Disclaimer: I don't own the series.

June xx, 2014

A blinding flash of light tore through the skies around Mahora Academy and vanished as quickly as it appeared. One would instantly mistake it as a flash of lightning, especially if you were indoors. But those outside the Academy could actually see that it came from one of the rooms of the dorm tower.

The latter was the case for one blonde-haired vampire who was calmly sipping her tea at the time. She sat on one the patio of her magically enchanted home and was able to witness the event. The small woman smirked and placed the cup back on its saucer. One of the things she liked being immortal is having known most if not all forms of magic. She knew that kind of light and was a hundred percent sure of who were the cause of it.


"Mhm... Secchan," Konoka mumbled as she snuggled closer to the warmth beside her. Skin brushed skin as Setsuna shifted on the bed to pull the young mage closer. After a terse day of battling demons threatening to leak out to the normal world, Konoka was reminded of the time she almost lost Setsuna and took their relationship a step forward. The duo have finally admitted their feelings, much to everyone's relief, with each other after they came back from Mundus Magicus and of course one thing led to another. Now, after their first passionate night of love making, the two could barely move under the covers of Konoka's bed.

"I love you," the young mage managed to whisper as she settled on the crook of her ministra's neck.

"I love you too," the swordswoman replied before adding silently, "..Kono-chan."

Of course this didn't go unnoticed by Konoka and wasn't able to bite back the smile that now etched her face. Though that nickname still seemed foreign to her ears, she couldn't help but to feel glad that Setsuna only showed this side of her when they're both alone.


Setsuna jolted awake after getting a not so friendly feeling. She was a light sleeper and of course was aroused when she felt something wrong. She looked around the room and relaxed a bit when she sensed nothing. Only then she remembered that Konoka was with her on the bed just in their birthday suit. The half demon blushed at the sight and was glad that the mage didn't wake up from her slumber despite Setsuna jolting.

'I guess she really worn herself out,' Setsuna thought admiring her lover's sleeping form. Konoka was curled up beside her with her upper body exposed due to Setsuna who dragged the covers down a bit. Her eyes wandered around the exposed body that lay beside her and couldn't help notice the well-endowed chest of her lover which was currently rising up and down in sync with the mage's breathing. Heat immediately went back up her face as she remembered what they did last night. Of course Konoka would be knocked out like this after their intense and passionate love making. It was just due to her lineage and training that she was able to sense the unusual feeling and be able to wake up at - she looked at the digital clock on the bedside table - 3 in the morning. She sighed and shook her head. 'Maybe it was just a bad dream that woke me up. But still, I can't help to feel and check it out.' She looked at the figure beside her who slept like a log. 'I guess an hour outside can help me ease this feeling. Just to be sure.'

Setsuna slowly crept out of the bed, making sure that Konoka wouldn't wake up. She fixed up the covers so that Konoka wasn't exposed anymore before collecting her clothes on the floor and put them on one at a time. As she finished putting on her clothes she noticed a faint glow on top of the bedside table just beside the digital clock. Upon further inspection she noticed that it were two pactios one with her and the other Konoka's. She picked up the one with her in it for further inspection. 'Is this... new?' She couldn't decide.

The card seemed new but the contents looked ancient. She could barely decipher the writings on the card except for her name. She picked up Konoka's and noticed the same thing. Even their clothes seemed different and not to mention their poses. It seemed that the design of their clothes were made centuries ago and matched each other albeit little differences such as hers were clearly designed for a man. This earned a raised brow. Pocketing both cards she figured she would visit Evangeline later to find out. She then grabbed Yuunagi from the wall and left Konoka's room glancing at the latter before she closed the door.


Konoka woke up with a yawn and stretched her limbs. Her body was a bit sore but despite the feeling she was happy. She and Setsuna had finally gone all the way and she couldn't be much happier than she was before. Turning to one side she blindly tried to feel the supposed body next to hers. Feeling only the sheet and pillow she opened one eye to double check if she was just possibly more than an arm's length away. Now seeing nothing but an empty space before her she quickly sat up and frantically looked around.

