Pinkskyline, thank you for all the good advice, checking on my errors and the kind comments. Also, thank you for putting this story on Alert. Random reader, thank you for being so inspiring and nice. LivingInTheClouds, when you figured it out I was so impressed. You should be a detective! Thank you. WritingRelease, thank you for adding my story on alert, putting it your favorite list, and writing that amazing review. I too love Frelin because that was the first episode of Merlin I ever saw. For awhile I was really unsure if I was going to make Vivian and Merlin work. Ya mudda, :) . Everyone, you have been fantastic and here's the last chapter.
With every step she took, Merlin could feel his heart break a little more inside. She was standing by her horse in the court yard, while a servant saddled the stead. Her eyes were focused on Merlin, who was standing at the stairs along with Arthur and Gwen.
Arthur could imagine the pain Merlin was going through. To be forced away from one's love is a pain he'd wish for no man. Gwen put her hand on Merlin's unharmed shoulder.
"Merlin," Arthur was hesitant to speak, " I been meaning to ask you, why did Cilydd think you had magic? I couldn't really hear what was going on in the room."
Still looking off at Vivian, he replied, " I don't know. Why did he think any of the others had magic? I can't begin to understand."
Arthur accepted this answer, because he believed lying was a foreign concept to Merlin. This only made matters worse for Merlin, knowing it was going to rip Arthur apart when he eventually knew the truth. The young manservant looked up at the sun. He felt like the sky was mocking him with it's bright, cloudless day.
Vivian too felt this sting in her heart. The tormenting ache, that seemed to have no cure.
Olaf, seeing his daughter distraught, gave her a kiss on the top of her head. She tried to smile, but she couldn't.
As he watched his daughter's despair he said to her, "Do you really love him?"
She nodded her head.
He sighed, " I'll let you say goodbye to him. That is all. Anything more and you'll both regret it."
Maintaing a grace, Vivian walked over to Merlin. His hear was racing as she got closer. Gwen and Arthur both wandered away so they could be alone.
"So." Vivian sighed.
" I don't want to leave," She whispered to him, voice slightly cracking.
He replied throut constricting, " I don't want you to leave."
She smiled at his words, "When do you think we'll see each other again?"
With uncertainty, he said, " Who knows, but I am certain destiny has plenty of things in store for us."
Her laugh trembled with sadness.
"Here," Merlin said, taking out a dragon carved of wood, " I wanted to give this to you. My father made it for me before he passed away."
"Oh no," she shook her head, " you can't give me that. It's too valuable."
He sighed, "Then don't think of it as a gift. Think of it as something you can return to me, when we see each other again."
He held it out to her. She took it and held it, like if it were made of glass.
Vivian took off the necklace she had been wearing, and carefully placed in the palm of Merlin's hand.
"This was my mother's." She told him looking lovingly at both him and the necklace, " If you forget to give it back to me, I'll be very upset."
He laughed, " I won't."
"Vivian!" Olaf called out for the princess.
They both said there mournful goodbyes without having to say a single word. She slowly walked over to her horse and mounted it. With one more look, she and her father were leaving Camelot.
After they were both gone and out of sight, Arthur walked up to Merlin.
"How are you?" Arthur asked.
"Fine." He replied quietly. Arthur knew it was a lie.
Merlin looked at the necklace. It was uncharacteristically simple, compared to everything else Vivian owned. It was a gold chain with a single diamond. He held it softly, promising to keep it safe.
He smiled at it, thinking of Vivian, " I'm sure our paths will cross again"
Thank you everyone. This is probably the last story I'm going to write for a very long time. It was a challenge for me to write this whole story in the mist of a 40 page assignment, 2 book reading assignments, rehearsals, an English test and math homework. Apparently, it's only going to get worse. Don't worry, my school work didn't suffer :). I loved doing this, however, I don't know if I can keep this up. So once again, thank you to everyone who put up with my many mistakes and who were so kind to me in your review. It really meant a lot to me :)