Kyoya's "Day of Fun"

Disclaimer: Kaoru- Abby does not own us, Hikaru- but she does own this story! Kyoya: No matter how much it embarrasses me….. Tamaki: But I think it's cute!

Kyoya was sitting at home on a Saturday bored out of his mind when Tamaki called. "Hello?" Kyoya answered slightly relieved that he had plans. "KYOYA! Hey can I come over today?" "Sure when?" "Now?" "Ok I'm not doing anything." "Perfect I'll be over in a few!" Tamaki hung up.

I better go freshen up. Kyoya thought. As he was stepping into the shower Tamaki came to the door. Yoshio (Kyoya's father) opened the door and let him in. Tamaki walked into Kyoya's room and sat on his bed waiting for Kyoya to emerge from somewhere.

Ahhh that feels nice Kyoya thought as he walked out naked into his bedroom unaware of the other presence. Tamaki couldn't help but stare as the water rolled down his flawless body dripping from his hair and flowing to his most delicate area.

Kyoya opened his eyes and turned bright red and rushed into the bathroom and closed the door. Shit! How long was he in there?

Oh wow! Kyoya's body is just so so so perfect. "I-I'm sorry Kyoya I didn't mean to s-stare." "I didn't mean to give you a show but did you enjoy it?

- Oh! A cliffie! But seeing as I have no life I most likely update within 1-2 days but I'm going back to school shopping! Love ya all! Kyoya- -Hides face in shame- I'm so embarrassed! , Tamaki- But it was such a pretty show. Abby- Save It for the next chapter!