I am so very sorry that it took me so long to get this out. Right after I posted the first chapter I moved, and then the school year started last week. I can't come up with any valid excuse, but I do hope that you like this. Please let me know what you think.

I do not own Glee, Dalton, Cpcoulter, or any artists mentioned in this fic.

Enjoy (:

-The Oliver Girl

"...What?" Derek was so confused, wasn't this the boy who just ten minutes ago called Julian a baby?

"I'm fucked!" Logan screamed into the phone. "I'm fucking in love with my best friend! And to top it all off he is going out, right now, with that creepy stalker fan of his! I didn't even know Jules wasn't straight!"

"Well, did he ever say he was straight?" Derek countered "And you really need to watch your language Lo, you wouldn't want the Dean to hear you."

"Fuck the Dean, and no Julian never said he wasn't, but he was only ever fucking his costars, all girls." By now Logan was fuming, pacing in front of Stuart Hall. "I am so screwed. Why can't I ever like someone who is single, I feel like every guy that I'm interested in is in love with someone else!"

"Well, first of all, I highly doubt Julian and Adam are officially together, I'm pretty sure he would of mentioned that. And second of all, I don't think Jules is in love with him either. How do you even know they are going out anyways?"

"I overheard Adam asking Julian out for coffee, people don't go out for coffee platonically, everyone knows that." Logan was heartbroken, and Derek could tell.

"Well, it sounds like you are going into full on crisis mode. I will be done with practice in an hour, will you be OK until then?"

"I guess... " Logan said with a sniff, he sounded so pathetic.

One hour later Derek found Logan face down on his bed sobbing with Good Charlotte's "I Don't Want to Be in Love" blaring through his speakers. It was the definition of pathetic. Derek went over to Logan's Ipod and laughed at what he saw.

"Seriously Lo, you made an unrequited love playlist?" It wasn't called that, it was titled just the letter J. But when the first songs he saw were "All Over You" by the Spill Canvas and "Teenage Dirtbag" by Wheatus, it wasn't hard to figure out.

"I'm in pain" Logan mumbled, not moving his head from the pillow.

"Pain Logan, seriously? You have only been in love with him for an hour."

"But you don't understand," Logan said as he turned over, finally facing Derek. His eyes were so bloodshot from all the crying he had been doing over that last hour, Derek wondered how he still had tears left to shed. "When I fall I fall hard. Look at what happened with Kurt, I just got over that. Now I have this, I'm completely hopeless. What am I going to do?"

"Why don't you just tell him how you feel? Then everything is out in the open." Derek had always been the voice of reason in the Stuart Trio. But really he couldn't believe that Logan loved Julian back, and he had a hard time believing that the boy who was crying over Logan just yesterday was already in love with this Adam kid. It just didn't make any sense. But at least Lo loved him back. Even though neither of them knew. But progress is progress.

"I know I should tell him, but how? You know me I'm not really the 'King of Subtlety'."

"Just tell him in the way that makes sense to you, I am sure you will figure it out. You always do" And with that Derek left. Leaving Logan to wallow in his thoughts.

Logan was listening to "Make You Feel My Love" when Julian entered his room later that evening. Lucky for Logan he had switched to headphones because he was studying. Logan had stopped crying by this point, but was still pretty broken looking. Julian on the other hand looked elated.

"Hey Lo" Julian's voice took Logan out of his misery, and when he looked up at the diva he noticed something was different with him. He wasn't the same broken person who was belting his heart out in the Warblers Hall this afternoon.

"What's gotten into you Jules? Why do you look so happy?" Logan questioned.

"Well, if you need to know Adam asked me out today." Julian said, and as he did he searched the blondes face for any sign of jealousy. He was completely surprised when he saw what he wanted. Logan had lost it.

"Why the fuck would you go out with that psycho stalker?" Logan screamed, it seemed he had no self control. As he often didn't when it came to matters of the heart. "The only reason he wants to date you is because your'e famous! I doubt he even knows anything about you!"

"Are you really going to start with that again, Lo! Really? Why do you always have to think that he only wants to be friends with me for my status? Why is it so hard for you to believe that he might want to hang out with me, for me?"

"Because he doesn't, watch for yourself! This guy is in complete stalker mode! I bet he has a Julian Larson shrine in his room!"

"Oh my god Logan, really?"

"Yes really, but hey, if you want to go out with him, by all means do. But don't expect me to be there when all your personal details are sold for millions of dollars!"

"You know what Lo? I wasn't going to date him, but I think I might now! Just to piss you the fuck off!" And with that, Julian left the room.

Julian slammed Logans door, and his own. But it wasn't until he got to the safety of his room that he called Adam, told him that of course he would go out with him, then broke down crying on his bed. Why did Logan suddenly care so much? Why couldn't of been him who asked him out? Julian didn't even like Adam, he only said yes to make Logan jealous.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the hall similar thoughts were racing through Logans mind. Why did Julian have to say yes to that asshole? I'm the one who fucking loves him for him! I'm the one whose known him forever! I'm the one who should be dating him, not Adam!

A song he rarely listened to started playing on Logans Ipod, and with that, Logan finally found out how he was going to make Julian his.

Please let me know what you thought, I promise the next chapter will be up way faster than this one. I already have it pretty much written in my head, I just need to write it down (: