to get through rewriting thing (I procrastinate), and then I'll be able to get on with TSOG, as some exciting things are about to happen.

So, with no further delay, enjoy chapter 11, and make sure to keep and eye on Pen Pals! Enjoy!

Dear Mr. Maytin,

I'm very pleased to hear that you will be coming out to deal with the issue of my trade personally. I feel I must inform you that so far your business' results have been unsatisfactory at best, and I am beginning to loose my patience. Of course, I'm sure I will no longer have anything to worry about.

I will meet you at "The Hexed Ring" at two o'clock on Monday afternoon to discuss the details with you. I have already made reservations for us.

My regards,

Hamby Hucklesin

Dear Aquilus and Jewel,

Thank you for your latest letter, (and for not blowing up anything else). I'm writing to inform you that I will be out of town for the next week. I will be in Africa working out the details of a trade, and due to the demands and nature of this customer I will probably be too busy to write, so please do not be worried when you don't hear from me.

If you need anything from home talk either to Professor Snape, or write directly to the House Elves. Depending on your needs one of them should be able to help you.

Hope you're still having a good time at Hogwarts. Please try to refrain from any major pranks until I am back from my trip.



Hello D,

How're you enjoying your trip so far? Everything going well? Things are normal here. I told you about my magazine, right? We've gotten out the latest issue so there isn't much stress right now.


Anyone else as bored as me?


I know! What is with this teacher?


You think we're actually ever going to need to know about the goblin uprising of 907?


Not unless the universe is crazier than I realized!


I think my brain is melting!


No, that's just the feeling of your sanity slipping.


How much longer 'till this is over?


Half an hour.


I don't think I'm gonna make. You'll have to leave me behind!


Don't you talk that way soldier! We leave no one behind!


Tell my family I love them... goodbye... cruel world...


NOOOO! Jewel!


Dear G,

Things are going as can be expected when dealing with pigheaded clients.

Yes, you told me about your magazine; good to hear at least someone isn't having a horrible time.


Hello D,

Sorry to hear you're having a bad time. Hope things go better with your client.


Hi Harry, Ron, and Hermione,

Things are going great here at Hogwarts. Lyn and I went to watch the Gryffindor Quidditch team practise today; they're good but Harry and Ron could still knock their socks off. Lyn and I were thinking of asking McGonagall if we could maybe start a jr team for the kids who already know how to fly on a broom. We've talked to some of the other kids about it and most of them seem to really like the idea, so we'll see how things go.

Oh, we've made some friends too! They're really cool! And yes, they are the ones we pulled the prank with, but really they aren't all that bad. Honestly, I think you would like them! They're twins, and their names are Jewel and Aquilus (but we usually call Aquilus, Quill).

Anyways, I better be going now. I still have some homework to do for DADA tomorrow. Hope you guys are all doing well. Tell the kids we miss 'em and say 'hi'!

The one and only,


Dearest Diary,

Life is good. I'm quite content with how things are going. As I've mentioned before, I got placed in Gryffindor, and so far I've had no trouble making new friends (not that I was too worried since Ellie is here). Aquilus and Jewel are great! After all the stories Ron told us about Draco Malfoy I never would've believed that his kids could be so bloody nice, but the are! And you know, from everything they've told me about their dad I find it hard to believe Ron was telling me about the same person... though I suppose even someone as horrible as Ron said Malfoy was would love his kids.

I had my second potions class today. I really don't like Prof. Snape, but I do like potions! When Snape gave his speech during our first class about the "delicate, precise art of potions" I rolled my eyes... but now. I know I've only been to two classes, but when I was working in my last class I just started to feel something. It was like... oh I can't explain! It just felt like for once in my life everything was in exactly the right place moving exactly like it should.

Does that even make sense!? I don't know, but I'm definitely looking forward to my next class! Which reminds me, Snape has already assigned a two-foot paper on the properties of a basic sleeping potion! I'd better get started on that tonight.

Until another time,


Hey Ginny,

Just writing to see how things are going, and to check if you'll be coming this Saturday to give the girls their regular makeover party. I really hope you can fit it in since everyone is feeling a bit down with so many kids off at Hogwarts this year.

Ron and Harry are well. They've been busy as bees keeping the kids entertained with me taking care of all the paperwork concerning expenses for Hogwarts supplies, but they've still managed to find time to sneak off twice this week. Where those boys go I don't even want to know!

Fred and George dropped by the other day. George's knee was acting up again and Fred had to get home to the baby, so they couldn't stay long, but it was nice to see them none the less. The told me to say "Hi" if I talked to you before they did and that Angelina is expecting you to come over for dinner soon (or she'll drag you over herself).

Oh, and I spoke to another Goblin at Gringotts and it looks like we're finally going to be able to get that fourth wing added on to the building! The kids were so excited when they heard because we've promised them each their own bedroom now that we'll have more space.

Anyways, I really must be going. Hope to hear from you shortly.



Dear Mum,

Just writing to tell you everything is going fine. I've been taking it easy since I have a month until the next issue of Magic Touch needs to be out (not to say I've been slacking off).

It was Lavender's birthday yesterday so we went out for lunch at a nice little diner called 'Tasty Tidbits'. It wasn't exactly high class, but the food was delicious.

Anyways, I really have nothing to write; I'm afraid my life is rather uneventful right now. I'll be going to the Trio's to give all the girls their bi-monthly makeover.

I'll write you again soon.



Dream Journal of Jewel Malfoy

Entry # 173

It starts with me in a dark room. I'm sitting on something sort of squishy, (like a towel or something). A man comes in (he's really old) and he wants me to talk, but I can't. He keeps asking me things that I don't know the answer to.

Then I'm in a really bright room, and I can see Dad and 'Quill. Dad is screaming about something, and 'Quill isn't moving. He's dead. I try to go to 'Quill, but something is holding me back. I'm very upset... more upset that I can't get to him than that he's dead.

And then there is a phoenix; it's burning so bright I can barely stand to look at it. It's standing between me and the old man, and holding Dad and (a now alive) Aquilus to it's side with one wing.

Then I wake up.

That's all folks. If you didn't read the note at the beginning of the chapter please do so now. It's very important.

Voice 17: Now now Dazma, surely no one could have missed the BIG, BOLDED, line above, and have gotten this far without reading your note. It's unthinkable! I know the readers would never have blatantly ignored your request in such a way!

Voice 18: Give it up, you're sense of humour just isn't funny and you need to work on your sarcasm.

Voice 17: Shuddup.

Voice 18: Oh, very smooth.

Dazma: Enough! I'm going to bed; no arguing!

Voice 18: Of course, we'll be quiet. ::hits Voice 17 over the head with a frying pan:: See, all quiet.

Voice 17: dwaaaaaaaa?