Main Characters

Draco Lucian Malfoy-37 years old, works as an Auror for the Ministry. His hair is still the same silvery-blonde from his school years, but now has a more natural, slightly messy look to it. Best friends with Blaise Zabini. Nickname: Drake or Dray

Jailene Rose Malfoy Nee Potter-36 years old, works as Spell Creator at the Ministry and has a Mastery in Charms. She has wavy reddish-black hair and emerald green eyes, but takes after her father in looks. Best friends with Hermione Granger. (Name is pronounced Jay-leen) Nickname: Jai (Jay) or Jaile (Jaylie).

Jameson Sirius Malfoy-13 years old, 3rd year at Hogwarts. Eldest child of Draco and Jailene. His hair is a messy strawberry blonde and he has grey eyes. He looks like a perfect comination of Jailene and Draco. He's named after his Grandfather on his mother's side and his mother's godfather who is also his father's cousin. Nickname: James or Jamie

Scorpius Hadrian Malfoy-12 years old, 2nd year at Hogwarts. Second eldest of Draco and Jailene. He looks like an exact replica of his father except he has black hair. He also has his father's grey/blue eyes. His middle name is a pureblooded version of J.K. Rowling's original character, Harry, that I've heard mentioned in other fanfic stories. Plus I like the name. Nickname: Scorp

Albus Severus Malfoy-11 years old, 1st year at Hogwarts. Second youngest of Draco and Jailene's children. He has a twin named Liliana and was born 3 minutes earlier than her. He looks like an exact replica of his mother, including her reddish-black hair and green eyes. Named after his mother's mentor, Albus Dumbledore and his father's late godfather. Nickname: Al or Sev

Liliana Narcissa Malfoy-11 years old, 1st year at Hogwarts. Youngest child of Draco and Jailene and twin of Albus. Instead of her parents, she takes after her namesakes in looks, her grandmothers Narcissa and Lily. She has blonde hair, although the honey blonde of her grandmother instead of her fathers and emerald green eyes. Nickname: Lily or Cissy

Theodore Remus Lupin Black Malfoy-19 years old, works as a trainee Auror under Draco Malfoy. He is the metamorphmagus son of Remus Lupin and Nymphadora Tonks Lupin. He was raised by his grandmother Andromeda who took up her surname, Black, again. She also had his raised with the nickname Black. When he was 16, his grandmother passed away and was adopted by Jailene and Draco since Jailene was his godmother. He then took up the last name Malfoy. He has black curly hair and grey eyes, the natural black looks, but instead prefers to keep his hair spiky and turquoise with amber eyes in honor of his father. Nickname: Teddy or Ted.

Blaise Allexandre Zabini-37 years old, works as an advisor for Gringotts. He is part Italian and part British. He has Ink Black hair that is slightly touseled and indigo colored eyes. He is best friends with Draco Malfoy and has been with Hermione Granger since their 6th year. Nicknames: Blaisey, B.Z. or Xandre

Hermione Jean Zabini Nee Granger-37 years old and works as Head of Magical Law Enforcement. She has curly brown hair that has calmed down from her bushy days and has honey brown eyes. She is best friends with Jailene. Nicknames: Mione, Mia

Rosaria Jesamine Zabini-13 years old, 2nd year at Hogwarts. She is the elder child of Hermione and Blaise. She has straight brown hair and her father indigo's eyes. She looks more like her mother than her father. Her first name is in honor of her Godmother, Jailene who's middle name is Rose. Her middle name is slight reference to her mother's middle name, Jean. Nickname: Rosie or Rose

Allesandro Gabriel Zabini-11 years old, 1st year at Hogwarts. He is the younger child of Hermione and Blaise. He has short, curly black hair and his mother's honey brown eyes, yet he takes after his father in looks. His name is in honor of his father's middle name, Allexandre. Nickname: Alex or Al

The Weasley's and their children

Ronald Bilius Weasley and Lavender Charlotte Weasley Nee Brown

Charlotte Molly Weasley- 17 years old, 7th year, Had curly red hair and blue eyes. Eldest Triplet of Ron and Lavender. Named for his brother Charlie and also refers to Lavender's middle name. Middle name is an honor to Ron's mother. Nickname: Charlie

Viktor Arthur Weasley-17 years old, 7th year. Has short red hair and brown eyes. Second eldest triplet of Ron and Lavender. Named after Ron's brother-in-law and his father Arthur. Nickname Vik

Magenta Virginia Weasley-17 years old, 7th year. Has straight red hair and blue eyes. Middle name is a reference to Ginny, but they didn't want her to give her the middle name, Ginevra. Nickname: Maggie

