Disclaimer: Aslan is of C.S. Lewis' imaginings. The One who provided the basis for Aslan owns Himself.
"The value of myth is that it takes all the things you know and restores to them the rich significance which has been hidden by the veil of familiarity." ~ C.S. Lewis
"[In your world,] I have another name. You must learn to know me by that name. This was the very reason why you were brought to Narnia, that by knowing me here for a little, you may know me better there." ~ Aslan, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
At the start, all was dark,
But My Voice filled the void.
I made all: light, tree, lark;
All this made with My Voice.
I had made all things good,
Then evil came to mar
Whate'er it thought it could,
Worst, My belov'd to scar.
Rejected and betrayed,
Hated by those I love.
I came down, them to aid,
Lived 'mongst them from above.
Perfect One sacrificed,
Covered the sins of all.
Sinners saved with a price,
Free fore'er from the Fall.
I am your Guide and Shield.
I turn all things to good.
I am there, though concealed;
All things go as they should.
I lead you in the night;
Follow Me, that you must.
Do not walk just by sight:
All I want is your trust.
I do that which you can't:
Rid you of your old flesh,
In you, a new heart plant,
Each day, your soul refresh.
I call for those I know
And lay the way for you.
I teach so you may grow
And know what's right and true.
One day, I will return,
My own belov'd to claim.
My enemies will burn
In everlasting flame.
My Kingdom is fore'er
Past the lands of shadow.
It is for whosoe'er
Will e'er My Name hallow.
I have another name.
It should be far more dear:
It is one of great fame
And brings both love and fear.
I have another name.
That name is Jesus Christ.
Author's note: Please review!