No Setsuna in sight. She looked for Yuunagi and wasn't able to. Even the clothes Setsuna wore last night were nowhere in sight. It's as if what happened never took place. She glanced at the clock and it read 9:03am. Konoka's chest suddenly felt tighter. She knew if ever Setsuna went on patrol she'd always be back no later than 7 in the morning. She expected that Setsuna would be in bed with her when she woke up especially because of last night. Trying to ease the feeling she had, she rationalized that maybe her partner was held up somewhere in the castle probably by her grandfather discussing over the safety of the school. Konoka gathered her thoughts and decided to look for the other woman. She picked up her clothes and went to the bathroom to take a quick shower before heading out.


Asuna was with Negi eating breakfast in the school's cafeteria. Ever since they graduated, Konoka had moved out of their dorm and moved in to a new one with Setsuna. She poked on her food in distaste. She really missed Konoka's breakfast and couldn't help but compare that the food from the cafeteria was, as she can say, not Konoka's famous pancakes. Negi on the other hand had no problem in eating his meal consiting of rice, miso soup and egg rolls.

"I miss Konoka's cooking," Asuna sighed and sulked on the table, Negi not minding because he was already used to morning banters like this from Asuna.

"Oh!" Asuna sat up straight in a flash and put her hands together signalling that she thought up an idea. "Maybe if I go to Konoka and request that she make pancakes, she'll cook me some!"

As if on cue the heir of the Magic Association came through the door looking around for something or someone. Spotting them, she approached the two and sat down infront of them.

"Konoka!" Asuna exclaimed seeing the person she was lookin for in front of her. "I was just about to look for you!"

"Have you seen Secchan anywhere?" Konoka asked as if not hearing Asuna. Her face seemed sullen and worry laced her voice. "I can't seem to find her anywhere."

"The bird brain?" Asuna put her hand under her chin in thought. "Well, earlier we passed by each other as I was on my way to pick up the newspapers for my job, she looked like she was searching for something and told me to be careful."

"What time was that?" Konoka asked.

"A bit past 3 I think," Asuna answered before adding. "She didn't show up for our morning spar so I thought maybe she had something important to do, as what usually happens if she doesn't show up. Have you asked Mana or the old man?"

"Well, I saw Tatsumiya-san, and she was also looking for her, since she didn't show up for her shift also muttering about payment or something, not that it's unusual for her to do that," Konoka tried to recall. "About gramps, I was about to go there, but I figured I try to look for you first."

"Ah, Konoka-san, have you tried your pactio to communicate with her?" Negi spoke up coming into the conversation.

"Oh! I haven't thought about that. Thanks Negi-kun," Konoka's face lightened up and she fumbled with the pockets of her skirt. After searching all her pockets her hand came out empty. "Funny, I usually put it in my pocket."

"Maybe you forgot it in your room," Negi supplied. "I used to have that kind of problem but I found out a spell where I can magically store them into space and call them out whenever I need to."

"Hey, Negi, you still have a pactio with Setsuna right?" Asuna asked interrupting both of them. Negi looked and nodded at her. "So, why don't you try and contact Setsuna."

"Oh! Right," with a wave of his hand pactio cards lined up one by one infront of him and scrolled through the lot looking for Setsuna's card. Patiently he scrolled through his collection tree times before crunching up his nose in frustration. "Setsuna-san's card is missing."

"What?!" Both women were alarmed at the statement and moved behind Negi as he scrolled through the cards once more.

"Yours too Konoka-san," Negi said with surpise. "Your card is not here as well."

"But how is that possible?" Asuna asked.

"Somehow, the contract between us was broken," Negi explained. "Though this is the first time I encountered this. Maybe we can look for Chamo and ask what happened."

"I hope we find that ermine, he usually disappears for a while when we need him and show up when we don't," Asuna muttered but was heard by the other two.

"Maybe you should go look for your card Konoka-san, to check," Negi suggested. Konoka nodded and left for their room.

"Hey Konoka wait! I'm coming too!" Asuna followed grabbing Negi's arm dragging him with her.

"Asuna-san! I-I'm not done eating yet!"

"You can eat later, for now, Konoka needs help and we need to find that ermine asap."

And that's the first installment for this series! I tweaked the other story so that's going down and this will replace that :).Reading the new installment of Negima really hyped me up and look back to this series. Thus this story which I wrote ages ago came back to me. Hope you like this!

For my other fics. I'm trying to renovate those right now since some of them didn't reach my expectations and I realized that the plot would just lead to nowhere.