Interviewer-san meets the Mugiwara crew from One Piece! It's best to read it after 'An interview with Lucy-sama' but you can also read this story without it. LuNa with a tiny hint of RoZo :3

Interviewer-san: Hello there dear readers! My mission at Fairy Tail failed, so I thought I could try it somewhere else. And what do you know, the Thousand Sunny has docked here yesterday! And that is, of course, a great opportunity for 'moi' to investigate on the love live of the crew members. And because the next island is not so far away, I may sail with THE mugiwara crew! Kyaaa~!

Sanji: Everything for a lady, ma'am.

Interviewer-san: Oh, why thank you Sanji! So tell me, when are we departing?

Sanji: You can ask that to our dear Nami-swan. But don't you have questions to ask me? Wait a minute, where are you go-

Interviewer-san: Thanks for the tip!

*our poor Sanji, has just been dumped and is left alone, while Interviewer-san has found Nami by the mikan trees.*

Interviewer-san: Nami! Can I ask you-

Nami: LUFFY, DON'T JUST RUN AROUND! Try to USE those rubber hands of yours. Oh, interviewer-san! I'm sorry I'm kinda busy... Wait a min- CHOPPER! By all means DON'T copy Luffy! You will... Oh dear, too late. ZORO! Fish Chopper out of the water, will you?

Zoro: Why don't you do it yourself, woman?

Nami: Because, my dear Zoro, of the debt you have to pay to me. Or have you forgotten, hm?

Zoro: Damn you...

Nami: Ussop, where the hell are you? USSOP~

Interviewer-san: Aw man...How can I ask questions like this?

Robin: Oh my, interviewer-san. What's the matter?

Interviewer-san: With Nami bossing everyone around, nobody can answer my questions! And I wanted to ask a bunch to her too~ D:

Robin: I'm free. Navigator-san doesn't need my help right now.

Interviewer-san: I think you just decided that by yourself, huh...

Robin: Hm?

Interviewer-san: Oh, err nothing. Let's go somewhere else, it's too noisy here.

*robin and interviewer-san go to the women quarters*

Interviewer-san: Finally, I can ask my questions! So, Robin, are you currently in love?

Robin: Never mind that. Let me explain the situation. Chopper hasn't experienced love yet. But I'm sure his time will come. Zoro seems to busy to love somebody right now.

Interviewer-san: Wait, wait, not so fast. Does that disappoint you?

Robin: -ignores- I don't think Brook is looking for someone. Franky would date with anyone. Ussop is of course lying about the fact how many women were in love with him and maybe has some love for an old friend from his village, but I can't really tell.

Interviewer-san: B-but ...

Robin: -ignores- Sanji's case is obvious. Luffy is kinda the same as Zoro, however I think because he loves his whole crew he may develop some feelings for our last subject: Nami. Are these enough answers, interviewer-san?

Interviewer-san: No wait, it was about to get really interesting. Why won't you continue?

Robin: I take that as a yes.

Interviewer-san: No, wait, that was a no, I-

Robin: Now, it's time for me to help the rest. Why won't you confront Nami yourself, hm? I'm curious for her response. Good luck, interviewer-san.

*Interviewer-san is left alone. After a long time of staring at the door and after that going through the information she just got and trying to write it down, Interviewer-san follows Robin and arrives at the main deck. They already set sail and the island they were on is now a small spot on the horizon*

Sanji: Interviewer-san! I'm sure you were looking for me. Of course, anything with love has to do with me. So, fire away with those questions!

Interviewer-san: ... I'm sorry ... -spots Nami and runs away-

Sanji: ...

Interviewer-san: N-nami! Do you have some time to spare?

Nami: Hm... maybe. But my precious time is not something you can get for free, y'know?

Intervierwer-san: You're kidding right.

Nami: Do I look like I'm kidding?

Interviewer-san: OH OKAY ALRIGHT! How about this amount.

Nami: KYAAA~! I love you interviewer-san! Ask me anything you want.

Interviewer-san: Finally... Let's start with ...

Soraye: That's it for today! Please look forward to the next chapter!


Soraye: I'm sorry, minna, but I have to keep those cliff hangers -runs away


Soraye: Next chapter: the answers of Nami!