
This is looong overdue… I wrote a few more chapters for Next To You and the last chapter for this shorter story BUT my computer crashed a looong time ago and I gave up writing stories because I realized I didn't like writing them….

I broke my promise to come back and that doesn't sit well with me except I know that a lot of writers have faced this obstacle and frankly, I don't care about my stories anymore.

To be honest, it's more difficult for me to edit my own work—am I the only one with this problem?

Anyway, I still love to read and I also love editing other people's work, especially after taking SAT classes; they've helped me a lot BUT I have no interest in being a beta though so don't contact me. I don't spend that much time on fanfiction anymore so neither of us gain/loses anything.

I'm sorry to my readers you guys waited for me to update but writing isn't working for me anymore—it was my hobby until some personal conflicts came up. Now I'm older and I've found my true calling in other areas.

I should have posted this author's note as soon as I knew I was hitting a major writer's block but excuses are lame, and I apologize for being lazy.

I'm still around to read fanfiction though. So you might see my username pop up somewhere.

I'm a senior in high school now and my main hobbies now include watching Asian dramas, singing, learning Korean, frolicking at the beach, etc~~

Bye guys!