A/N: This is my first Glee fic, and it is AU. I am in love with Kurt and Blaine. I think this could easily stand as one shot, but please let me know if you would like me to continue it into a multi-chaptered story/multiple one shots of this universe. Thanks for reading, please review they are much appreciated!

"Hey Kurt, wait up!" Kurt heard Blaine yelling from the entrance of the Warbler's practice hall. He pivoted slowly allowing the shorter boy to catch up with him before he continued to stride down the hallway towards the side entrance to the student parking lot. Blaine linked their arms in only a way the most comfortable of friend could do. Kurt felt himself blush with guilt. Even though Blaine had quickly become one of his closest friends he had not been entirely honest with the dapper young man.

"Want to grab a coffee?" Blaine asked sweetly. "We haven't been to the Lima Bean since you transferred."

"I'm sorry Blaine, I really am. I'd love to go but I can't." He said his voice full of honest remorse that Blaine clearly picked up on.

Blaine cocked his head to the side and caught Kurt by the elbow as he made to exit the building. "Is everything alright Kurt?"

Kurt charged ahead and Blaine followed him towards his SUV. "Everything's fine, it's just… It's complicated." He paused with his hand on the door handle.

"What's complicated? Come on Kurt, I thought we were friends, you can tell me anything. You know that." Blaine whined his face looking crestfallen.

Kurt took in his best friend's appearance and couldn't do it any longer. "Just get in the car" he ordered with a great sigh.


"Get your Warbler butt in the car. I promise I'll bring you back safe and sound." He said sarcastically.

Kurt punched around on his phone as Blaine ran across the car to the passenger side. "Hey Mom, everything's fine, no it's just… I'm bringing Blaine home with me… Yeah I'm sure." He held his hand over the receiver as he turned to Blaine, "Carole wants to know if pork chops are okay for dinner?"

"Uhh yeah sure. That's fine." Blaine had no idea he was even staying for dinner.

"He says that's fine… Tell her I say I love her and I miss her and I can't wait to see her. Thanks Carole, Mom," he corrected himself and paused as Carole spoke and then gave a small chuckle "I know, see you soon."

"So…" Blaine let out, unsure of whether everything was to be explained to him or not and incredibly confused as to who this girl Kurt was expressing his love towards.

"I know, I know." Kurt sighed with exasperation misinterpreting Blaine's syllable. "I love her like a mom, but she's not my real mom so do I call her Carole or do I call her mom? I guess I should know by now it's been a year." Kurt shrugged his shoulders. "I just call her whatever I feel in the moment and I think we're both just getting used to it."

"I'm sure it's not a big deal Kurt" Blaine assured him.

"I guess so" Kurt said with a noncommittal shrug.

The rest of the hour long car ride went comfortably with the boys listening to the radio and singing along to all of the songs they knew. As they saw a sign for Lima Kurt turned down the music and stole a quick nervous glance at Blaine.

"So I can never go out for coffee after school anymore because I work at four, everyday. Whenever we went for coffee it was when you didn't have rehearsal and you got out at two because you're an honors student, and we would both make it to the Lima Bean by 3:30. I work three hours a day, four to seven. I have Wednesday's off." He started by explaining the simplest things.

Blaine opened his mouth to interrupt because this very day was indeed a Wednesday.

"You will see in a minute why I can't get coffee with you on a Wednesday, why I have never gotten coffee with you on my day off. No offense, cause I'm glad he did it, but you should know that I used to always go home for an hour after school and before work but my dad practically forced me to start getting coffee with you, and he absolutely forced me to go see Rent with you."

Pain struck across Blaine's face. "Kurt if you didn't want to be friends with me, you didn't have to." He said indignantly

Kurt reached across the gear shift and gripped Blaine's knee. "Of course I want to be friends with you Blaine. It's just hard for me not to be at home, to be away from…" He trailed off helplessly. "It's just complicated, and it's a lot easier for me to show you so you don't have the chance not to believe me."

Blaine nodded, but confusion was written all over his face.

Kurt pulled into his drive way and took a deep breath. Here goes nothing. He thought desperately.

"Do you remember, after Karofsky, how I told you that I hadn't had a kiss that counted?" Blaine nodded. "And then I told you about Brittney, the girl I had my 'straight fling' with just before my dad married Carole because my dad was hanging out with Finn so much" Blaine nodded again unsure of his words. Was this the girl Kurt sent his love to? Blaine thought frantically. Was that Kurt's secret? Did he question his sexuality because of his sexual harassment to the point of physically changing his sexual orientation?

They were standing on the front porch now. Kurt paused before the door and turned to look at Blaine. "I didn't just make out with her…" He took another deep breath, "I slept with her… Just over a year ago, and she, well she got pregnant" Blaine just stared at him. "I have a four month old daughter Blaine."

Blaine's eyes nearly popped out of his head. He began to sputter on nonexistent words as Kurt opened the door of the house and entered the mud room. He hung his coat up and took Blaine's as he continued to open and close his mouth without forming any coherent thoughts.

"Is that you Kurt?" Came a call from the living room.

"Yeah it's me!" Kurt responded as he stepped though the kitchen and met Carole at the entry to the living room. She held a baby in her arms which Kurt took and hugged to his chest before holding her up and kissing her nose. "Daddy missed you little miss Elle" he exclaimed towards the child, before turning her around and holding her with her back to his chest, her wide blue eyes focused on the juxtaposition of the red and blue colors on Blaine's tie. "Blaine, I would like you to meet Elizabeth Carole Hummel, my daughter."

Blaine was speechless. No, he certainly would not have believed it if Kurt didn't have the perfect evidence, the spitting image of himself cradled in his arms in right in front of his face. Her soft blue eyes traveled up to his face and he took in the way her nose buttoned just like her fathers and her wispy hair was the exact shade of Kurt's, where it fell upon her pale forehead. He had no idea what to say. How do you react when your best friend has just told you he's a father? He said the only thing he could think of in the moment.

"She's beautiful" he breathed quietly, reaching a finger out to brush against her hair. It was snatched although in mid air by the baby's slender fingers. She brought it to her mouth but sucked more on her fist than Blaine's finger as both boys chuckled.

The boys were settled on the living room floor with drinks perched upon the coffee table above them. Elle was laying on her back swatting at the plush toys that dangled at her from the arch above her, occasionally playing a vibrant tune when she hit the right one. Carole was in the kitchen under the pretense of cooking and mopping the floor, but Kurt knew she was really giving them their privacy. He knew his father wouldn't be home until six and the dull thump of music could be heard from Finns room as he undoubtedly slaughtered Nazi Zombies with Puck while chatting through their headsets ensured that they wouldn't be bothered for a while.

"Well, I mean, you know why I did what I did with Brittney so I guess I should just pick up from there?" Kurt half stated half questioned.

"If you feel comfortable." Blaine reassured him, as he tickled the little girl's belly.

Kurt grinned at the ease Blaine had around the child. "Well no one knew Brittney was pregnant until she was about four months along, and then it was Santana who figured it out when they were making out one day and she noticed the baby bump. Brittney told her it was because she had won a pie eating contest against Lord Tubbington, her cat" he clarified, "the day before. Santana questioned her some more about what she'd been doing and finally got her to take a pregnancy test. So she was almost five months along before I even knew about it. I had just turned seventeen."

"Oh God Kurt." Blaine's voice was heavy with empathy as a tear leaked from Kurt's eye.

He wiped it away quickly before continuing. "When we got together with our parent's to talk about it she said that she had a dream, well I assume it was a dream, she actually just said that she knew than an angel told her that he gave her the baby to take care of in her belly until it was big enough to give to me. She told me that she knew the baby wasn't hers, that it was meant for me and she was just carrying it and keeping it safe." A few more tears escaped his stormy eyes and Blaine closed his hand over Kurt's. "You've met Brittney, she's in no way fit to raise a child. She was lucky her parents even let her stay at home. I think they only did because they knew they wouldn't be responsible for her after she was born. So Brittney wouldn't even consider adoption, she was adamant that the baby was mine, and it was supposed to be raised by me. I started working at dad's shop from three to seven, every night after school. I took one of those 'Educational Vacations' you know where you can be out for two weeks but then have to write a report on where you went and what you did, to get my Certified Nurse's Assistance license. I worked full time at the Lima Nursing Home and eight hour days on Saturday's and Sunday's at the shop throughout the summer until she was born; July 6th 6:42 in the morning 7 pounds 2 ounces 18 inches long. I took the rest of the summer off and just worked weekends at the nursing home to keep the job, until school started. Carole works part time transcribing medical records from home, so she keeps her during the day. Dad insisted that I take at least a little bit of a break. I would come home for an hour and then be at the shop by four instead of three and work until seven, come home for dinner. It kills me to be away from her for so long." Kurt cried, tears picking up speed as he reached out and stroked the infants round cheeks. "I work shifts at the nursing home on the weekends so I can keep the job available to work full time this summer again."

