Chapter 31: The Morning After

Pan's POV

After all of the excitement today all I wanted to do was sleep, so I decided to stay the night at Trunks place again. He carefully carried me home that night and placed me in bed next to him and held me close with his hand protectively on my stomach. A week past and it was at the day of the BBQ, I couldn't believe that I was pregnant; I was in so much shock that I didn't get much sleep during the night, and before I knew it the sun was shining through the window and Trunks was stirring in his sleep. Soon his annoying alarm clock went off, noting that it was 6:00am and time to get up for work. I laid there wait for Trunks to get up and turn that stupid annoying alarm off but he didn't and it was really starting to annoy me. I took my free arm and blasted that monstrosity away with a small Ki blast, waking Trunks up in the process.

"What the hell?" He asked as he jumped up in bed.

"You weren't getting up to turn it off and I was being pinned down so I improvised!" I said as he smiled down at me and laid next to me again.

"Yah now I have to go and get another coffee table and alarm clock!" He said into my ear as he kissed my cheek.

"Hun, you need to get up and get ready!" I said as I rolled onto my side to face him. He smiled at me and ran his hand from my cheek down my side and rested his hand on my stomach.

"I can't believe I didn't notice it before!" He said with a smile as he looked down to my exposed stomach.

"I didn't either!" I said laughing as he smiled up at me, kissed me one last time and got up from the bed.

"Make sure you stay in bed today, I'll be home at lunch so just wait for me then!" he said scolding me as I rolled my eyes and got out of bed. He launched himself towards me and stopped me before I was in the upright standing position.

"Stay in bed I said, I'll get you breakfast ok?" He said as I growled at him.

"Panny, you heard what my mother said, stay in bed!" I he said as I swatted his hands away.

"Would you get out of the damn way? I need to pee!" I snapped at I shot out of the bed and darted for the bathroom. I only found out last week that I was pregnant and I was already having mood swings. When I was finally finished peeing, I stormed out of the bathroom passed Trunks and towards the closet.

"Panny what are you doing?" He asked me as I pulled off my pajamas and put on some grey sweats and a baby blue halter top.

"You mother said I just had to rest, she didn't say I was bed ridden!" I snapped back at him as I stormed out of the room and into the kitchen. All of a sudden my nose was identifying all kinds of things in the kitchen, from food, to trash, to something that smelt like it was dying, that was it. I ran to the bathroom on the bottom floor pushing Trunks against a wall, and dodged into the bathroom. Trunks watched from the doorway as I threw up whatever was left in my stomach, which wasn't much since I spent the night throwing up what I ate yesterday. I turned slowly to him and sighed.

"Do I amuse you that much that you have to stand there and stare at me while I spill my guts?" I asked him annoyed as he smiled.

"Actually it does, since now we know your with child, I'm more excited than amused, especially since we will be telling everyone 2 surprises!" he said as I remembered the Z-gang BBQ at Capsule Corp.

"Oh, I totally forgot about that!" I said rubbing my eyes and standing up shaking.

"I have the feeling you don't plan to stay home today?" He asked me as I shook my head no and went into the kitchen.

"Well if you must, at least take it easy, ok, don't strain yourself!" He said walking up behind up and kissing the back of my neck.

"There's one thing that I must make sure Justin does right, so I'll just go there and then maybe hang out at Capsule Corp with your mom!" I said as I took the eggs and bacon from the counter and put it on the table.

"OK fine, but make sure you come and see me before you head to my mothers, your technically supposed to be out sick but I will let them know you are just dropping by to pick up something from me!" He said as we ate, when we were done, Trunks kissed me and left. I thought about changing for a minute but after a while I was too lazy to so I took off into the sky towards Capsule Corp HQ. I walked into the lobby in my sweats and Halter top as everyone just stared at me. I took the elevator to my department's floor and got off and walked towards Justin's office. I knocked on the door and waited for him.

"Come in!" I opened the door and smiled at his surprised face.

"Ms. Son, I thought you were out sick today?" He asked confused

"I am, but I don't trust you with that last shipment!" I said with a smile as I followed him down to the lab where they were packing our last shipment for the month. It was a good thing that I did show up; they were short about 1000, thanks to Justin.

"Justin I told you 11,000, not 10,000!"I yelled as I rubbed my temples annoyed.

"I'm sorry Ms. Son!" He begged

"I know, I know, it was just a good thing that I came or they would have been pissed!" I said as I signed the document and gave it to Justin.

