I do not own L4D. If I did they would act more like Zombies, yet in the case that running infected are much more frightful I'll stick with the Zombies from L4D. Review please :D
Streets abandoned to the world,
Shattered buildings left unfurled,
Empty rooms where kids used to lay,
Now only silence comes out to play.
"Francis! Run!" Distant voices yelled out through a sea of flailing arms. Shots fired though the screams trying to put down the lifeless moans that haunted the air. "RUN!" Slowly the sound began to fade, falling away from the trio as they climbed up the ladder.
"Get outa here!" Francis shouted from across the street. "Just leave, I'll distract them!"
"NO!" One wailed, gripping onto the ladder with her arm and shooting frantically with the other. "We are not leaving you Francis! We can get to you…Bill please!"
"Dammit Zoey." Bill looked up at her trying to force her up the ladder.
"No." She began, tears clouding her vision. Still she shot even after her bullets were exhausted. "Francis no."
Suddenly the shooting all stopped. Silence fell over everything as if an oncoming storm was about to hit. A beeping was heard and all the sound rushed back into life, an explosion of fire and limbs leaked out from the center where Francis once stood. Dozens of infected killed by one small action.
"FRANCIS!" Zoey's world stopped.
Lifeless beings wandering aimlessly,
Searching for what they lost so painfully,
Forgotten souls to wander the Earth,
No more flesh to feed their worth.
"Everyone stay quite." Bill led the pack quietly through the empty warehouse. Boxes were stacked on towering racks that reached from one side to another. Zoey walked gingerly next to Bill her SMG held close to her chest. She cautiously and continuously wrenched her head in all directions searching for the first sign of danger. The tallest of the three followed behind them looking above them at all the places certain infected could hide.
It had been quite for much to long as they made their way through the office building. It caused them to be more on edge than normal, not only did they have to worry about the smallest of sounds but their imaginations that could create them. Bill swiftly put his fist up signaling for the group to stop. They listened closely in the silence straining to hear the threat of the infected.
The floor began to shake and the walls began to crumble. Boxes from the higher shelves fell, and the light fixtures began to sway. The worst type of infected was coming straight for them, and they all knew it.
"TANK!" Zoey shouted as it burst through the door in front of them. The trio opened fire on the tank as they ran backwards to distance themselves from him. It charged after them bulldozing through everything in its path causing the towering warehouse cages to topple onto one another. The sound and action shook the room and caused the three survivors to fall. Far away they could hear the excited screams of the more common infected heading to their location. The tank continued to charge, nothing seemed to stop his quest to kill them.
"GET UP!" Bill shouted, already on his feet and pulling the other two along. He finally got the others standing and shooting again. The tanks body was riddled with bullet holes yet no blood poured from its wounds. "DIE ALREADY!" Bill spat at the charging enemy, and it listened. A groan rumbled through its tiny mouth, falling to its knee's its body gave way dying not five feet from the wall they had all back up into.
With heavy breathing and sighs of relief from the whole group they recovered themselves, only in time to hear the screams of the other infected swarming like spiders to their location.
"RUN AND SHOOT!" Shouted the tallest of the three. They charged past the fallen tank and through the door it had come from.
"Louis throw your pipe bomb!" Zoey commanded as she fired at the heads of straggling zombies. The beeping sound was heard confirming her command; it faded slowly as it flew over the heads of hungry enemies. The mob turned and followed the sound giving the group a safer passage through the alleyway. "Keep running!"
They made their way out of the alleyway and into a street filled with wandering infected. Screaming from behind them caught the attention of the ones in front, they were surrounded and there was no way out.
Small groups unite from disgrace,
Only the strong can survive this place,
Where once there were millions,
Now left are these lonely civilians.