YAY! I've been meaning to upload this for like a week, and now I am! Yay! I want to say now, that this was inspired by a dream!

Yes, I did make Arthur their dad, and yes, I made him scarily OOC. I'm sorry!

Well, enjoy the story!

Chapter 1
New Faces-New Crimes

I pulled my coat off the coat rack right outside the door, my wallet and grocery bags in hand. Just as I opened the door I called back to the house, "Bye Dad! I'm leaving now!" Almost immediately, dad came over to the door in his apron and came forward to hug me goodbye. Stupid over emotional parents.

"Stay safe dear Mathieu, and remember, don't talk to strangers!" I smiled at his protectivness and released him.

" I will dad." I turned around, but was stopped when Alfred shouted from upstairs.

"DON'T FORGET MY BURGER!" I sighed but nodded to myself and yelled back, "I WON'T FORGET!" Dad laughed and pushed me out the door.

"Bye dear, have fun grocery shopping." I laughed and closed the door behind me. I walked casually towards my car and hopped in the drivers seat, preparing for the long ride to the Great Canadian Superstore, the closest place to buy groceries. Yea, it's about a 20 minute drive. But, I guess it doesn't help that we live in a referbished farm house in the middle of no where. But dad didn't want to leave, so I didn't bring up the fact that it would be easier for all of us.

I turned on my old mercedes and began driving down the busy streets of Kitchener-Waterloo. Yes, I have a mercedes, it's my baby... God I sound like the classic guy, which I'm not. Actually I am unusually quiet and kind, it's my mothers Canadian genes getting to me. 'Cause, you know they're all are so apoligetic and kind. Sometimes I wish I was like my brother. Fierce, brash, bold and brave. Everything I wasn't. Kinda deppressing when I look at it...

I was jerked out of my state of mind when the car behind me honked when I stopped at a roundabout. I quickly pulled out and drove around till I got to Highland, nearly getting hit by a car. I growled and kept my eyes on the road, not giving into the road rage that threatened to boil over.

Yes, eventually I arrived at the grocery store. It wasn't one of the most pleasent drives seeing as he had left right in the middle of rush hour in Kitchener. My poor poor state of mind. Anyway, I quickly grabbed the bags and tried to hurry out of the car without being mowwed down by old grannies trying to escape the horror I was about to dive into. Yes, the horror of the grocery store at 10 am.

I walked into the store and slowly made my way around the hoards of people to get to the fresh produce section, looking for some tomatoes for supper. I grabbed three of those along with a head of cabbage and carrots. Some salad sounded good tonight.

As I was leaving, my eyes wondered over to the isle where the sweets were held, mouth watering slightly. I looked side to side as if to see if anyone was watching even though there really was no need. No really noticed him anyway. So I went down that isle and grabbed the smallest bag of cookies they had and almost ran out of the isle.

Of course, I wasn't expecting the body I ran into in my haste.

"Honhonhon~ What do we have here? Un petite, joli fleur." A seductive voice bellowed from above. I looked up and I could have sworn I heard the angels singing. For agains my chest was a delicious man that had blonde hair that fell down in delicate waves and delicate features that would make any woman swoon. But, almost against my own will, I stepped back.

"I'm sorry sir. I should have been watching where I was going." I looked down and attempted to walk around him. Yeah, that worked out well except for the fact that he was in front of me again.

"You're not getting away that easy." For a second, I felt a twange of fear, then i remembered we were in a public place. There wasn't a thing he could do that wouldn't attract attention. Once again I stepped back, but I stayed looking at him.

"What is it you need sir?" I asked politly, dispite how I was feeling inside.

"Honhonhon~ Stop with the sir, I'm seventeen. And nothing, I just like the way you look." The man put his hand underneath my chin and moved my head from side to side. "And what would this petite joli fleur be called?" At this moment I was blushing profoundly. At this man I didn't know.

"M-Mathieu. Mathieu J. Kirkland." I said quietly. "And who are you?"

