A/N: As promised I have returned with another chapter! Chapter 6 be ready to read and enjoy. I didn't really do any research when I wrote this story. I kind of just wrote it for my own enjoyment and fun. So, if some information is incorrect please forgive me. Thank you to all of you that have read this far.

Chapter 6: Unwanted Guest

It's been 2 ½ hours now and Ryoma still hadn't actually gone to sleep. I mean sure he was still in bed with his eyes closed, but he wasn't asleep. Ryoma had been listening very carefully, and the door had opened several times within such a short period of time.

Shortly after the door had closed for a third time within two minutes Ryoma had heard various voices from outside. Slightly irritated Ryoma wanted to yell shut up at the group in the hall, but a cheery voice led him to the conclusion that it was his team and an alarm went off in his head. If his legs weren't being dumbassess and were working than he would've tried to get away by possibly climbing out the window or hiding in a closet or bathroom. It would be really, really embarrassing for them to see Ryoma in that state.

However, unfortunately his legs weren't working, and so Ryoma sat waiting for his life to get worse. Then he thought, "What if I just fake slept?" so he tossed the covers over his head, and waited for the moment his unwanted guest arrived.

"You guys are in for a surprise", said Dr. Karin opening the door.

The regulars walked in following Dr. Karin who was surprised to see the sheets pulled over Ryoma's head. "Is ochibi…" Eiji began tearing up.

"No, it was supposed to be a good day" Taka put his arm to his face obviously crying.

Kaidoh had a look of shock, as well as Momo Fuji's face was scrunched up in a ball, and Tezuka's eyebrows furrowed, "What are you guys talking about?" Dr. Karin walked over to the bed. "He's obviously faking sleep."

"You mean-!"Oishi started.

"Yep, today Ryoma woke up!" Dr. Karin tore the blankets off Ryoma's head.

Ryoma opened one eye, "Waaaaahh!" Eiji jumped up and down in excitement.

Momo ran over to him, "Echizen how many fingers am I holding up"

Ryoma used his arms and sat himself up, "How am I supposed to know?" he turned to look the other way..

"What?", Momo questioned.

Kaidoh put his hand to his head, "That peach is such a baka!"

"Shut up Viper!", Momo rebuttled. "Hey Echizen I happened to bring an extra burger want one?" he motioned over a wrapped burger.

"No" the smell wafted in his direction and made his stomach grumble.

Momo smiled, "Stop being stubborn. Here take it."

Ryoma grabbed the warm wrapper that was on his leg, unwrapped it, and took a bite, "Thank you, Momo-senpai"

Momo grinned, "No problem"

Tezuka walked over, "Echizen when are you getting discharged?"

"As soon as I learn how to use a wheelchair again and then I have to be tested. After that I only need to come to the hospital for checkups and such" Ryoma answered.

"I see then…"

"Well, that shouldn't take very long maybe like a week for me to leave", Ryoma licked some sauce from his fingers.

Dr. Karin walked over chummy and smiley, "Well, if you want to get out of here in less than a week let's get to it" she patted his back.

"To what?" Ryoma questioned back.

"What else? The wheelchair" Dr. Karin smiled.

"Wait. I have a question", Oishi stated.

"Sure, what is it bowling ball" she replied.

Oishi scowled a little, "The name is Oishi. Um anyway, how can a person who can't see use a wheelchair?"

"Well, that's easy um… you have to uh… you see…" she scratched her red hair. "Hold on for a moment." Eiji chuckled when Dr. Karin started tapping her foot and pacing around the room. "Oh, I got it! Any of you in Ryoma-kun's class"

"No, that won't work because I have to go home eventually, and that's really embarrassing" Ryoma mumbled the last part.

"Fine then, ,how about prosthetic legs?" she suggested.

"What?" he choked on some of the burger. "Fake legs?"

"Don't say it like that, it's more like an extension of your body" she responded.

"I don't think so", Ryoma drank some water that was right next to him.

"Why, you could still be able to play tennis!" she explained. "Isn't this the best option?"

Ryoma scowled and slammed the cup down, "Stop!" he said harshly. "Sure, I wanna play tennis, but giving away the legs I was born with is just-"

"Echizen", the whole team thought.

Dr. Karin sighed, "Fine I'll give you a week to come up with a decision", with that she left.

"Ne, Echizen-", started Momo.

"Leave" Ryoma turned his head away from the group. "Everyone, please leave", his shoulders' were shaking and he was biting his lips. The team looked at each other and slowly made their way out of the room. A tear slid down Ryoma's cheek, and he quickly pulled his arm upwards to stop any following, but more and more fell. By now his whole body was shaking, and he just let the tears fall.


"You know I kind of feel bad for him" said Taka.

"He looked so sad", commented Eiji. The team walked on in silence, before going their separate ways.