Hello everyone! Sorry to disappoint those who were expecting some kind of update. I just went into this old story to update the first four chapters! Just some small changes here and there but nothing major!
"Mommy, I going to be late," Yuuri complained.
"Don't worry Yuu-chan, I will make sure you get there on time!" Jennifer said as she pressed down harder on the gas pedal. The Shibuya family had gone on a three day camp trip but Yuuri had a baseball tournament on the day they were returning.
"Watch out for the deer!"
Jennifer saw the deer and tried to avoid it by steering right. But then the car was headed straight into a tree and that was the last thing Yuuri remembered.
Yuuri woke with a flare of pain up his left arm and got up with a groan.
'It's a good thing I changed into a t-shirt' Yuuri thought. He walked to his room with some difficulty and headed to his attached bathroom. Yuuri gently washed himself and my wound in the shower. After, he bandaged the wound on his arm, he changed into his pajamas and laid down on his bed.
'I have to clean up tomorrow. I hope he didn't drink too much again. He has work tomorrow' Yuuri thought before drifting asleep.
~Another chance~
Yuuri woke up with a startle and looked at the digital clock on his desk. 6:33.
"Oh no! I have to make breakfast," Yuuri whispered harshly. He quickly got up and headed right for the bathroom. After his morning routine, he went downstairs and started to make breakfast. He met two sets of breakfast. He made sure to lay his father's breakfast nicely on the dining table before heading back into the kitchen to make lunch while eating his freshly cooked breakfast. By the time he finished, the clock on the wall read 7:23. Seeing that he had time before he needed to leave for school, he walked to the living room and looked at the mess from yesterday. There was a half broken bottle, broken glass and blood stains. Without dwelling on the scene too long, Yuuri got a broom and pan to sweep up as much glass as he could. The rest was cleaned up with a wet paper towel and the blood was cleaned with a damp cloth. Yuuri was rinsing the blood of the cloth and he came downstairs to eat breakfast.
"Today, I will have colleagues over for dinner."
"Um, how many people are coming over?"
"My whole department, so about 9 or 10 people."
"Ah, when will they be here?"
"They'll be here by 7:00."
"I understand, I'll have something prepared and disappear before 6 tonight. I'll be going to school now, father," Yuuri said and grabbed his backpack. He quickly slipped on his shoes and exited the house.
"Have a good day, son," Sohma mumbled.
~Another Chance~
"Everyone, I'm sure you all heard the news. Today, we have a new student joining us," the teacher announced. The door opened to reveal a boy with blonde hair and green eyes. The foreigner walked into the classroom and stood at the front of the class as everyone ogled at his beauty. "This is Wolfram von Bielefeld. Wolfram, you can sit wherever there is an empty seat."
Oddly enough, Wolfram sat beside Yuuri where there were two other seats available in the classroom. Yuuri chose to sit in a corner, away from others, but he could feel the blond's gaze on him as class went on.
"That's it for today. Remember to do your homework," the teacher said. Yuuri was first to pack up his things as the other students chatted among themselves. He walked straight to the cafeteria and ate his lunch at an empty table, away from others.
He was looking over his notes while eating when he suddenly remembered about his father's dinner party. He quickly finished the remaining bits of his lunch and went upstairs to the school's library.
He was no stranger to the library so he quickly walked over to the section with various cookbooks. He had no idea what kind of food that adults would enjoy so he flipped through a few that had some classy looking food fit for adults working in the business industry. Yuuri took out a few books after realizing the time and headed back to class. Classes went by as per usual and he hurried home as quickly as possible when the dismissal bell rang.
He skimmed through the book and took a look at the recipes for the dishes that caught his attention in the library. Writing down the ingredients he needed for the recipes, he quickly left to buy them at the grocery store near his house.
With the ingredients required for all the dishes, he made use with the time he had left to cook everything. He managed to cook everything and lay out the dinner table before 7. Yuuri double-checked everything and cleaned up the dirty dishes before going back up to his room to start working on his homework.
Yuuri just reached the top floor when he heard the door open. His heart was pounding harshly against his chest despite the fact that he was hidden from the entry. He scurried into his room but made sure to remain as quiet as possible when he closed his door. His father probably doesn't need him around his colleagues. Yuuri himself wasn't sure how to act around them either.
He started to work on his homework as he faintly made out the sounds of chattering and utensils clattering. After another hour or two, Yuuri finally finished his homework. He could still hear people downstairs and decided to take a shower since he had nothing else to do at the moment.
Oddly enough, even after his shower, he could still hear people talking. And it wasn't just his father or the television. Yuuri concluded his father probably opened a bottle of wine to share with his colleagues and they're all enjoying a good chat. His father always had good relations at work. Especially after the accident, his father was using work to numb himself of the pain. But when work gets stressful, he turns to alcohol.
Laying in bed with nothing to do, Yuuri slowly drifted to sleep, being happy that today was one of the rare days that he could rest peacefully.
The next chapter is going to be from Wolfram's perspective. Please read & review!