"I am Jacob. Nothing more you need to know." The whole man's aura had changed with that simple statement. It had gone from flirtasious to deadly. I crooked my head to the side a little, not enough to be noticed. Well, I was never noticed, so I tilted it widely.

"Okay." There was an erie moment of silence. "I guess I'll be going now." Mathieu waved goodbye to the strange ma-boy. As I began to walk out of the isle, i was stopped for a second by Jacob.

"Be cafeful out there. It was nice meeting you." And with that and a rose left in my hair, he was gone.

As I drove home, I thought about Jacob. He had been a weird man, different than anyone I had seen before. Much different from my Gil. Not tha I really cared. I just met him, and most likely would never see him again. Speaking of Gil, there was him calling my now. I picked up my phone (don't try this at home kids. It's illegal in Canada.) and began talking.

"Morning Gil." I said simply. Of course, Gil went on a speaking rampage.

"Oh mein GOTT Matt! You won't believe what my bitch of a mother made me do today! She actually made me clean my room! My perfectly clean room! Apparently nothing is good enough for her... Grrrrr! Now I'm stuck in my damn room! She locked the damn door from the outside!" I tried to concentrate on the road, nodding and yea-ing at the appropriate times.

"So, my dear boy, why did you call me." I asked quietly, trying to get him to the point.

"Oh yeah. There was that thing I wanted to ask. Matt, do you want to go out with me tonight." At that moment I swear to god that I nearly swerrved off the road, killing myself. So, instead of getting my self killed, I pulled over.

"W-w-w-what?" I stuttered. I was in shock. Why would Gil want to go out with ME?

"I said, do you want to go out with the awesome me?" So my mind wasn't playing tricks on me. He really did ask me... Oh god, what do I say? A small sweat broke out on the back of my neck.

"Um, um, um... Yea, sure..." You could almost hear Gil'd giddy squeals from the other end.

"Yea, *cough* great. I'll be around to pick you up at eight. Be ready for my awesomeness!" I blushed deeply and answered with a swift okay. He said goodbye and we hung up. How weird could this day get?

I pulled into the driveway and slammed the car door behind me. I nearly stomped all the way to the door and swung it open swiftly, dropping the bags on the counter and nearly running to my room. I passed dad as I was making my way to my room and he grabbed my arm, stopping me.

"Woah boy, what's the hurry?" He asked in his usual kind voice.

"Sorry dad..." I mumbled and tried to worm out of my fathers grasp.

"Now I know something's up. No use hiding it." I blushed but decided I might as well tell him.

"Well, I'm going out tonight..." I started, dad was about to say something but I continued anyway. "With Gil." well that sure shut his mouth fast. I've never seen my father so silent.

"Well, good for you... About time that git make his move..." Then dad let go, a look of disaprovel in his eys, and moved downstairs. I sighed and continued to my room. But was stopped AGAIN by my brother.

"Yo dude, where's my burger?" Oh shit. I forgot. Think Matt, think!

"It's at McDonalds."



"Thanks bro! Can't wait to eat it!" And he barelled down the stairs. I exhaled in relief. Thank god he was so dense. But some times, I was happy for it.

I continued to my room and locked the door behind me. I then proceeded to fall flat on my bed. Oh god... I know I'm going to sound like some teenage girl here, but I have been crushing on my best friend for so long! Lets just say when the song "My Best Friends Hot" comes on the radio, I look down the whole way. It doesn't make it any better when Gil is singing along! I sighed deeply into my pillow. Things just got a whole lot more complicated.

With those thoughts, I released my stress and fell asleep.

Okay! It's finished! Did you like it? Should I continue it? Say it all in a review! Please review!

Sorry if there were a bunch of spelling mistakes. Fanfiction took down the spell check thing and I need a new, better word proccessor.

This is totally irrelevant, but my birthday is in two days! WEEEE! It's on the fourteenth! Happy birthday to me!

I will try to update every Friday. I'll try at least!