Chapter One

Where the hell am I?

Harry sat up, rubbed his eyes, and grabbed his glasses from the bedside table. The room around him was totally unfamiliar; white walls, white dresser, white everything, even his pajamas.

He walked over to a small porthole next to the bed, to find that nothing but ocean surrounded him for miles.


Harry whirled around to see a familiar, redheaded figure picking himself up and dusting off his white pajamas, exactly the same as Harry's. Their eyes met and their jaws dropped in perfect synchronization.



"Where the bloody hell are we?" Ron asked after coming over his shock.

Harry replied honestly. "No idea. Let's go check. I'll get my Invisibility Clo-ah, s***."

"What's happened, Harry?"

"It's not here!" Harry cried, opening and slamming the dresser drawers. "My wand, the map, nothing!"

"We'll have to do without them for now, like Muggles, won't we, then?"

"You're getting as crazy as your dad, Ron. But I suppose, until we can find them."

They opened the door to find a corridor full of old men and women, old meaning over sixty or seventy. They all seemed to be heading in one direction, so Harry and Ron followed them.

After breakfast, brunch, or lunch (Harry couldn't tell which; there were no clocks or anything he had seen on the ship) in an enormous room full of more old people, they returned to their cabin. There, under the door, they found two notes. Harry's read:

Greetings, Passenger Potter.

Your presence is requested at the Observation Deck.

Where: Binoculars 318

When: NOW!

Harry and Ron obeyed their invitations' instructions. After much tedious searching, they found a deck full of binoculars, like you see at the top of the Empire State Building. Harry and Ron found their binoculars (Ron's was 320, but 319 was vacant, so Ron moved there), and Harry peered into the eyepieces.

What he saw shocked him. He did not see the ocean; instead, he saw what he was certain was the Godric's Hollow Community Church. Two long, thin caskets were placed in the center of the room. Harry recognized one of them to be made of holly.

The second thing Harry noticed was a group of six redheads, their heads bowed, all dressed in black. Even without seeing their faces, Harry could identify every one of them; Molly, Arthur, Bill, Charlie, Percy, and George Weasley. He saw the brothers' wives sitting next to them, with the exclusion of Charlie, whom Harry knew to still be unmarried. He also saw his three children, all of them with tears in their eyes.

He also saw many other people he knew from Hogwarts, so long ago, and the Ministry of Magic. But one thing kept nagging his mind: who were in the caskets?

His answer came when Kingsley Shacklebolt, the Minister of Magic, stood between the two coffins and gave a long speech about how Harry James Potter and Ronald Bilius Weasley had been murdered by the last living Death Eater, Draco Malfoy.