I am currently in the process of re-writing this story, please be sure to read from the beginning if you are familiar with it. Updates on later chapters will be posted sporadically. I am sorry I've been so busy of late but I hope you enjoy the story regardless of this! –Saki

Chapter 50

Gaara appeared near the blast site where a few Jonin were working on bringing back the dead. One noticed him and walked over immediately, already knowing for whom he was searching.

"Kazekage-sama the Kazehime is not here. I don't know where she is." Gaara stared at the Jonin and recognized him as one of Baki's friends.

"Taka do you know if anyone has seen her?" Taka shook his head apologetically.

"I don't think anyone's seen her since after the blast. I'm sorry I can't be of more help Kazekage-sama. I know you don't want to look there, but try the hospital, that would be my guess as to where she would be." He gave Gaara a look with true regret and sadness on his face as he shook his head and went back to helping move people injured or dead to Suna. Gaara stood there for a moment and then disappeared, a feeling of anger overcoming him.

"Temari!" He called as soon as he appeared in front of the hospital. She turned and spotted his hardened expression immediately.

"Gaara! What are you doing here? I thought you were at the blast site looking for Sakura." She looked confused as he blazed past her, motioning for her to follow with a hasty jerk of his head.

"I was directed here. No one has seen her." Temari nodded and they walked into the hospital that was full of shinobi being rushed back and forth by nurses and doctors. Amidst the chaos Gaara searched for any sign of Sakura. After scanning the entire room, he was certain she was not there. The wide-eyed secretary currently being swarmed by people shoving folders and papers at her was his next best lead. She noticed his approach and stopped her paper shuffling to call to him above the din.

"Kazekage-sama I think I saw Kazehime-sama come in and go down there but I don't know…" He rushed away leaving Temari to call after him.

"Gaara wait!" She cursed and set off after her brother. He turned a corner with rapid speed, dodging a nurse helping a shinobi walk down the corridor.

He turned another corridor into what seemed to be a much quieter hallway and felt his heart drop as he noticed a pink figure slouched against a wall. "Sakura!" He called out, rushing to her side.

Her side had been burned and blood covered her features in a sticky red coating. He couldn't tell how much of it was actually hers as her clothing was darkened and charred from the blast. How she had managed to make it all the way to the hospital and past everyone without being stopped and helped was a mystery that infuriated him.

Gaara could see that she was breathing but her eyes were closed and she was in obvious pain. "We need a medic here now!" He shouted down the hall as Temari finally rounded the corner and caught up to him. The sight of Gaara pulling Sakura to his side was enough to make her blood chill.

"Medic! We need a medic here now the Kazehime's hurt!" Gaara gently picked her upper body up and placed it on his lap, careful of her injuries. Her eyes fluttered in response and she let out a low moan.

He heard rushed footsteps as medics came around the corner with Temari who had gone to get them. They rushed to Sakura and gently put her on a gurney before rushing her to a treatment room leaving Gaara and Temari to wait. Temari forced Gaara away from where he was attempting to follow them, making him sit on a bench in the corridor.

"She'll be fine Gaara, you know that."

"I know." He stated as Temari gave him a look that suggested she didn't believe he truly meant that statement. "She should not have been hurt. She have been able to make it this far without being attended to." He conceded with a bite to his tone, noticing her disapproving glance.

Temari crossed her arms and gave an exasperated sigh. "I'd feel the same way if I was in this position. I think anyone would." Gaara gave a nod but said nothing more. He was too busy thinking of Sakura and ways to destroy incompetent hospital staff.

The two siblings sat in silence for the next fifteen minutes until a nurse emerged from the treatment room.

Immediately Gaara and Temari were on their feet. The nurse quelled their worried looks with a smile.

"The Kazehime is alright and awake. Most of the blood was not hers. She suffered burns to her side and arm that we have healed. She'll be a bit weak for a while but she is alright. The wound on her leg has also been attended to." Temari thanked the nurse as Gaara brushed past her and entered the room.

Two jade eyes immediately locked with turquoise as Sakura sat up in the bed. "Gaara!" She exclaimed, her face lighting up at his arrival. He moved to her side and gently wrapped his arms around her as she balled her fists into the back of his coat.

"Did you get hit by the blast?" She nodded against his chest and pulled back to look at him.

"I was helping them when I felt a huge explosion. Luckily I was on the outskirts of it. I'm completely healed now just bloody looking. I won't hear of me staying in bed even if I need to get a wheelchair and wheel myself around I'm getting up. I managed to get myself to the hospital but the entrance was so crowded I teleported into an inner corridor. It was stupid, I was already low on chakra." Gaara looked at her in slight alarm as she wiggled out of his grasp and slid her legs over the side of the bed.

"Sakura slow down." Gaara placed a hand on her arm to stop her, standing before helping her up. She glanced at him as he wrapped an arm around her waist.

"I'll be fine Gaara. I'm a medic, I know my limits."

He didn't seem to agree as his steady hold on her waist did not waver as they moved towards the door.

She heaved a heavy sigh as she watched her doctors and nurses rush about tending the injured but put aside any ideas of helping them as Gaara gave her a stern glance.

Temari met them in the lobby and gave Sakura a nod and a once over before returning to help carry in some of the last injured shinobi.

Gaara transported Sakura home on his sand and managed to get her to eat something before bringing her up to bed. She insisted on having a shower first and Gaara conceded, letting her wash away the blood and the grime before he took his turn.

They both fell into bed soon after. Exhausted and troubled by the day's events. They had lost some shinobi. Not many, but enough to weigh on them. At the moment all they could do was sleep.

Sakura was the first one up the next day. Gaara followed her soon after, chastising her for not resting as she rolled her eyes and glared at him.

"Gaara you know I won't listen when I know I'm completely fine." He shot her a sideways glance that was nearly unreadable before taking a bowl of miso soup and some rice. He took it and sat at the counter as she ate hers absentmindedly.

"Thoughts?" He questioned as she glanced up at him.

"I'm thinking about all of the paperwork you and I are going to have to do since this whole thing is over."

"There are medical files to be updated and patients to be monitored on your end. My end is mostly diplomatic and general recuperative function." She sighed as he stood and placed his bowl in the sink.

"Words I don't like to hear." She wrinkled her nose in mild distaste. "I have to get going. No doubt these next few days will be hectic. It could have been much much worse though." He watched as she leaned up and kissed his cheek lightly. "Promise you won't work too hard." She murmured.

"You are the one who is recovering, you should not be working at all."

"As if I could do that after this. I'm already mostly recovered, my body heals itself quickly you know." He watched as Sakura's mouth curved into a small smile. "Maybe after this all cools down you can treat me to a nice vacation." Sakura teased lightly as Gaara nodded, much to her surprise.

"I was planning on a vacation at some point." Sakura turned to him with a surprised expression.

"Gaara we already had our honeymoon." He shook his head.

"I think you deserve a honeymoon away from Suna that doesn't last a day." Sakura's mouth formed a perfect 'o' as Gaara merely turned and began gathering his coat.

"I'll hold you to that Gaara!" She called as they both walked outside to head to their respective jobs, a smile on Gaara's face as he thought of all the things to come.



OK So I decided that this fic by itself was wayyyy too long. (Guys it's 280,000 words and not finished, it's longer than the Harry Potter books I'm dead serious.)I'm cutting it here and continuing it starting with the honeymoon preparations in a sequel called A Quicksilver Love. Those of you who've read past this chapter before will be re-reading part of it.

Thank you to everyone who'd hung on for this long. This is a monster of a fanfiction and I really need to learn how to write things more concisely. I appreciate each and ever review. I also appreciate those who have taken the time to read this as I've been writing and struggling to write it. I hope you enjoyed this fic and that you will enjoy the sequel should you choose to read it. 3

Love and Peace to you all. -Saki