A series of drabblish dialogues – set during training week in X-Men: FC – that sometimes interconnect. Slight Cherik, hintsof Alex/Hank (Hex?) and any other pairing you want to see, basically. Reviews are always appreciated! Oh yeah, and I don't own anything or anyone in the X-Men universe.


Charles and Erik

"Do you really, truly hate humans?"

"I thought you were a telepath."

"All of them, though? Every single one of them?"

"Yes. Well, I suppose the one who lent us his base was okay. Shame he got brutally murdered…what was his name?"

"What about Moira?"


"Do you hate her?"

"Well, she isn't exactly falling over herself to make friends with me, is she?"

"That doesn't answer my question, Erik."

"…No. I don't hate her. I don't like her, though."

"Why not? She's perfectly pleasant."

"She's also head-over-heels in love with you."

"She is not!"

"Don't be delusional, Charles. It's pretty obvious she thinks the sun shines out of your –"

"– Erik, really! Are you jealous of her?"

"Jealous? Why would I be jealous?"

"I don't know. You've no need to be upset; I don't like Moira like that. Haven't you worked that out by now?"

"…Yeah, I think I might have worked that out last night."