He picked up the little girl and cuddled her into his lap, rocking her slowly back and forth. It seemed to comfort him more than her. She reached out her arms toward him and he placed a small pink bunny in her hands. She quickly began to suck on its ear. Kurt laughed softly and touched a light finger to her nose.

"You know why I transferred to Dalton. Being an out gay single teenage parent doesn't exactly win you any popularity awards." He paused and reached over squeezing Blaine's hand. "I want to thank you again, so much for standing up for me. It meant, and still does mean the world to me." Holding Blaine's hand and Elle he didn't have the ability to stop the tear that rolled off his cheek and onto the foot of the bunny. "What you don't know is that I fought tooth and nail not to go to Dalton. I would be an hour farther away from Elle. I would lose that hour I had to spend with her, except the days that I didn't have Warblers, which once again my father insisted upon because he thinks it relieves stress. I don't know how long I can keep up being an honors student so I can leave during free period though. It was way too expensive. Dad and Carole gave up the money they had saved for their first year anniversary vacation to pay for it. But Dad told me that the best thing for me and for Elle was for me to be safe, and we both know why I wasn't safe at McKinley."

Blaine shuddered at the thought of the death threat.

"I don't want anyone at Dalton to know because, even though it's selfish, and I never stop thinking about her, sometimes it's just easier to slip into normal kid mode. Especially because I don't have everyone staring at me with either outrage or pity. But you are my best friend Blaine, and I knew this wasn't something I could keep from you. I just, I felt so normal around you, hanging out over coffee, going to see Rent. My dad only forced me to so I could relax. Believe me I did have fun, but I felt guilty laying even more responsibility on my family. I just hope you can understand and forgive me for hiding her from you."

Blaine couldn't take it any longer. He wrapped Kurt and consequently Elle up in a firm hug and held on. "Of course. You did what you thought was best for you and your daughter. I could never fault you for that. You're my best friend Kurt. That's not going to change."

Kurt smiled into Blaine's shoulder as Blaine felt Kurt's entire body relax. "Thank you" he whispered. "Thank you so much" he repeated unable to staunch the tears that flowed onto Blaine's shirt. Blaine released him and handed him tissue from the box on the coffee table, rubbing Kurt's back until he composed himself.

"Now," Blaine said when he was confident that Kurt was okay, "let me get my hands on this adorable little one" he said holding his hands out and wiggling his fingers.

Kurt looked at him in amusement, but Blaine saw a small bit of reluctance flash across his eyes too. He understood; this was Kurt's child he was handing over, even if just for a moment, even if he was right there. But, it passed quickly and soon the tiny little girl was in Blaine's arms. He bounced her up and down softly earning a giggle and a babble. He leaned his head in and rubbed his nose against hers as she gurgled away at him.

"Are you telling Blaine stories?" Kurt cooed. "Are you telling him all about your day with Grandma?"

Blaine mock gasped at the baby. "Oh yeah?" He let her grab his fingers. "Then what happened?" He asked as Elle chatted away.

Kurt's eyes widened at Blaine before he let out a laugh of relief. "How the heck are you so good with her? It took the rest of my friends ages until they were actually comfortable like this around her."

"My sister, Bailey, I've mentioned her before right?" Kurt nodded. "She has a six month old girl, Brylee. I babysit a lot on the weekends." He said with a shrug. "She likes to tell stories too" he said, his voice becoming high pitched as he directed it towards Elle. "Yes she does." He said hugging her to him before laying her back down on her play mat making sure her bunny was tucked into her hand securely. "You guys should get together some time," he said turning towards Kurt, "trade war stories. Or I could bring her over when I'm watching her some time." He suggested enthusiastically. "She's the sweetest little thing. I love her to death."

"Yeah maybe," Kurt replied, a smile creeping up on his face. He was startled by a loud pounding coming down the stairs signaling that Finn was becoming hungry enough to protest the lateness of dinner, which was actually early tonight, which is why his hand had been slapped away from the fridge earlier in the evening.

Kurt laughed loudly. "You can always tell the time in this house by Finn's stomach." Blaine made to glance at his watch. "Wait, don't tell me. It's Wednesday, Dad get's home at six and we sit down to eat like seconds after he gets in the door, so it must be around 5:35" Kurt guessed expertly.

