The water from the tree above awoke Eve from her unconscious state. She lay motionless with a slight headache, bought on probably by the fall she and the rest of the girls had just suffered. The fact that she landed on a bed of leaves instead of something hard like concrete was a relief for her.

As she sat up, favoring her aching head, she looked around for the other Divas, but was only able to find Maryse, who also landed on a bed of leaves, but Maryse instead landed face first .Seeing as Eve had not yet regained full movement of her feet, she slowly crawled over on hands and knees to her blonde comrade, turning her over onto her back. Her eyes were closed and she had no visible facial bruises. Eve tried to shake her awake, but got no response which really worried her. She then contemplated whether or not Maryse required CPR in a situation like this.

"Should i…Damn it, imma go for it. PLEASE let her lip gloss have flavor." She pushed her hair behind her shoulder and just went in for it. But before their lips could touch…

"What are you doing?"

Eve suddenly froze from shock. "You're not unconscious?"

"I dunno. Was i?" Maryse finally opened her eyes. "Well, since you already started on your way, why don't we just…"


"Sorry. Lost my train of thought there." Eve helped Maryse to her feet. Both of them suddenly felt a little wet on account of the damp leaves they'd landed in. "It looks like it's just the two of us again."

"It's always the two of us," Eve said. "I'm starting to feel like we're related or something. Anyway, I don't suppose you've ever woken up in a damp forest before, have you? Because this sure as hell is new to me."

"Yeah, me too," Maryse said as the two stood back-to-back in this mysterious, new environment. "This is like something out of Twilight or something."

"Don't go werewolf on me, Maryse," Eve said, half-joking.

"Only if you don't try to suck my blood," Maryse joked back, but neither Diva was smiling. They were both worried and staying alert. The forest's sight was breathtaking but the undiscovered contents of the forest was what sent fear into their systems. "I bet we don't even get cell phone reception out here."

"Um…Maryse…you don't have your cell phone," Eve reminded her. "Remember? Melina destroyed it after you ate her Skittles last week."

"Wait, Melina took my phone?" Maryse hissed.

"And now Melina's gonna kill me," Eve thought as she changed the subject. "Speaking of Melina, where, do you think her, Nattie, and Gail went?"

"WELL HERE I AM!" yelled Gail Kim. Maryse followed the trail of the scream and spotted Gail, clinging to the branch of a tree, trying not to fall. "Need a little help here!"

Eve and Maryse raced to the rescue, but neither wanted to climb the tree. They decided to do it another way: having her fall while wait below to catch her. "Are you ready?" Eve yelled, prompting a confident nod from Gail, who swiftly released her grip from the branch, landing on Maryse and Eve, sending all three of them to the ground.

"Ouch, I think I broke something," Maryse groaned as Gail's lower back pushed down on her stomach.

"Yeah, me too," Eve said. Gail's head lay on Eve's stomach as all three ladies stayed motionless on the wet ground with their eyes wide open. "We probably should've just climbed the tree."

Maryse scoffed. "PLEASE! Do we look like Tarzan and Jane?" Finally, Gail was able to roll from atop the girls as they lifted themselves up and dusted themselves off. "I HATE this adventure so far!"

"Yeah, well you're not alone in that," Eve informed her. "Hey, help me pick Gail up." Gail wasn't a heavy load to bear, but on account of their aching bodies, they struggled as they grabbed her hands to bring her to her feet. "Are you OK?"

"Yeah, I think so," groaned Gail, who was definitely feeling the effects of the fall in her lower back as well. "I just hope this pain wears off fast. Hey, where are Nattie and Melina?"

Eve and Maryse wondered the same. "We have no idea," Eve replied. "We didn't see them when we woke up."

"Oh, my god, this is bad," Gail worried. "We gotta find them, girls."

"Come on, Gail, don't get you fancy ring trunks in a bunch," Maryse said, trying to relieve Gail of her worry. "Don't worry, we'll find them…I hope. I mean…how big can this forest be anyw…better yet, how'd we end up in a forest, anyway?"

"I'm assuming we're in a video game world," Eve guessed. "These places must act as some sort of level."

"There'd still have to be some kind of logic to it, even if it is make believe," Gail chimed in. "I mean how much sense would I make if you complete a level on Sonic in, say, a dessert and then the next stage is Times Square. That makes no sense."

"Since when has that ever mattered to the nerds that play video games?" Maryse added her thoughts in. "I agree with Eve here."

"You always do, follower" Gail teased to Maryse. "Anyway, if we are in a video game world and these levels are totally random, I wonder what we have to do to pass this level."

"I think we need to find that key that Sydney woman was talking about," Eve recalled from the previous level. "But seeing as this place is just as huge as Maryse's massive ego, I don't know if we'll find it anytime soon."

Maryse wasn't satisfied with Eve and Gail making jokes at her expense, but if she was gonna focus, she'd have to put aside her take on them. "I bet we'll find it in no time. And I also bet we'll run into Natalya and Melina before then. What could possibly go wrong?"

Maryse would soon come to eat those words as the three Divas wandered around the forest. Thick, leaf-coated trees were everywhere they turned and the branches casted haunted grey shadows upon the jade-colored ground. They thought they'd have found Melina and Natalya after a while, but they had no luck there.

A lot of strange things happened as they strolled the forest. For one, Maryse picked up a bunny hoping to bring it along with them – until she discovered it was a skunk and dropped it before it could spray them. There was even a rather unexpected yet hilarious moment when Maryse accidentally doused Eve and Gail with a giant leaf-load of water, soaking them from head-to-toe.

Their forest escapades led them to one place: a brown, wooded, somewhat damp shack in the middle of the forest. It was beneath an equally damp tree with less leaves than all the others. The worn-out door had a broken, equally-wooden knob but it opened very easily the second Gail touched it.

"Is it safe to go in?" Eve questioned to Gail, trying to wrap her still-wet hair in a ponytail with a rubber band she had in her back pocket. "'Cause I'm not getting my arm chewed off fighting a lion."

Gail twisted the knob slowly despite the fact that the door basically cracked open on its own. "Only one way to find out." The door loudly creaked as it opened further to a very dark room. Gail took one small step in and reached for a lightswitch, but could not find one. "Hello!" she screamed, wondering if anyone at all was in there. The only response was her own repeated echo.

Meanwhile, Maryse and Eve stood outside in the cold of the forest awaiting approval from Gail to follow her in. The confirmation never came. Instead, they watched as Gail was sent flying backwards to the ground, holding her chest in pain.

"What the hell just happened?" Maryse asked as she and Eve went to check on their fellow Diva.

"I don't know, but I'm guessing they had something to do with it," Eve pointed to the entrance, where three, short, facepainted figures now stood with folded arms. "But I'm kinda hoping they didn't."

"They're just children," remarked Maryse.

"We are NOT children," the middle child said. "We're 14, thank you very much. And not only that: we are FUTURE WWE Divas! Or at least we're hoping to be before you ladies kill it!"

Maryse and Eve once again found themselves helping Gail to her feet. "Listen, kids, we don't want any trouble," said Gail. "We just…"

"It's too late for that!" the leader growled. "You see, my name is Angela, this is Nora, and this is Kay. And the three of us are fed up with the Divas Division today and giving the future generation a bad name!"

Maryse rolled her eyes. "Please, where have we heard that before?"

"From that Sydney woman?" Eve answered, unaware that it was a rhetorical question. "I think they're a part of the A.D.A."

Angela wrapped her hair in a ponytail. "Look who catches on fast. Well I hope you all have enjoyed your pitiful careers because they're about to come to an end!"

"Tell me we don't have to fight children," Maryse said, frozen in motion, eyes not blinking at the unexpected twist.

"This will officially be the strangest thing I've ever done," Eve remarked. "And need I remind you that I once had to kiss Maryse on a dare."

"Don't act like you didn't enjoy it," Maryse argued.

"Well actually…that's not the point right now," Eve snapped back to current day. "We have a fight ahead of us."

"That's right," Gail prepared for battle. "Bring it, brats."

After a brief chuckle from Maryse – she genuinely believed what Gail had just said was funny – one of the girls – the blonde-haired Kay – climbed up to Maryse's back piggy-back style and covered her eyes with her hands. "Ah, get off of me!" Maryse yelled, stumbling around to remove the youngster from her shoulders.

Meanwhile, Nora ran up to Eve and kicked her in the stomach. "OW! Ok, it's on now!" She ran in pursuit of the youngster, who was now running behind the shed.

"I guess that leaves me with you," Gail said staring the leader, Angelina square in her little brown eyes. "Listen. I'm not gonna fight a little kid."

As Gail said this, Angela was picking up a nearby rock. Before she could say anything else, she hurled it straight for the Korean beauty's face, only for her to roll out of the way. Gail may not have wanted to get into a physical fight with her, but she definitely knew she had to restrain her somehow. And so far, she was off to a bad start as Angela then did a Lou Thesz Press, sending Gail down to the ground.

Maryse was having little luck with her opponent. Kay finally leapt from Maryse's shoulders, but as soon as she did, Maryse forehead banged hard against a thick, brown tree, causing some brisk water to drop from the leaves above and drench her cold, tanned skin. "Oh, my head!" Maryse groaned, clutching her head in pain. Kay then kicked Maryse in the stomach before putting her in a front guillotine choke.