"OK well I'm out of here and Justin before you ship anything else out call me first!" I threatened him as he nodded. I left the department and made my way up the elevator towards Trunks office.

"Hello Ms. Son, are you feeling better?" Mel asked me as I shook my head no.

"No, unfortunately, is Mr. Briefs in?" I asked holding my head.

"Yes Ms. Son!" She said as I sighed and walked towards his door. I was starting to feel sick again as I neared his door but I promised I would meet with his before I left. I stood at the door for a while taking a few deep breaths to comfort my upset stomach just a little and finally knocked.

"Come in Pan!" He said as I stared at the door confused.

"Hey, How did you know it was me?" I asked as I closed the door and walked in.

"Well one I could feel you coming up the elevator and then standing in front of my door, and two, Mel called, she was worried because she said you looked like you were going to faint in front of the door." He said with a sigh as I nodded in agreement and sat on the corner of the desk.

"Panny, you don't look so good?" He said as he stood up in front of me and placed his hand on my forehead.

"Yah well I don't feel so good either!" I said as I held my stomach, I knew I was going to throw up and there was nowhere to go. I looked at his window and noticed there was one that you could open by hand.

"Give me a minute!" I said quickly as I opened the window and jumped out, and when I felt like I was a good distance away from the building I threw up with no consideration for those below me. When I was done, I slowly returned to see Trunks shaking his head in disagreement.

"Panny that is just gross!" He said laughing as he peered out the window and down at the unexpected people who were now covered.

"Well it's your fault, you did this to me!" I said as I plopped down on his seat and closed my eyes.

"Hey, hey, hey it takes two to mingle!" Trunks said as I snorted and stood up, walking over to his coffee maker and poured a cup.

"Um panny, do you think it's ok to still be drinking coffee while you're pregnant?" He asked as I sighed.

"Probably not, but I have this nasty taste in my mouth!" I whined and turned around.

"Here eat this!" He said as he threw half a bologna sandwich towards me, I quickly scarfed it down without a second thought and smiled.

"Thanks! Well I better get going, I was planning on going to your parents but I think I'll just go home and rest!" I said as I walked up to him and smiled. He smiled down at me and put his arms around my waist.

"You promise you'll be home at lunch?" I asked as he smiled and nodded. He leaned down and pulled me into a passionate kiss. I honestly didn't want to let him go but I knew he was busy and the faster I let him work the faster he would come home. I pulled away from him and smiled, I was planning on just walking out of the office after that but he didn't let me go, instead he kept his hands on my waist and then squatted in front of me and pulled my shirt up and over my stomach.

"What are you doing?" I asked confused

"Shhh! I'm saying bye to the baby!" he said as I just smiled and put a hand on his head.

"Bye baby, daddy loves you!" Trunks said to my stomach and then gently kissed. I just giggled as his whiskers tickled my stomach. He stood up and gently kissed my lips again as I smiled.

"I love you guys!" He told me as he let me go.

"We love you too!" I told him and I walked to the door and stopped.

"I'll make lunch so don't eat anything till you come home!" I said as he smiled and nodded. I waved to him as I went back to the open window and jumped out into the sky. I loved flying now that I found out I was pregnant, one it was less hassle and two it put less stress on my body. And knew that after a few months of being pregnant it would be too dangerous for me to fly anymore, so I figured I would appreciate it while I still had it. As soon as I got home I plopped myself on the couch and fell asleep instantly, I was drained from just flying that far, but I was used to it, I've been feeling drained for a few weeks now. I slept for a few hours and got up to see that the clock said 11:00, so I got up and began to make lunch as promised, I made curry, Trunks favorite, chicken katsu, something I was craving at the moment, and then a few dozen sandwiches that I knew I would eat either now or later. As I set up the table, I glanced over at the clock to see that it was noon, and as if on cue Trunks garage door began to open and then I heard his SUV pull in. We hadn't moved into our new house in the mountains yet, we planned to after we were married, but living at a decent size home at the moment was fine with me. I didn't like staying with him at his penthouse, so he sold it and we moved here. I heard the front door open and close.

"Panny?" He called from the door.

"In the kitchen!" I yelled back as I grabbed some plates and put them on the table as he walked.

"Something smells good!" He said as he took off his tie and unbuttoned his dress shirt and walked up to me.

"Yah, your favorite curry!" I said with a smile as he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into a kiss. I smiled into as I heard my stomach growl.

"I see you both are hungry!" He said pulling away from me and placing a hand on my stomach.

"Well yah we were waiting for you!" I said with a smile as we sat down at the table and ate peacefully.