"5:32!" Blaine exclaimed. "You're good!"

"Yes," Kurt said with an air of importance, "I pride myself on the ability to read Finn's stomach."

"My stomach's not a book dude." Finn said dumbly as he settled onto the floor with a tube of Pringles. "Hey Blaine" he said acknowledging him with a nod. "Hi there Ellie girl!" He cooed at Elle in a voice that sounded unnatural to Blaine coming from the tall quarterback. "How's my favorite niece? Did you miss your Uncle Finn all day?" He said as he continued to tut toward the baby, tickling her belly with the tips of his fingers. He grabbed her foot lightly and moved it back and forth gently. "Who's got your toes? Who's got your toes? Who's got those pigger toes?" He squeaked before leaning his head down and blowing a raspberry on her stomach.

"Come on Finn, you're gonna get her all riled up before I feed her and then I'm the one who ends up with formula and baby mush oatmeal all over me."

Finn chuckled. "Not my problem. I just wanna play with my itsie bitsie little Ellie."

Kurt stood and then reached for Elle. "Come on sweetheart, time for dinner before the rest of us sit down to eat." He said as he made his way to the kitchen.

Blaine made to get up but Finn stopped him halfway to the kitchen. "You can chill in here with me dude. There's a game on ESPN somewhere. The feeding is boring anyway, trust me I've done it enough." Blaine glanced from the kitchen to the couch where Finn was now shoving Pringles into his face. "Plus, I've got snacks in here. If you go in there they won't let you get a hold of anything that will 'spoil your appetite" he said complete with finger quotations. "I'm lucky I got out of there alive with these." He said waving the canister at Blaine. Blaine's stomach grumbled in protest as he watched Kurt remove formula from a heating device, and he joined Finn on the couch.

Elle was sitting in a high chair, Finn on the couch the empty can of Pringles rolling on the coffee table, while Carole and Kurt filtered around the kitchen. Blaine, who had been sat at the kitchen counter by Kurt, was insisting that there had to be something that he could to do help, but was denied so he moved to the kitchen table to play with the baby when Burt Hummel strode thought the door. He removed his coat and hat in the mud room, and placed his lunch box on the floor just inside the kitchen against the wall.

"There's my Ellie girl!" He proclaimed loudly, striding across the kitchen and lifting the girl out of her chair and into the air where he spun her around before lowering her, blowing a raspberry on her stomach and lifting her in the air again. "Hey baby girl. How was my Ellie girl today?" He asked before placing her back in her seat and kissing the top of her head softly. He moved around the room, kissing Carole on the cheek, giving Kurt a hug, and finally stopping once more at the kitchen table holding his hand out for Blaine to shake. "Good to see you again Blaine. I'm glad Kurt finally brought you around, officially, I mean" he said after a pause. "You've done my son and this family some real good. Thank you"

"You're welcome sir." Blaine replied sheepishly.

"It's Burt," Burt replied pointing a finger at him. "Hey Finn, come on. Chow time!" He yelled through the entrance to the living room towards Finn's back. Blaine didn't think he'd ever see someone get to the dinner table faster, as Carole set pork chops, green beans, and garlic and onion roasted potatoes on the table.

Blaine studied the family closely. It was one of the most unusual and amazing family dinners he had ever had. The warmth exuded was astounding to him, much different than what was experienced at his own house. Somehow he knew that he would always be accepted by the craziness that was the Hummel family and that he would always have a warm loving dinner to come to if he needed it.

That thought was confirmed when before leaving while Kurt was making sure Elle was okay with Finn in the living room, Carole enveloped him into a hug and Burt clapped him on the back. "I know I was supposed to be cooking" she whispered "but I heard everything." She hugged him tighter before letting him go and holding him at arm's length. Burt stood behind her with a hand on the small of her back.

"Kurt's lucky to have you as a friend, Blaine. You're always welcome here."

A/N (again): So, like I said very AU. This is the time line that I have been working on in my head, even if it has no parallel to the show.

October (Season 1) – Conception

November (Season 1) – Wedding

Blaine: January 3/ Kurt: March 12/ Finn: May 8 (Season 1) – Boys turn 17

July – Elle Born July 6th

November (Season 2) – Kurt transfer to Dalton (Elle 4 months)

Once again, please review and let me know if you think I should keep this as a one shot, or do multiple one shots (chronologically) within this universe. Thanks so much for reading!