Meanwhile, Eve's battle with Nora had turned into a scavenger hunt. "OK, where are you?" Eve questioned as she looked I every ominous edge of the forest behind the shed for her. Sure enough, the fiery youngster came to her as she jumped about 15 feet from the top of the shed onto the Diva.

"You see that?" said Nora as she stood herself up and dusted herself off. "That dive is something you never do on your best day." Eve soon made it to her knees, but before she could get to her feet, she met a punch to the face from Nora. "And when my friends and I are done with the three of you, you'll regret what you have done!"

"What exactly is it that we've done?" Eve asked, but received another hard punch for her troubles.

Meanwhile, Gail had her hands full with Angela, who proved to be very proficient in using her kicking ability to her advantage, as Gail found out when she tried to get to her feet. Angela kicked her three times in her chest, twice in the back, and once in the face. Gail was able to pop up soon after, but was eventually greeted with a kick to the face after a springboard performed by from Angelina from a nearby boulder. She was a very skilled 14-year old and Gail knew it immediately.

Maryse was on the verge of falling asleep as Kay's guillotine choke proved to be highly affective. "Yeah, Frenchie! This isn't NyQuil. This is a lot more violent and A LOT more affective. Any last words before I put you away?"

Maryse was on one knee and having a hard time bringing Kay off of her. She was a lot heavier than she looked. "Yes! Get…the hell…OFF OF ME!" Maryse was able to muster up enough strength to lift herself up and ram the blonde teen into the side of the shed. Her grip remained unbreakable, so she tried it a second time. When the results remained unchanged, she tried a third time, this time around being a charm.

Maryse couldn't help but to find a nearby water hose. Upon laying eyes on the long green-and-yellow rope, she acquired an idea. She quickly grabbed the water hose a wrapped Kay up in it. "That…should…hold you," Maryse said as she tied the knots as tightly as she could. Sadly, since this was a watering hose and not a traditional rope, it wasn't easy.

After a third punch to the face from Nora, Eve looked just about out of it. "OK, time to finish you off," the 14-year old said. Eve knew she had to think of something before she ended up on the losing side of this wiley teenager. And just that second, she noticed a thick, brown rope to her right. She ducked Nora's fourth blow and pushed her to the ground, rolling over to grab the rope and catch Nora in it, wrapping her up in it.

On the other side of the shed, Gail was still having quite the encounter with Angela. After the springboard kick to the face, Gail was sent to the ground, but once again popped back up to her feet. Upon reaching her feet again, Angela came in for another kick, this time sailing forward with great force. Gail was able to scout this and ducked just in time. As luck would have it, she spotted a board on the ground behind her. After an impressive backflip, she quickly grabbed the board and used it as a shield when Angela came flying back at her. The moved caused Angela to sprain her ankle and left a light brown dent in the board.

Gail was fortunate enough to find a grapevine nearby to tie the young rascalette up in. as she was doing this, Eve and Maryse came from their sides of the shed – massaging their injuries – carrying their opponents as well.

"THIS is why rugrats should stay on TV!" Maryse complained.

"What should we do with them?" Eve asked. The girls soon spotted a small space beneath a tree and decided to store the three of them in there. Killing them was definitely not an option, so they dropped them into the not-so-deep opening. They were kinda surprised the 'rugrats' were able to shut up the whole time.

"That was a lot harder than I expected," Maryse said, massaging the back of her neck. "She almost put me to sleep."

"Well, it looks like we won again," Eve pointed out. It hurt to say, though because she was still feeling the effects of Nora's punches.

"Yeah, but we took the cheap way out again," Gail said. "And I'm sure there won't be ropes randomly inserted into every level we enter."

"Well, what were we supposed to do this time?" Maryse questioned, now massaging her shoulders, which at that point were as cool and damp as the leaves on the towering trees. "I'm not fighting kids. Trust me. I know someone who did it once and she officially lost the right to babysit everywhere except Chicago and certain parts of New York."

"Well, it was OK this one time," Gail stepped over the dented board from earlier. "But next time, we might have to actually fight our competition…to the death."

Gail's emphasis on the word "Death" shot nerves from Maryse's chest down to her toes, adding to her chilliness. "But I don't wanna d – wait. Where'd Eve go?"

Turning their heads every whichway, Eve was nowhere in sight. Maryse assumed she ditched them to embark on her own solo jungle escapade. Gail was hoping for something more reasonable. Suddenly, echoing from the open doorway of the shed…"GIRLS, IN HERE!" They recognized Eve's voice – something Maryse became good at since the two started hanging out all the time – and rushed in, hoping she wasn't in any danger.

She wasn't. In fact, it was quite the opposite.