William Ronald Weasley-15 years old, 5th year. Has curly, dark blonde hair with brown eyes. His middle name is in reference to his father and William in honor of his brother, Bill. Nickname: Billy or Will

Shandra Parvati Weasley-13 years old, 3rd year. Has straight, strawberry blonde hair and blue eyes. Her first name is in reference to Lavender's mother, Sandra, and Parvati after Lavender's best friend. Nickname: Shanny

Frederick Percival Weasley-11 years old, 1st year. Has spiky dark red hair and blue eyes. He is the elder twin of his younger sister by 45 seconds, which he parades over her head. He is named after two of Ron's brothers, Fred and Percy. He believed that it was best to put Percy's name with Fred's for his son since Percy was the last one that had been with Fred before he died. Nickname: Rick

Scarlet Georgina Weasley-11 years old, 1st year. She has straight dark, red hair and brown eyes. She is the younger twin of Rick. She was named a color name like her mother, Lavender and her middle name is in honor of her Uncle George. Nickname: Scar or Georgie (which only George calls her)

*Ron made sure that he honored all of his siblings and parents when naming his children.*

Viktor Poliaf Krum and Ginevra Molly Krum Nee Weasley

Alucard Charles Krum-16 years old, 6th year. He has brown hair and blue eyes. He is the eldest of his siblings. His first name was chosen because his father wanted him to have a powerful name. His middle name is in honor of his Uncle Charlie. Nickname: Cardy

Victor Elias Krum-14 years old, 4th year. He has brownish-red hair and his mother's chocolate brown eyes. He was named after his father, but they chose to use the British version of his name. His middle name, refers to his grandfather on his father's side, Elijah.

Wilhemina Freida Krum-12 years old, 2nd year. She has red hair and dark brown eyes. Her first name is to honor Ginny's favorite brother, Bill, or William and her middle name is to honor Fred. Nickname: Mina

William Arthur Weasley and Fleur Isabelle Weasley Nee Delacour

Victoire Gabrielle Weasley-17 years old, 7th year. She has strawberry blonde hair and blue eyes. Her first name signifies Victory because she was born on the anniversary of the Final Battle. Her middle name is to honor her Mother's sister, Gabrielle. Nickname: Tory

Dominique Apoline Weasley-16 years old, 6th year. She has silvery-blonde hair and blue eyes. Her middle name is in honor of her grandmother on her mother's side. Nickname: Domi

Louis Pierre Weasley-14 years old, 4th year. He has short, silvery blonde hair and blue eyes. He was named Louis Pierre because his father wanted two very normal names, but his mother wanted pure French names, so they settled for common French names. Nickname: Lou Or Law (because his middle name was originally going to be Arthur and those would have been his initials.

Henrie William Weasley-8 years old. He has flaming red hair and blue eyes. His middle name is to honor his father. He is the youngest of their children. Nickname: Harry

Charles Septimus Weasley and Jessie-Mae Weasley Nee Perks

Benjamin Jackson Weasley-14 years old, 4th year. He has messy brown hair and blue eyes. His middle name is Jackson in honor of Jessie's father, Jack and his first name is after Benjy Fenwick who was Charlie's godfather. Nickname: Benjy

Dora Anne Weasley-9 years old. She has red hair and grass green eyes. She was named Dora after Nymphadora Tonks who was Charlie's best friend when they were younger. Her middle name is in honor of Jessie's younger sister, Sally-Anne. Nickname: DD

Percival Ignatius Weasley and Madison Elizabeth Weasley Nee Bell

Molly Katherine Weasley-13 years old, 3rd year. She has red hair and blue eyes. She was named after her grandmother Molly and her middle name is after her Aunt Katie. She is the elder twin of her sister Lucy by 6 and a half minutes. Nickname: Molls

Lucille Marlene Weasley-13 years old, 3rd year. She looks identical to her twin sister with her red hair and blue eyes. She was named Lucille after her mother's mother and Marlene after Marlene McKinnon who had been her father's godmother. Nickname: Lucy or Luce.

George Fabian Weasley and Angelina Charlene Johnson

Roxanne Ginevra Weasley-14 years old, 4th year. She has black hair and light mocha colored skin and blue eyes. She is the elder twin of her brother, Fred. Her middle name is in honor of her Aunt Ginny who is also her godmother. Nickname: Roxy

Frederick George Weasley-14 years old, 4th year. He has red hair and light mocha colored skin and blue eyes. He is the younger twin of Roxanne. He was named after his late Uncle Fred and his father, George. Nickname: Fred or Freddie.

*Although it seems odd that Ron and George both named their son Frederick. Everyone refers to them by their nicknames so George's son is Fred or Freddie while Ron's son is Rick.*