Chapter 1: Because You Where Late

Ryoma awoke and looked to see Karupin on his alarm clock muffling the sounds coming from it. "Erm…YAWN, hmm its 7:50." Ryoma sleepily said looking up. "I'm going back to bed." Ryoma threw his head back into his pillow and laid there. Just then everything that went on about a minute ago registered in his head. "It's7:50?" Ryoma jumped out of his bed taking off his pajamas and slipping on his uniform and socks.

"Nanako how come you didn't wake me up.", said a Ryoma who was rather annoyed.

"Oh Ryoma, well Uncle said that you didn't need to be woken up and that you were a grown boy." Nanako replied politely.

"Ryoma shot his father who was sitting at the table a glare. "Oyaji…"

"Hahaha it's not my fault you couldn't hear your alarm clock!" boomed Nanjiroh Ryoma's annoying father's voice. "You better hurry you don't want to be late." Nanjiroh mockingly said while Ryoma ate a slice of bread.

"Whatever." Ryoma said standing up and heading towards the door. "Jane Nanako." He said after passing by his cousin while grabbing his bags.

"Jane, Ryoma!" Nanako called as Ryoma made his way to the bus stop. Nanako closed the door, but soon after she spotted Ryoma's lunch on the counter. "Ah! Ryoma left his lunch I spent time making!" Nanako pouted.

Nanjiroh stood up and grabbed his magazine. "Well, that's Ryoma for ya he always forgets stuff! Hahahaha." Nanjiroh joked walking out of the house carrying his magazine with him.

"Uncle…" Nanako quietly said. "Well I'll just run and give this to Ryoma before he gets on the bus." Nanako said cheerfully. "Uncle, Aunt Rinko. I'm going to give Ryoma his lunch for today I'll be back soon."

~Where Ryoma's at~

"I'm going to be late for morning practice at this rate." Ryoma thought to himself after he had looked at his watch. Ryoma begin to stare up and down at the street, he saw and old lady walking past him and across the street. Ryoma then saw and heard a few speeding cars in the distance. "Isn't that illegal?" Ryoma thought with a puzzling face, that's when he heard sirens. The old lady was still in the middle of the street and the cars where coming right toward her. "Oh, this could be a problem." Ryoma thought.

~Where Nanako's at~

Nanako was running as fast as she could "I hope I make it in time." She slowed her pace when she heard sirens. "What could that be?" she thought. "Hmm, maybe a cop chase?" she pointed out. "No, that's not it." She said shaking her head. Then- SCREEEECH CRASHHHH! Her pace grew to stop. "What was that? It sounded like it was near the bus stop! I better hurry." She picked up her pace to high speed and flipped out her cell phone. Afraid of the scene she might find she grew paler and paler.

~Where Ryoma's at~

Ryoma thought that the old woman couldn't go at an even slower pace well he was wrong. One of her yen fell out of her bag and she STOPPED to pick it up. Ryoma twitched at this action and thought, "For crying out loud Mada Mada Dane!" (I know what Mada Mada Dane means I just thought it would be funny if Ryoma said it right there) "Ne Oba-san move there's cars coming!" Ryoma yelled, but the old lady kept reaching for her yen. "What should I do?" Ryoma thought. "Is she deaf?" The cars kept coming and where less than a mile away. "Kuso!" Ryoma ran over head down to the old lady.


(Even though I dislike POV's I thought it would be perfect for this scene)

I finally got my 500 yen ($5). Hmm, what why can't I hear myself. Oh! I know I turned my hearing aid off while I was at the grocery store. Click


(Try to imagine this as if you were right there)

(police car sirens)

Honk Honk Honk! "MOVE GET OUT OF THE WAY!" (Speeding drivers)

Ryoma was fast enough to have pushed the old lady out of the way unfortunately for Ryoma; he wasn't fast enough to get himself out of the way of the cars and – SCREEECH CRASH!

Nanako finally arrives at the scene to find… (I'll take this time to in detail tell you what happened {please Keep imagining})

Ryoma successfully pushed the old lady out of the way of the car that was trying to slow down causing a SCREECH sound. The other two car drivers were surprised by the sound causing them to CRASH into the car that was trying to slow down. The two police cars stopped behind the incident, but Ryoma was hit with the full weight of all 3 cars. Glass was smashed and some landed into Ryoma's soft skin. The old lady got safely out of the way. (lucky/blessed) The men in the 3 cars fled from the scene without anybody noticing, leaving there cars behind. (Stupid=hit & run) Nanako came rounding a corner to find her cousin in horrible & horrifying position.

Nanako looked around and saw two police officers getting out of their cars. "Excuse me, you're the police right?" without waiting for an answer she continued in a panicked voice. "That's my cousin over there he's been hit please tell me that you've already contacted an ambulance for him."

"Hai, miss we already called the ambulance" Replied one of the officers.

Nanako breathed a sigh of relief as she ran over to see too Ryoma. Now she could make the call she needed to. She dialed home and it picked up fast.

"Hello, this is the Echizen residents" Said Echizen Rinko, from the other side of the phone.

"Aunt Rinko, this is Nanako." Said Nanako preparing what she had to say for her aunt.

"What is it Nanako? I thought you where delivering something to Ryoma" Said Rinko with a slight sound of worry in her voice.

"It's about Ryoma Aunt Rinko, he was involved in a car accident" Said Nanako as easily as she could before she started to break down in tears.

Rinko dropped the phone not so hard that it would break or hang up though, just loud enough for Nanjiroh to hear it. "My son, my baby he's been hurt." Rinko murmured to herself trying to stay calm, but she couldn't and she started to cry. By this time Nanjiroh was already by her side and wondering what had happened.

"Rinko, Rinko what's wrong?" asked a puzzled Nanjiroh.

Rinko still sobbing said, "We have to go…We have to go see Ryoma! He needs us!"

"Why?" Nanjiroh didn't understand AT ALL.

Rinko pulled herself together and stated, "N-Nanako called and informed me that Ryoma has been involved in a car accident."

Rinko had still been sobbing tears, but at least she had gotten quieter. "Rinko" Nanjiroh stated. "I have to make a phone call please stay with Ryoma and Nanako, ne."

Rinko grabs the phone she dropped and tells Nanako she is on her way. "Nanjiroh" she looks at him tears swelling in her eyes then goes over to the bus stop. (The area of the incident)

"I'd better go and make that phone call." Says Nanjiroh holding back tears and patting Karupin who was wondering has his enemy surrendered. (Karupin's enemy = Nanjiroh)

A/N: I'm sorry to all the Ryoma fans. I'm one too I just like it when he gets hurt. Even during the show, it shows a side I love about him. =.= I sound crazy… Please Review this story and if not for me for me for Ryoma. The next chap. is coming soon, so please look forward to it and don't hate me okay. ^-^ I worked hard for your enjoyment. (Spent months writing this story)