A/N: So this is the last chapter. I apologize for its shortness. I didn't want to make it too long. I kind of wanted it to wrap up this story and be a teaser for my next story which will be a chaptered story of one-shots within this universe as Elle grows up. It will be called "When We Came Home." It won't be up right away, but I think I'll post it at the end of this story when it is.

Thank you so much for reading this story and making it to this point. I had a great time writing it and I hope you guys had a good time reading it. Please review to give your final thoughts on the story. Thank you, again, for reading! Until "When We Came Home" I bid you farewell.


(A Little Over) One Year Later

Blaine stepped through the front door holding a sleeping Elle, her head resting against his shoulder. He draped his coat over the safety gate that guarded the stairs, where somehow all of their coats ended up and they just stepped over it to go upstairs instead of taking it down. The room was lit softly by the glow of the lights on the Christmas tree in the corner of the living room.

Kurt dropped his own coat on the safety gate and moved to stand in front of Blaine, carefully coaxing Elle's coat from her shoulders trying not to wake the girl up. She stirred slightly, but Blaine gently guided her head back to his shoulder and shifted the blanket that was stuck between her and his arm over her back.

"Did you grab the presents from your mom and dad?" Blaine whispered as he stepped over the gate to take Elle upstairs.

Kurt lifted the bags from the floor, and gestured his head toward the tree.

"I'll be back down in just a minute." Blaine said, bending down from his place on the first step to kiss Kurt's cheek.

Blaine tiptoed lightly down the stairs as Kurt was putting the last of the presents under the tree. Blaine bent down and removed an ornament from a box that had been opened earlier in the evening. It was a beautiful silver snowflake that read "The Hummel-Anderson's"


"I know you guys aren't married, and I have no idea if either of you are going to change or hyphenate your names when it happens, but you'll always be the Hummel-Anderson's to us." Carole said, as Kurt pulled the ornament from its box.

"Thank you, Mom" Kurt whispered, as he held the ornament for Blaine to see.

"Thank you so much Burt and Carole" Blaine said, as a tear pooled in the corner of his eye.

"Papa!" Came the insistent sound of Elle's voice.

"Yes, little miss Elle?" Blaine questioned, crawling over to her and tickling her sides.

She shrieked with laughter. "Jammies!" She proclaimed holding up the Christmas themed pajama's that her grandparents had gotten for her.

"Did grandma and grandpa get you jammies?" Kurt asked, his voice full of excitement for his daughter.

She nodded vigorously. "What's on your jammies?" Blaine asked.

Elle held the pajamas up to her face for a moment. "Kitty!" she yelled. "Kitty hat, kitty hat!"

"That's right baby girl, kittens with Santa hat's on" Blaine said, picking her up. "Do you want to put your new jammies on? You can show them to Mommy when she calls on the computer"

"Pwease" the little girl said sweetly, batting her eyelashes at her dad.

"You learned that trick from your father." Blaine said, laughing as he carried Elle up the stairs to change.

When they returned Carole was handing out steaming mugs of hot chocolate to everyone. Finn sat on the couch with his legs extended onto the coffee table. Burt was on the loveseat, which Carole snuggled down into, after placing two steaming mugs on the coffee table in front of Kurt, who was sitting on the floor tying to clean up a sea of wrapping paper. Blaine sat with his legs crossed in front of him and placed Elle in Kurt's lap.

Burt held up his mug and everyone followed suit.

"To the best, and most wonderful family I could ever ask for. Every day of every year this house is filled with more love then I could ever possibly imagine. We love this new and still evolving family while we keep past memories and loved ones close to our hearts. We miss those that cannot be with us, but are thankful for those who are." He looked to everyone in the room. Kurt and Finn, thinking of their lost parents, Carole and him of their lost spouses, and Blaine, of his parents just half an hour away at a Christmas party he would never be invited to again. "I love every one of you from the bottom of my heart, and I am proud to call you my family. Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas." Everyone murmured.

"Speaking of family." Finn said, removing his feet from the coffee table and standing up. "Rachel says that she's sorry she couldn't make it. She's going to come out to Kurt and Blaine's for dinner tomorrow though, her dad's are just going out for sushi. Oh, she says thank you for the pajamas by the way Mom she appreciates that they were blue and silver. But, she wanted me to give this to you guys after everyone had opened their presents. She said it was for all of us."

"Why don't you open it Finn?" Carole asked, pushing the box back into his hands.

"How about we let Ellie open it? Her names on the card too."

He placed the small gold wrapped box in Elle's hands. Blaine reached over to help her and after the paper was torn from the box reached in and pulled out a card, that rested on top of an ornament.

"The lady thought I was crazy when I told her what I wanted to be engraved on this. You guys are the strongest, most loving family I know, and I'm so lucky to hope to be an official part of it someday. Love Rachel"

Blaine chuckled as he pulled the ornament from its box.

"Looks like someone stole your idea, Carole" he said, as held the ornament up for the room to see.

It was golden star with "The Hudmelson's" engraved in center. In the bottom of the box lay a photo that Rachel had snapped last year of the family all wearing their Christmas pajamas, with the same name engraved on the frame.

"Merry Christmas, Hudmelson's" Finn said, with a huge grin on his face.

Elle had fallen asleep on the couch soon after Brittany and Santana skyped from California. They had left the house after many warm hugs and promises to wait until Burt and Carole got there the next morning to open the gifts from them.


Kurt settled back on the couch with Blaine pressed next to him, looking at the tree. Kurt patted his boyfriend twice on the knee then used it as support to stand. He wordlessly offered his hand to Blaine and tugged him up. The climbed the stairs hand in hand and peeked into Elle's room to find her sound asleep.

They walked over to the bed, and each kissed her forehead gently.

"Good night angel," Blaine said sweetly.

"Sleep tight princess, Daddy loves you." Kurt cooed.

He stood and looked at the clock on the night stand. 12:00

"Merry Christmas Little Miss Elle." They whispered together, linking hands.