A/N: Hey, so this is a fanfic based off of a web series called 'Little White Lie'. You can find it on starkidpotter's channel on Youtube. Basically, it ended at the end of season 1, and a lot of storylines were left unfinished. Therefore, I decided to write my own season 2.

I do not own LWL.

Oh, and also, I have not read any other LWL fanfictions before, so if there are any similar storylines, it is because of chance and I apologize.

Read and review, please!

Little White Lie: Season 2

"Sami?" Duder lightly knocked on his sister's door before poking his head into her room. "Sami, it's almost noon. We're telling Mr. Waters yes to the recording contract, right?"

Silence fell as Duder waited for his sister to answer him. "Right?" he said again. Sami raised her head from where it lay on her pillow. She stared her brother in the eye for a moment before sighing heavily, shifting into a sitting position and motioning for him to sit next to her.

"Are you okay?" Duder asked as he settled down onto the bed, "You ran in here so fast after breakfast, and you look like you've been crying."

"Duder," Sami said, "Duder, I think... I don't think we should do this."

A blank look crossed Duder's face.

"The recording contract, Duder," Sami clarified, "I don't think it's a good idea anymore."

"Why not?" Duder asked, "You just said you wanted to do it. Are you still guilty about Kevin? Because we could figure something out, like, we could... we could..."

"Duder!" Sami cut off her brother, grabbing his face in her hands. "Duder, it's because of Tanya."

Duder's eyebrows arched, and a flustered half-smile crept onto his face. "What?" he stammered, "Tanya... Tanya doesn't know! I swear, I didn't tell her! And, if she did know, she wouldn't... she couldn't... she-"

"She knows." Sami said flatly, drawing her knees up to her chest and hugging them. "She knows, and she's going to tell."

"Wait, how does she-"

"She downloaded Kevin's version of our -of his- song. Burned it onto a CD before we shut down the website. She blackmailed me- it's the only reason she got in the band."

"Well, Tanya won't tell then!" Duder exclaimed, running his hands through his hair, "She's in the band now, and since the blackmail was to let her in, she won't tell, because she's in the band. Isn't that how blackmail works?"

"No, Duder, you don't understand," Sami moaned, jumping up from her bed and pacing back and forth across her room, "Tanya hates me."

"No, she doesn't," Duder said, "Ever since you taught her how to sing and stuff, she's been really nice! She-"

"At the party." Sami interrupted, "She saw me and Toby. Toby, he... He had played me a song, and he was just... I mean... I, I kissed him, and Tanya, she walked in."

"What"? A shocked expression fell on Duder's face "You kissed Toby? But, Toby is Tanya's boyfriend."

Sami gave her brother an exasperated look. "No duh, Duder." Sami rolled her eyes and raked her fingers through her long blonde hair. "That's why she completely chewed me out in our driveway." She slumped back onto her bed and buried her head in her hands as she remembered Tanya's harsh words.

"So you did get in a fight with Tanya. Well, it couldn't have been that bad. I mean, it's

Tanya." Duder muttered, wrapping a comforting arm around his sister.

"You don't know Tanya!" Sami exclaimed suddenly, wrenching herself out of her brother's grasp. "She's an evil, manipulative psycho! I know you, Duder! I saw how, how eager you were to have the first 'Welcome Tanya' cookie, or, or how quickly you put your arm around her to 'teach' her how to play guitar! You like her, Duder."

Sami huffed angrily when she saw a blush creep over Duder's face. "Don't, Duder! You should have heard what she said to me!"

Raising the pitch of her voice, Sami recited Tanya's words. "'I think the whole world should know that you stole Kevin's music!' She even blamed me for Kevin's accident!"

Duder watched in silence as his sister's voice rose in volume, becoming slightly more driven with hysterics with every word. "Duder, she's a witch! You should have seen how angry she was! She's going to tell everyone, and we'll go back."

Sami's voice choked up as her eyes began to fill with tears. "We'll go back to being nobodies, and, not to mention the fact that we won't ever be trusted by anyone ever again!

All our dreams will be done, over, and we'll be known forever as the liars who stole from the poor comatose kid! Little White Lie will be over. Reese's Pieces will be over. We might even get arrested, all because Tanya wants her stupid revenge!"

Sami sank onto her bed for the third time. "But at the same time, I still really want to do this, Duder." she said quietly. Duder opened his mouth to respond, but was cut off by the ringtone of Sami's cell phone. 'I try to be someone, but I don't know how, I don't know how-'

Sami sniffled and answered the call, putting it on speaker. "Hello?" she said.

"Hello, hello!" came the chipper response of Nigel Waters, "It's exactly 12 o'clock, bright and early in the afternoon! So, have you decided on an answer yet? Can't keep Arthur Kingsley of Kings Records waiting, can we?"

Sami and her brother shared a look.

"We..." Sami stammered. A fierce look brewed in her eyes. "We'll do it."

"Great!" Nigel exclaimed, "I'll set you guys up with an interview. Today at 2 sound good?" Nigel continued to ramble on, his words slurred by his thick British accent.

Duder gave his sister an incredulous look. "I'm confused," he murmured, covering the mouthpiece of the phone with his hand, "A few minutes ago, you were yelling about how everything is over for us."

"I know, Duder, but... But we have to try." Sami said. "This is our only chance, and it's not over yet."