"Thanks for lunch, it was delicious!" He said to me as I was now washing the dishes. He came behind me and kissed my neck.

"You're welcome!" I said sarcastically as he held me around my waist.

"What are you going to do now?" He asked me as I put the last of the dishes away.

"I'm really tired, so I'll probably take a nap before we have to head to your mom's!" I said as I turned around in his arms to return the hug.

"OK" he said as he scooped me up in his arms and carried me to the bedroom. He laid me down on the bed and took off his shirt and his dress pants, leaving him in his boxers. He slid in next to me and placed a protective arm around my waist and one on my stomach as I curled up into his chest. We were about to go to sleep my cellphone began to ring on the coffee table next to our bed. I rolled my eyes and sighed.

"Don't answer it!" Trunks said with his eyes closed.

"As much as I would love to ignore it, I'm not going to chance it if it's Justin and he makes an error somewhere in another shipment!" I said sitting up and answering it.

"Pan Son?" I said in to the phone as Trunks scooted over towards me and cuddled into my lap, and stared up at me. I just smiled down at him and placed my hand over his eyes. But he pulled my hand down into his so he was now staring at me.

"Hi this is Mark Takitani of…International Medicine, and I was wondering if by any chance I could get an interview from you?" He asked as I sighed.

"Wait? How did you get my personal cellphone number?" I asked confused as Trunks stared at me confused.

"Your assistant gave it to me!" The man told me as I rolled my eyes.

"OK well I'm not in the office today, I'm out sick, but I know for a fact that I'm free tomorrow around 11, would that work?" I asked him

"Yes, thank you Ms. Son, I will see you tomorrow!" he said as I hung up and slapped a hand on my face.

"Who was it?" Trunks asked me as I he sat up and laid down next to me.

"Some guy named Mark Takitani from International Medicine, he wants an interview with me?" I said as Trunks looked at me confused.

"I've never heard of International medicine?" He said as I shrugged my shoulders.

"Wait? How did he get your personal number?" He asked as he sat up on one elbow.

"I so need another Assistant, Justin just pisses me off!" I growled into the pillow as Trunks laughed.

"It's not funny, he drives me nuts, he can never get a simple order right, you remember that time we had to order those Bose Metal sheets for the new cars?" I asked him annoyed as he nodded.

"Yah if I didn't check on him, we would have got Rose Petal Sheets instead!" I said plopping back down in my pillow as Trunks laughed some more.

"That's why I love you so much, you have so much patience with people who piss you off the most!" he told me as I rolled my eyes and snorted. Soon enough we fell asleep without any worries in the world. My stomach started to turn while I was sleeping, I stretched and then I could feel that bile stuff coming up. I shot out of Trunks grasp and took off towards the bathroom waking him up in the process. I could feel trunks staring at me from the bed but I just ignored him and did my business. After I was done I still sat there on the bathroom floor with my face in the toilet.

"Oh my dende, I don't know how much more of this I can take!" I whined as I flushed the toilet and slowly stood up.

"Panny, your strong enough to probably beat on me and goten, I'm sure you can take morning sickness!" He said as I growled and shot a death glare at him to shut him up.

"I don't understand why it's even called morning sickness, it's 5:40 in the afternoon and I'm still throwing up!" I yelled throwing my hands up until I realized what time it was.

"We're gonna be so late!" I said as I ran to the bed and pulled Trunks up.

"What? What? What?" He asked half asleep.

"Get up, the BBQ is in 20 minutes, were gonna be so late!" I said as I ran to the closet and pulled out a dress and took off into the shower. Trunks immediately joined me, obviously trying to get some but I warned him that we didn't have the time. I got out of the shower and put on a bikini then pulled my white halter top dress on and pulled a brush through my hair.

"What should I wear?" Trunks asked from his closet as I walked over towards him.

"Um, how about this collared shirt and maybe some jean pants! But make sure you wear your swim trunks under it, you know just incase!" I said as he leaned over and kissed me. I continued to get ready with my hair down my back and some light makeup.

"Are you ready?" Trunks asked from the bedroom as I sighed and walked out of the bathroom.

"Yes!" I said as he quickly stood up and smiled.

"You look beautiful as always!" He said grabbing my hand and kissing it.

"Thanks, you look as Handsome as always!" I said slapping his butt and walking down the stairs.

"So what car are we taking?" I asked as put my coat on, and my heeled boots.

"I'll drive!" He said grabbing my hand and pulling me outside and into his SUV.